Which DQ would work best as anime?

Which DQ would work best as anime?

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you know there are many manga and don't have to adapt the games right?

I'd like emblem of roto manga and its sequel to be adapted to anime

very curious that Toriyama himself never made a manga.

I think he made some short ones that were included with the games

but he never made any long manga after dbz

and why would he? he made enough money to not have to work for the rest of his life

V, no doubt about that

Didn't they already make a movie for that?

V already has an anime

If we are talking in manga terms, Emblem of Roto is better than Dai no Daiboken, since Dai is pretty repetitive
>fight a group of bad guys and defeat them 1 by 1
>fight their boss
>their boss respect you and join your group
>their boss becomes useless

if were are speaking in games terms, DQ 5 is pretty emotional story and does "the hero's journey" formula amazingly

DQ 8 is also pretty good, but I don't see how it can be adapted because there are so many things to cover unless it becomes a long runner like One piece and Naruto

yeah, but it barely covered anything from the manga

DQ3 with an all female party.
And they all wear bikinis.