/balk/ First Snow Edition

Hello, how is everyone

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Reminder that serbs are turks

None of you are Turks and none of you were raped.

I was once diaspora too my friend. I understand your frustration as you struggle with your identity
>I understand

I hope every one has a nice Christmas this year, except the Albanians and Turks.

I bet you do understand you Turk.

Serbturkians on suicide watch

How do we split it?

What city did your family escape from? Did we leave anyone alive?

^actually this
doe it does spawn nice memes and balkan flame wars

you can have the green parts

See: Easiest way - Then convert the Muslims

Guys these Bosniaks are arrogant faggots just report their posts ........they are literally worse than that Albonigger using a Russian proxy.

Also, war predictions, when?

>hear about my great grandfather being a member of Maria Theresa's cavalry
>think nothing of it for a long time
>decide to Google it one day
>"The 22nd SS Volunteer Cavalry Division was a German Waffen SS cavalry division which was active on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. The division is commonly known under the Maria Theresia name in publications."

I still think the timelines don't add up.

white serbs

With a nuke.

There are no living serbturkians nearby, my family threw them into a pit and forgot about them it seems.

Yellow to serbs, green and red to croats, Usora becomes major world power by itself.


A cherry pick of a girl that is using a shitton of foundation and is using a filter on top......

Nice projection Emir you are enourmously butthurt it seems.

Fine, gonna go out in an hour or so and grab a beer with a mate
How are you gents doing, did anyone get any snow yet ?

Man,who even cares.Unironically.
If you werent a bitch youd own up to being shitskin

What are you drinking tonight, Hrvoje?

i might just say "hey whatever"









I hate snow it's cold, wet and it gets everywhere

Serbs are not white,we are brown lol.

Snowed yesterday here in Belgrade. Only a little of it remains on roofs tho.

I am not a Shitskin and i dont deny that a lot of people down south look very Dark but its whatever its been proven the only 2 Haplos that are dominant are either Balkanite and Slavic in our country so you can keep projecting about us being turks but it wont make it true no matter how much force you put into proving that it is.

Sincerely leave this thread nobody wants you here.

neat pic. thanks for posting

We have snow here.

Thats pretty much the standard white here in the balkans so i dont know whats the point of your post.

>Imagine being this butthurt

>imagine being this brown

Pic related,the Northern Serbs who LARP as being super different than the rest of Serbs.


>le 56% talking about being brown

>first snow



This is from the last study a serb posted trying to claim they aren’t Turks, instead he proves me correct. I then go through the study he posted and find that serbs are in fact Turks.

Well we are different. I have a lot Danube Swabian blood but I still consider myself a Serb.

I got absolutely hammered last night, was drinking until 7 in the morning. Popij jedno za mene.

not in the south though. yet.

>masking the sadness of never experiencing a comfy winter wonderland with laughter
lmaoing at you kamene



Why so serious bulg?


I am an Anglo American

probably staropramen, but I might cop-out and opt for some coffee instead since I am supposed to finish a paper for the upcoming week

Where's my friend the Albanian with Russian flag? Does he use an American proxy now?


wait aren't Romanians supposed to be gyppos then why are they whiter than they're neighbors

Sure you are.

>well we are different
Yes we have mostly Brown hair instead of Black hair,and our Skin looks natural,unlike Southerers,who have unnatural Greyish skin.


He got banned on his Russian proxy yesterday i think so he changed it to something else.

Serbturkians were raped for centuries

And i was refering in the bulg in picture, why would i talk to mutt in balk thread

No, all that proves is that Turks have a lot of Serbian blood. Fromm all the Janisers that cucked the standard Turk male.

>not knowing the common bulgar name kamen

what about the Hungarians?

They probably didnt collect the data from an area with considerable gyppo population or it was a year when most of them were gone stealing and begging abroad....who knows...

by God. I like Albanians bc they are pro-American. Total bros.
yes congrats on looking like russians

Bulgarians like to name their children after hard materials.

>I like Albanians
Yeah because you are one Tonibler.

ofcourse subhuman american mutts talk about how Serbs are turks.

gtfo NATO

If you emigrate, never stay more than 5 years abroad. Make sure your children learn the mother tongue first, English second. Make it clear to your wife that this is temporary and that she'll be returning with you to the Balkans in no time.
Don't let your family end up retarded as these hopeless diaspora faggots.

I'm fucking your sister right now. STFU



They got their dicks cut off so they couldn’t breed. Nice try cuck.
They were always nigs.

Imagine your life's that shitty you have to troll/bait for something like that, honestly kys, though suicidal thoughts are probably crossing your mind all the time during this brilliant "le _ is not white" shit, kys kike/mudslime

What do /balk/'s parents think of Tito?

> Serbs aren't Turks, the Turks are Serbian


pathetic insult from a pathetic faggot

Angry Turk detected

You're just jealous of our creative names, aren't you?

Koji kurac bugari?

Is it easy to bang chicks in the Balkan when you're a stranger?

Albanians are ok in Albania

t. beton pesokov

>mongol alcoholilc son of a whore calling anyone degenerate

I was at a weeding in Belgrade like 3 weeks ago, there was a LOT of home-made rakija, had like 14 shots of it during the wedding, pa sam se borio za život u nedjelju haha

I was surprised that the wedding started quite early, around like 16-17 h, is that how weddings usually work in Serbia ?


You are the bavaroalbanian aren't you? My god are the biggest autist on whole Sup Forums mate.

>their shirts
Wait a fucking seconds, thoose aren't Serbs thoose are Bulgarians.
Is this guy even a fucking Bosniak? Are we being fucking baited here?

Our parents are delusional, senpai. The are not able to conceive the instability of our times, or to recognize the challenges that our generation faces today. They go on about how everything was better back then, practically scolding us, like it was our fucking fault the country collapsed.

dude i am talking to serbs why are you getting involved literally no one gives a shit about romania

strawman,didn't call you degenerate but a subhuman mutt faggot

Now you are calling Russians bad and saying that Slovenes are mongol rape-babies ..........yeah you are an 'Anglo-American' for sure.

no stop being paranoid. i am an american anglo with albanian bf


my condolences friend


Because everybody hates siptars equaly.
Even fucking siptars.

yes, it starts from the morning for newlyweds and their close family though, they have to pass through all those customs before wedding and whatnot

I want to be Serb. What do?

Worthless, short, dark-skinned neet detected

>be poor balkanshit
>convince self someone needs a specific reason to hate u
I can do this all day

kill yourself and hope for the reincarnation