What does the pic even mean?

What does the pic even mean?

Other urls found in this thread:


It means FashWave is autistic and embarrassing.





and this



so tell us what is hip and cool then

I can tell you the many things that aren't. FashWave is one of them.

behold! Brendan

Don't know. Did you make it yourself OP?

I'm not sure I care..sorry I won't reply to this thread any more. I will just Return to the main page and hide this thread. C ya.

This. We should all watch more BBC programming instead.

the entire thing is being co-oped by christian cringe retards that turn it more into a religious shit then actual shit like this

they took my gf (which i never had but i deserve to have)

>i deserve to have
thats fatty talk user


And globalism teaches you to hate yourself for shit you’ve never done and to love people unconditionally when they’ve done nothing to deserve it. What’s your point, pussy?

Remember last thread when everyone called you retarded because you didn't understand? You decided to make your own thread about it? jesus memeflag.

>I can tell you many things that aren't.
yep that sounds about right shut the fuck up

tell us what you think is cool

Fashwave is.
Remember growing up with the general consensus that disco was gay and degenerate as fuck?
Remember hearing Staying Alive and cringing about it?
>I've been kicked around since I was born
>But now it's all right, that's okay
>You may look the other way
>We can try to understand
>The New York Times' effect on man

Whenever someone's telling you that fashwave is autistic and embarrassing, remember that disco used to be redpilled before the Hollyjew played the double agent by queering it up and promoting (((cool))) alternatives.

>that pic
Relevant: theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-the-system-s-neatest-trick

gas kikes

>edgy art thread posing as something political to fill the slide quota

that's what the picture means

nah, globalism is consumerism, it's "ME ME ME ME ME"-style selfishness at it's purest.

>It's not about society, fuck society, the GDP boost from free trade outweighs any loss in national pride/security/manufacturing-base.
>Migrants/Immigrants also provide cheaper goods/services for middle-class white-collar professionals like me
>who cares how that GDP boost is distributed, or the issues with low wages in the service sector, or a saturated labor market, I BENEFIT SO FUCK YOU.

I'd argue that the neoliberal antifa-faggots your strawman image shows are sentimental retards who don't know what they want. Like most libertarians or ancaps on Sup Forums they fail to see the contradictions in their own ideology, likely because they're both (the ancaps/lolbertarians and the antifaggots) stupid normie kids.

it means the Aryan must awaken
t .kike

you mistyped authentic and empowering

You have to find the Black Sun


yet another whites wuz kangs from the "aryan" brigade even though it's obvious aryan means noble and basically no whites fit this criterion bc they don't read the vedas. whites are basically kikes and that's why they hate them so much. it's like looking into a mirror & knowing you should have known better.

See that on the Fashwave thread on /wg/ I take it?
This is what I think it means:
Remember the good times, What represents nature, They represents Europeans, Took represents white mans achievement, From represents white mans architecture and dedication to faith, You represents war and causes to believe in. In that instance fighting communism is a noble pursuit that all whites should take part in to eradicate its anti white attitude.

>even though it's obvious
>even though I have no idea what I am talking about I will act like I do so I can try and seem smarter than someone else

gas yourself faggot you got no clue what Aryan means, you have no clue what anything means. They have you so deep in the matrix, you don't even the mental capacity to understand the real meaning of words

So you don't know


Hail the Black Sun.

Words describe thoughts, ideas, if someone uses a word you think means one thing, which they trained you think, and you never thought of what the real word means, you have no capacity to understand when people are using their meaning or what they are saying. See how this works?

beautiful brother

I hope you will visit our YT channel and publication

We will show everything, we have such secrets to show you desu

I agree my fellow go-...white!

We can teach you to fight the dark ones, make you powerful show you the magic


cowards and idiots have only negative things to say, they're too afraid to take a stand on what they think is good

no, you need two locks:

one around his wrists

the other around his ankles

Otoyos tanto needs to look like a lightsaber or something.

It means (((THEY))) are trying to steal everything from the white man. Culture, achievements, women, etc.

>moon landing

This desu. My tumblr was similar to this style 2011. 2017 is all about runway models

>being this stupid

You really think the Russians would have let them get away with faking it?

>And globalism teaches you to hate yourself for shit you’ve never done and to love people unconditionally when they’ve done nothing to deserve it.
Well said.

Patriotism/Nationalism also teaches us to care about people we've never met - our fellow citizens - which is the flip side of the "hate people you've never met" thing (which to be fair, does have some at least some truth to it) that they tend to leave out.

This "I don't care about my fellow country-men and women any more than I do about strangers on the other side of the world. We're all equal! Love has no borders!!!" thing is usually just a way for people to reject their fellow citizens while still allowing themselves to feel virtuous. it's phony. It's egotism masquerading as altruism.

Pretending to care about everyone is really a way of caring about no one.

you have a lot to learn, guy

Are you this fucking retarded?
>Remember what they took from you
>Healthy society
Now owned by the kikes
Everything burned and killed to continue the spic nigger cycle
Your sisters and duagthers are whored out by kies to niggerball players and other shit
the daring science and exploration now only exists to breed more untermenschen
ZOGbots now go and die for israel

are you retarded?

What if the Russians were fooled as-well.

He believes in the nation state meme

That's a good one. This is meaningful.

> culture of critique

>henry ford
The faggot who profited selling cars to both sides during the war. Also the faggot who sued the american goverment for bombing his factories in germany.
He is the literal definition of international jew

>The faggot who profited selling cars to both sides during the war
>The faggot who was American, but knew the truth so was trying to help the Germans stop the kike commies from destroying western civilization

stfu you colossal imbecile

mkay lol

He sold to both sides because if he didn't sell to his own country he'd be in deep shit. Ford was a big time kike hater which is why I'm guessing you're so angry at him jewboy.
