Stop burning fossil fuels.
Stop burning fossil fuels
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stop making projects that fail
Get back to work Elon
This dude has some KHAN in him.
>burns cash instead.
Why doesn't this cuck just freeze fossil fuels to cancel out the burning? Why are libcucks so retarded?
No. Oil is renewable. Fuck off.
Exxon Mobile, please leave.
Stop being bald.
fix the squeak in my door, faggot.
Gib sunny clay.
He looks much better older, regardless of hair.
Men age like wine, women like milk.
you first.
Why are bots spamming this board with anti Elon musk threads? Probably because he's taking the first steps to killing the oil industries. Zionist are next on his list. Beware satanic money worshipping globalist.
Then actually *build* better batteries, instead of just imagining them.
Why is everything you come up with still on the drawing board, yet you get hailed as the greatest mind alive. You're fucking Jules Verne, mate. You're the guy who thought up Dyson Spheres, larping as the guy who thought up and *built* bagless vacuum cleaners - that dude might actually change the world. And he didn't need to staple his pubes to his forehead to face the world either.
What a featureless face.
>Stop burning fossil fuels.
>Pay out the ass for overpriced electrical car whose battery components were strip mined by Chinese corporations in Africa
>Start plugging your electrical electrical grids powered with burnt fossil fuels.
>ultimately increase carbon footprint on the world so you can pretend that you care about the environment.
Sounds like a plan faggot.
If ("(you)" && "bot")
Pick one
Make me an electric Jeep that feels the same and makes fun noises like a real engine
why I can pick both and be in the right
>genuinely believing oil comes from spoopy 10 gorillion year old dinosaur bones
>not realizing it’s a naturally occurring and replenishing resource that the elite made up a story for so it costs a lot of money
He never failed.
when you need the government to bail you out you have failed
This user gets it.
How do you know his plan wasn't to lose money and get bailed out all along? Then he has not failed in his aim.
How do you think the electricity is made that powers your teslas elon?
Just get us to Mars so we can establish it as a white homeworld fuck head.
He never had a government bail him out.
>outplayed by a leaf
Hey Josh
We should honestly be working towards alternative, renewable fuel sources. It's gonna run out eventually, and if we don't have a plan in place, we're fucked. If we haven't found a replacement for crude oil by the time it gets down to it's last reserves, the end of the world will happen.
The sooner we stop sucking OPEC's cock, the better
Stop making gay electric cars.
Stop taking government handouts.
Eat trucks of shit.
stop promising shit you can't deliver.
by the way in regards to landing a rocket.
Some very basic napkin math tells us you're an idiot and so is everyone who agrees with you.
There are 253 million cars in the US. A Tesla S battery takes 63 kg of Lithium to produce. So replacing each car with an electric car brings us to 16 billion kg of Lithium, or 1.6 billion metric tons of Lithium. Adding up the Lithium reserves of the top ten players or so gives us a total of just under 14.5 million metric tons of Lithium. So we're short by about a factor of 100 there.
And keeping in mind that this only accounts for cars in the US, we can see why this is all just a terrible idea if we want to apply it on a global scale. Electric cars are not the future.
And all we examined was lithium reserves we didn't even touch on energy costs from charging those 250 or so million cars for 10 hours every night. It roughly works out to each US city having at least one nuclear plant dedicated solely to charging electric cars.
Sorry, meant 16 million metric tons required and 14.5 million metric tons available. Still missing lots and lots Lithium though.
Fusion/fission is the best future. Bicycles are the alternative future. Massive population reduction is the worst future. All other forms are unsustainable.
Ignoring the emissions argument (done to death) its still obvious that electric cars are objectively better in many, many ways as a car for general population. Faster, simpler, more reliable (speculative), cheaper to build (speculative) and charge rates on the tesla model S (old tech now!) of 150 miles in 30 minutes. Making good progress and theres charging points everywhere.
Us car nerds with our tinkering habits and fire spitting nutter mobiles wont want to see our fuel burners go though, so no, i wont stop burning fossil fuels, thanks very much.
If everyone had their electric car / truck / van / whatever then the emissions problem is in the hands of whoever builds the power stations. If they really cared about emissions then its exclusively their problem and they can sort it.
Electric car good. Banning fossil fuels bad.
Also, on the elon musk money burner thing, i suspect the us gov is throwing money at him to distance themselves from the big oil companies. Thats a guess though.
Make us
...Didnt know that. Fuck
>electric cars are objectively better in many, many ways as a car for general population
not surprising you'd say this given you can drive from one side to the other in your cunt in under a day
I definitely agree that fusion/fission is the future. We're talking about many factors of ten times more efficient in MJ/kg for the fuel itself and in terms of matching baseload demand. Plus unlike solar and wind it only fluctuates as much as you want it to using control rods and can be easily integrated into the grid.
How will I power my tesla tho
Nuke plants are the only way. I can do more napkin math if you'd like but I should really be studying for my finals
>the worlds biggest welfare recipient
Stop ruining cars ya cunt.
>tfw i am environmentalist
>tfw i am socially and culturally conservative
tfw conservative parties are bunch of retards that dont realise the importance of preserving our planet
tfw i still vote for them because preventing immigration and sjw policies is more acute problem but at the same time i wish they stopped gobbling on dicks of oil or coal industries
The general population does not drive from coast to coast every day
Charge time / mile is decreasing rapidly with each new battery technology
New battery technology advances are happening rapidly
Charging points are very plentiful (here)
If you dont want one, dont buy one. Noones got a gun to your head.
Oil isnt a fossil fuel, its a mineral. Dont be a kike
If we had decent batteries it would be nice. Behind Lithium ion next runner up is lead acid, with 1.5-2 times lower energy density (in MJ/kg). So you'd be charging the thing twice to three times more frequently. Plus it's also worse density in terms of MJ/L so there's that problem too. Current battery research is focused on minute gains in the energy density of Li batteries and hasn't produced any groundbreaking results in terms of materials.
Tesla model 3 for the week, and with all that hippie earth hugging polar bear cred it gets me, and the money i save from owning one, ill get the biggest most offensive excessive noisy v8 i can get.
Which in the uk is probably a 3.5L rover engined 4x4. PHOOARRR
I mean if you like going fast you're still absolutely right in that a Model S will flat out smoke a lot of gas guzzlers. It's all about the torque curve, and electric motors have one that's almost linear instead of flattening out like combustion engines. But we still literally don't have enough Lithium for electric cars to be a thing in the US, let alone the world.
Tell me, how exactly are Elon's government subsidymobiles something by chance burned at a power plant?
Does that distance between the source and where it is used actually make it more or less efficient?
>not having a nuclear plant buried under your house
It's like you don't even want the energy revolution to happen
>le it's more sustainable to buy a disposable new car that requires nickel and cadmium mining than an old V8 chevy truck that you can fix yourself, is built to last 350,000 miles and is then recycled for parts meme
Pic Related is how real men get around...everything else is just a cuckmobile
I suppose i should have been less generic and more specific. I dont think the battery tech has made vast leaps (afaik the charge rate of a typical electric car lithium ion pack is still around 1C) but the combination of higher capacity battteries and higher power charge stations are giving a faster charge time per mile.
Assuming 1c charge
100kwh battery is 1hr to charge at 100kw and gets you 300 miles
200kwh battery is 1hr to charge at 200kw and gets you 600 miles
So a ten minute 'fuel stop' now takes you twice the distance.
Batteries much half the price because economies of scale.
Consumer realises same cost now takes him twice the distance.
^Very easy to maths round numbers because no degree but you get the idea
too bad I can't buy a really expensive bike because rapefugees just love to steal them
Yep. Burn coal make electric.
If you dont like that then i guess you gotta tear down the coal plants and build nuclear.
OR, if youre on the 'global warming is a myth' side of the fence, who cares. light em up and crank out the amps.
In all seriousness though, 250 million cars (US) times 100 kWh (tesla battery) per day is a lot. We'd add 25 GWh to the grid every day. A major city uses maybe 60-70 GWh per day so basically we're adding a third of a city plus losses. But that's just assuming this is all spread out evenly throughout the day when in fact most charging for electric cars happens at night. So to allow everybody to get home from work and plug in their cars all at once is basically a logistical nightmare.
Figure out how to not dig up rare earth minerals and ship them across the globe without using fossil fuels in order to make batteries first faggot. Such a dumb fucking 1 line thread.
Overall good logic. The only problem is charging. If you want a battery to last more than a few charges and discharges, charging rate matters. For a bunch of reasons and math it basically works out to 10%. So a 100 kWh battery takes 10 hours to safely charge, a 1000 kWh battery takes 100 hours and so on. Increasing battery size doesn't actually help unless you wanna throw the thing away and buy a new one every month. Keeping in mind that the battery is the most expensive part of the car I don't think this works for most consumers.
We would if the establishment would stop suppressing free Earth energy development.
"In 2015 the total US consumption of electric energy was 4,144.3 Terawatt hours"
Theres way to many zero'es in this equation considering how much ive drank right now but it doesnt look like that big a deal for the US.
I can tell you that the UK uses 2/3rds of its electric at night so chuck that in there too.
Someone maths this
stip wasting our litium
Could I get a virgin car driver vs. chad cyclist anyone?
That's easier said than done m'kay?
It's turning out that magnesium is the go to element for solid state batteries that'll hold twice the charge and more stable than lithium.
Pic related is a rough drawing of electrical energy demand curves in the US. The problem is more centered around the fact that all this happens at night. Aside from which we run into energy losses over distance, etc. The figures I threw out there were very rough and I've been tending to estimate these conservatively instead of rounding up.
Beyond that we run into logistics of charging- for example in major US cities most people park on the street not in a garage. Where do we put those fancy Tesla chargers then? And other questions along this line.
the electricity that goes into his cars come from generators that use fossil fuels
Supercharging your battery to 80 - 90% state of charge will not damage your battery on a continual basis. - Tesla service bulletin
That last 10% is what does it. but the tesla lot know not to go right to the top on the superchargers anyway. And most people charge overnight on the trickle chargers. Fast charging is not an issue for life.
The charge time and range arguments are no longer valid except for those who dont like the half hour stops. And those half hour waits will soon be 20 minutes... 15... ect.
I've actually gotta go mate, I have three finals this week and I haven't studied a lick all weekend. Just wanted to say that it's been a pleasure; this has actually been one of the most decent conversations I've had on this site in months. If you wanna debate more or just talk about whatever shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can really get into the shit once my winter break starts. Cheers!
Nothing against powerplants, but as far as cars are concerned, you could just burn the fuel where it is being used and increase efficiency. Global warming is real btw.
>Also this
Enjoy the toxic soup your groundwater will become once all that stuff is put in landfills and leaks out...I'd rather have the extra greenhouse gas emissions over undrinkable water.
>there's millions of traffic on Sup Forums
>I happened to run into my faggy friend
Best of luck with the finals dude - go smash it. Im not a keen emailer but im active enough here.
I powered through the alcoholism - Excel says if we all woke up tomorrow morning and every car in the us had 100kwh battery pack and drained it by the end of the day then you'd need 6* the power to be produced compared to the day before.
CBA to work out what thats gonna cost. Probably not under-the-sofa change.
wow you must be really thick in the head
It is renewable. You run out you drill for more.
where do you think dead things end up?
It's not fast enough.
Succeeding at failing is still failing.
nuclear is our best option, no contest
>makes mass produced green car
>no one can afford
people still use paypal. Tesla is profitable even though government is helping, government helps oil bussinesses too. SpaceX is profitable as well. I don't see any fails?
Mars is the fail
'burn the fuel where it is being used and increase efficiency'
Not sure thats a valid comparison. Dont know of any petrol burning power stations nor any coal burning cars.
Don't worry Saudibro, you'll get especially fucked in the inevitable big energy crisis. As soon as the wells stop producing you have literally nothing to bargain with. The US and the EU will not have any reason to put up with your bullshit and you can kiss your international cloak of support goodbye.
What is wrong with Mars
And as above, nuclear power is the best power source about. But i dont see a car company building a nuke plant under the bonnet of a car. Good lord, no airbag gonna save you in that wreck...