Sup Forums, be honest are we the good guys?

Sup Forums, be honest are we the good guys?


Depends on your agenda.

Good guys finish last
We're number 1

i dont believe in "good"

Which answer would be more terrifying?

I'd say it's more of a necessary evil.

history is written by the victors.

Good or not, we’re the underdog

Yes. We are the good guys.

we goodt


This underdog has a red rocket

we are all here to cause a shitstorm but we all have different agendas.

If your only reason for beeing here is to start a fire then your not good.

But if youre here to start a fire for a good reason then your agenda is good and you are one of the good guys.


Remember, for teh lulz and to start the fire

Does it matter?

I don't know about you guys, but i'm a good boy.

Free speech is always good.

You don't believe in morality? That's quite a slippery slope.

>boomer adrenochrome harvesting when??

History has no "good guys" and "bad guys". Only allies and enemies. /ourguys/ and (((them))).

People that think themselves the good guys have a tendency towards being the kinds of people the average person would call the bad guys.

We place truth above good or bad.

That puts us on an ascended axis to the good/bad dichotomy.

Eeeh, I mean well kinda, not really, but we are definitely not the bad ones...

Only if we win

hopefully you got against slipper slopes mate

Googled it and found this image.. guys..

We are not a collective. Some here are good and some here are bad. And each thinks the other to be bad.

No, not really. At worst, this is a board of potential terrorists, at best it's a board of people who will vote to erode human civilization as we know it until totalitarianism, corruption and violence rule all the countries they aren't ruling already. What most of this boards represents is profound, inescapable evil that will attempt to violently destroy everyone and everything trying to work towards a better future.

But, like, as far as evil goes at least it's the petty, easily comprehensible kind. There's much worse out there.

I'm here to expose the Truth and to bear witness.

>tens of millions die to liberate a self-ascribed "chosen people" from the fruit of their own hubris
>the "chosen" honor that sacrifice by plotting the wholesale destruction of the nations of their liberators and the genocide of their grandchildren
>it's illegal to notice or complain about this, as that same liberated race now own all the banks, media, and judicial systems, and will see to it you are jailed or killed for having a sense of self-preservation or honor
>dissent grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the liberators now have to hide in niche corners of the internet just to talk freely and avoid persecution

Yeah man we're clearly the evil ones. All hail the Chosen

Sort of. The truth is your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

We are, break past the Jewish lies fed to you and live as you will with views you think are true

We are the fire that burns away the rot
We are the flood that washes the filth
We are the light that brings the horror to the eyes
We dig the bones of the unavenged
And we bring from deep within the demons of your soul
We are merely the harbingers
What you do... is up to you.

God is on this side because it is infinitely funnier/cooler than the other side

God will switch sides if the other side can be cool/funny

Yes, we are the good goys

>The truth is your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

Or this one


t. faggot or jew or someone desperate to be lorded over by faggots and jews

Education niggers fuck off

>Sup Forums, be honest are we the good guys?

stay here long enough and you realize there are NO good guys

We create, not participate

To us we are. Good is relative to the individual, but that doesn't mean it is undefined. To any white person, we are the good guys, even if they don't believe it.

damn it

>are we the good guys?

We are bad. But we are brutally honest. Which makes us better than most.

Remember guys, I Sup Forums for you.

You can't be afraid to acknowledge the monsters in the shadows and to rise up and defeat them.

Humanity demands nothing less.

Would have to agree, get rid of The Donald, stormfags, edgy middle schoolers, and shills; than this place is not so bad

No, but our enemies are much worse.

No, there is a false sense of honor blanketed across the board. We dehumanize our enemies to make it less of an emotional burden to think in rules of genocide. Its pure sadism mixed with satanism, but we only need to fool ourselves. We'll see what the truth is at the end of all this.


Somewhat. Some are just cynical

political correctness IS pure evil and will not stand the test of time. at all.

>Good Boy is the King
>And His Word is the Law

Those are good goy nu/pol/ T_D losers, not representative of actual Sup Forums. That seemingly civilized "blackman" would show his true self and become a feral nigger brutally raping your wife/gf without a second thought if given the chance. Compassion for other alien races , especially Niggers, is a symptom of the Jew. The fact that nigger gamed those guys is hilarious.

I find it hard to believe that there cannot be any good batches of them somewhere.

You glowing

Maybe, but we sure know how to kick ass.

We're just actors in some faceless man's play. Almost every rising right wing personality or good idea is brought about by an individual. They absolutely play both sides, as long as you're aware and okay with knowing you're being manipulated, it doesnt matter what side youre on.

good and evil are labels, we're more like the color commentary that turns into reality



Not good.
The best.

wouldn't we just devolve into anarchy then?

no ,we are everything ,the good the bad the ugly

Dude don't be such a fucking pessimistic nigger
Even if there are far less civilized niggers I fail to believe that every single one of them is bad

Does it matter?

We are whatever we choose to be. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. You should QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. (((They))) are obsessed with suppressing our sense of the possible. There are two things that (((they))) do not want you to know above all else:

1. That who and what you really are is Pure Consciousness, which is infinite and eternal, experiencing life in a temporary human form.

2. That what we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable, which means that nothing is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself says "I'm possible!").

Now let's save the white race from extinction and prevent the end of Western Civilisation simply because we're bored and it seems like a fun thing to do!

>t. stormfront refugee incapable of forming a rational thought or offering any suggestion that might actually fix the problem they're complaining about.
I agree that blacks on average are more violent, but did it ever occur to you that the best solution to that isn't to shoot down the non-violent ones in order to let the violent ones propagate?

Sure, you'll be proven right by the end, but only because you yourself exacerbated the problem you fucking retard.

Instead of just complaining about their lower standard, try actually fucking fixing it, lest you forever remain a stormfag-tier nigger.

No, most of you are still mindless brainwashed pawns that are allowing others to think your thoughts for you while faithfully doing the will of those who aren't mindless. You aren't the good guys or the bad guys, you're can openers larping as humans.

What is the definition of good guy?

Nice copypasta.

Aren't you the aussie who thinks our illusory brains in our illusory heads are being fucked with by the illusiory fluoride pumped into the illusory water by the illusory new world order, and that this somehow has an impact on our actual consciousness?

well, most of the people here do not seem to be posting for material gain or status, so I would argue they are Idealists at the very least. Whether you think they're the "good guys" is ultimately dependent on whether their agenda and yours align and to what degree.

>history is written by the victors
>lost the only war you ever fought

No such thing as "the good guys", we do however look after our own which is more important than being "good guys".

Chaotic good

>believing in good and bad sides of history


They should have done a better job at erasing nazism.
Instead they used it as demonization, so people dug it up again.


Absolutely. Truth = Good every time. The enemy is filled with irrational hate and ignorance and lies constantly to inflict as much suffering as possible upon white men. We want their racial war against Europeans to end. We're on defense and are moral for it.

good goys? no, no the winners define who is good and we aren't winning.


I am unironically convinced that Sup Forums is saving the world and books will be written about us.

We are neither good or bad.
We exist because of the need.

>reddit spacing
>how dare u talk about race reality u stormnigger xdd
>proving my point
The "non-violent" ones are only like that because they live around Whites and thus become domesticated. Put him around his racial kin and he will revert to his natural state. Its not his fault, hes a product of his race. That was the point of his post, which bypassed the reddit good goys such as yourself. The only "solution" would be sending them back to Africa so they can be amongst their own kind, living as nature intended. Both us and the they would benefit in the long run. BUT DAT RAYCISS (your thought process ;D)

moral relativism

>Nice copypasta.


>Aren't you the aussie who thinks our illusory brains in our illusory heads are being fucked with by the illusiory fluoride pumped into the illusory water by the illusory new world order, and that this somehow has an impact on our actual consciousness?

Even though fluoride is not absolutely 'real', fluoride is still relatively 'real' when you drink it. This world is relatively 'real' when we live in it, but this world has no absolute 'realness' to it - the 'realness' of this world is contingent on us experiencing this world as being 'real'. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger.

fuck you

You are correct, we are chaotic good while Jews are lawful evil (because Jews use the legal system to legalise every crime that they commit).

fuck u

You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” Ashin Wirathu on muslims in Burma


There is no good, neither evil.
Just winners and writers of history.

We're all here because we believe doing the right thing for our people, our nation, our race.
In the end, it doesnt matter if you've been kind or evil. In the end, you will be happy because you will have done the right thing, or you will be sad because you didnt succeed.

Victory is all that matters.

Not good, neither evil.

We believe in victory. We believe in our ideals and what is good for us and our people. We dont believe in the good, or the bad.
That's how it is I think.

Furthering humanity is a dangerous goal in itself

but our enemies are worse


depends on who you ask

>still buying into the (((good vs evil))) false dichotomy

this seems to be correct

What goes around comes around, nigger. Nice trips, though.