How is National Socialism not a religion?

Redpill me /pol.

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religions are businesses that concoct some bullshit story that's just vague enough for cretins to swallow, but which also enforces some strict regimen which is just sadistic enough for the bankers to sell to those that enforce the laws of the otherwise secular population. Anyone with any intelligence is then jailed or killed until the population in general genetically decays into a mob of cretins willing to work destroying their own written history; including going to war against some other population that believes in some other bullshit story invented by some other mafia in some other land.

So the question becomes: Why would anyone consider NatSoc a religion and demean it in such a way?


National Socialism is about truth, your people and imagining greater hights while going through to achieve that. Telling the truth like a religion is possible but the truth is not a fantasy. Imagining can be classified as fantasy but putting the effort in and achieving at least something you imagined is not a fantasy. Hitler had an idea, Hitler came to power and he implemented that idea until it was destroyed by people who were working with whom it advocated against. Lies, Usury, Corruption of culture or media, Greed, Degeneracy and Manipulation was imported into Germany by Jews and it was like a leech sucking the country dry of blood and causing infections.

are you really that stupid?

Do you have a pdf for the class, user? It's not polite to keep your brothers in the dark.

Is it worth reading? I seem to remember S. Flowers being highly regarded in some occult circles.

Would also be interested.

Hitler tried to make Germany free of the central Jewish banks debt slavery. That failed after they lost, got raped, genocided by the Soviets and Allies, treated like villains, treated like fools and constantly lied about.

Its a meme for retarded societal rejects and third world brown people

Holy shit, it's molymeme

>believing jewpedia bullshit.

It's close enough to one. Christianity is incompatible with Blur und Boden, so Himmler instituted a pseudo-historical tradition. He took elements of paganism and ascribed new esoteric meanings to them that jived better with what Natsoc was doing.

Look up the thule society and SS sun worship

Because it's a political ideology.

Flowers is the Man; while I may utilize a pdf now and again, i always purchase a hardcopy because this guy is postgraduate level awesome, and I support him

I think he wanted a link to one if possible, as do I.
It's a 70 dollar book, so it'd be worth checking out before spending that much.

Also, anyone know of readings on rituals or magic they did after violence. I have heard that Himmler was researching methods of sacrifice and rituals that would exonerate, or purify, those who committed violence. Perhaps it is in this book.

if you are looking for ritual that incorporates harm to animals, you will not find it with Flowers. The Temple of Set forbids harm to innocent beings for the purposes of black magic, and only publishes anything remotely related in purpose of historical accuracy, but curses the idiot who would think to benefit from such crude procedures.

No, violence against other humans. The rituals after this meant to purify the act and spirit of the person who did the violence.

National socialism says nothing about the existence of deities or the afterlife.