ITT: God Tier MC Character designs




>have mc have a leaf hair
>let him wear a hakama with leaves on it
>god tier


I'm a killer for tasteful military chic

Your talking as if there's anyone in the medium that looks like him

>this guy can dodge super sonic attacks and react to them

>couldn't kick togame away from gun shots

This is why i don't watch anime

Can't even stay consistent with its own logic



>kicks her away from the gunshot
>she fucking explodes or just straight up dies from being shoved that hard

a bloo bloo bloo something something Mum something something Brother
I'm really good at Alchemy because of my Dad or something

Not the MC



I wish my hair looked that good when it was poofy


He literally did the same thing in that episode with the lazy katana with light speed sword attacks

Some slow ass bullets should be enough for him to adjust his kick strength

what are you even talking about? he was never able to dodge bullets, which is why he got shot up vs Emonzaemon


Fluff was not just fluff after all.

How the fuck can you react to super sonic sword attacks ans dodge but can't avoid a few bullet shots?

>which is why he got shot up vs Emonzaemon

Firstly he was choosing not to avoid them and secondly that was completely different, he was shooting hundreds of bullets then


>Why can the guy who mastered the ultimate 'anti-sword' martial arts able to fight swordsmen so well?
Also Shichika didn't just 'choose' to get hit by the bullets. He says that he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge all of them, so he resolved to take them from the start.
And going back to your original question, Shichika not only didn't know Emonzaemon was going to shoot togame in the first place, that was the first time he had seen the guns in action. He had no idea what they could do.

Fucking this.

ITT: Shows that were meaningless and told a story of nothing but failures and jobbers

Kek imagine i had to wait for months for episodes

It wasn't even a "MC fucked up" type of plot, literally everyone failed and nothing changed in the end

>what is a motif


ain't seen in this years but what was the point of the main chick having purple eyes with a plus sign randomly pop up?


it's a sign of when she is or isn't being devious/sinister/lying

>Katanagatari was meaningless

The funny thing is I don't think you understand how right you are.

`Oh man, Katanagatari is something I enjoy more than It has so many flaws, but it's one of those series that charms me to forget about those.

It was literally the sign/spark of ambition in her eye. It tended to pop up when she was scheming, since all she did was intended for the endgame, so to speak.

Katanagatari played up the literary devices very obviously, which made for a certain elegance in visuals and storytelling.

Best boy right here

>mc character
where do you get one of those?
at the automatic atm machine?