HE CONFESSED! He can call his own Twitter feed “Fake News” as much has he wants, the traitor still confessed!!
HE CONFESSED! He can call his own Twitter feed “Fake News” as much has he wants, the traitor still confessed!!
Wish we could keep these morons out.
drumpfags on suicide watch
Guess their slapping the cuffs on Now?
How will we ever recover? lol
You know the left is desperate when this is the best they can come up with.
This is how we mine the salt out of their tears. I am making a fortune selling salt.
Look. I know it was hard for you to see the Flynn story blow up due to the blatant dishonesty of ABC, but just because that was taken away doesn't mean that you're entitled to a huge new huge story. It just makes you sound pathetic. ShareBlue needs to get better.
Inb4 1 post by this id
give it a few weeks, maybe a months or two. First they will take Kushner.
this your first President to fall? Those of us who remember Nixon know to be a little more patient - apart from anything else you have to allow for trump's ego to collapse as well.
mind you the probability is he will be declared unfit and removed by the cabinet first.
>low-budget shills still think plebbit-flags help them "blend in."
Ironic faggotry is still faggotry, faggot. Go back to Sup Forums.
>Blonald Blumpf is finished for the 1000x time.
You cant shill your delusions into reality
>the guy who got fired for lying is caught lying by the FBI
>hallucinating that Trump did anything wrong
Then why has nothing been done to him? If it is so cut and dry that even a retard like you can see it, then why has not one of the people who have spent over a year trying to find something not started to file charges?
lol, tard thinks because an anchor made a mistake the charges will go away...
this coming from a toothpaste flag
You will never get an answer.
seriously this is literally the end he is finished for 9978883899366288928th time he can't recover from this
>says increasingly faggot cuck forth the 7th time!
Yup, you got him, this is it.
Sorry, just trying to derail this faggot shill thread.
Fuck off neocon. Your system is crumbling down. Accept that your man made rapture is bust.
Grow up. Lurk more.
then don't post without sage, mongrel.
I can feel your butthurt all the way here. It really is the best timeline - degenerates constantly btfo.
you don't know how this works do you? first you get the little fish to talk, then you get the big ones on the hook. Flynn got a slap on the wrist with a really small rap sheet - no details, no big charges (they could have easily gone for years of jail time.) why? Because he can give Mueller someone bigger.
who is bigger?
Kushner, Pence and Trump.
Flynn's testimony will put them all away.
why does it matter where I am working? (I work for an american firm in France - so what?) I still know about this stuff, and remember how long it took to get Nixon.
Checked. Saged.
>falling for obvious bait for the 6,000th time
Fucking bandwaggon faggots
He'll have 2 terms
Wow, you are lost forever. You are too far gone it is impossible for you to get back to reality.
He LIED INTENTIONALLY. No mistake. And second there are no charges. There are no crimes. Trump has LITERALLY done absolutely NOTHING WRONG AT ALL. You people truly are fucking psycho. EVERYTHING you say about Trump is based on lies and your feelings. There isn’t one single solitary bit of reality to justify your psychotic hatred and delusions of criminality. Hillary on the other hand has MOUNDS of incontrovertible, admitted FELONIES. You really are crazy. I mean BATSHIT CRAZY.
Flynn charged with lying. That completely destroys his credibility for the prosecution.
And it doesn't seem anything we can do will bring them to reality.
>Quads if Truth
If the little fish talked, you wouldn’t know about it. I’m glad that you’ve seen a lot of Hollywood movies and what not, but irl if you “ratted” on somebody of this magnitude, the charges would’ve never leaked. You wouldn’t have known about the Flynn charges until AFTER the Trump indictment.
You are a moron.
Guess beung in france limits your use of actual news and are a boomer in pure denial. Flynn has nothing on Trump. What the FBI has is unfiled paper work which was during obama's admin on top of a common everday slip up. Listen to Lionel Nation and he can give you all the epressed details to make your panties twist.