Slaps your bum and gives you a kiss on the cheek then asks you to bend the knee....
bear in mind she is an alien invader.
seriously how far do you go to preserve this world?
Slaps your bum and gives you a kiss on the cheek then asks you to bend the knee
answer the bloody question,do you bend the knee or fight?
Not gonna happen. That bitch is gonna get dropkicked in the titty.
I would fuck her.
I would submit to the space Nazi. Especially if she wanted to cuddle me to death.
>answer the question
Bardock absolutely answers the question on how you deal with alien invaders.
I know she could rip my head off or laser beam me or whatever but could you resist just trying?
I would consider myself gay if I didn't try even if it killed me...spider brain I guess.
I would bend the knee and eat her ass in a heartbeat
Is it just me or does that costume look amazing?
you betray the human race for some sexy chick?
I really hope they don't send sexy alien chicks because we would all be doomed.
>do you bend the knee or fight?
lol I'd immediately ask for my trenchcoat and demand to know when we start purging
>I really hope they don't send sexy alien chicks because we would all be doomed.
Invading nymphos from outer space hell ya. The only force that can stop the user army.
Wait this is real? Sauce?
I thought it was an edit.
"Yes Mistress. May I kiss your feet?"
Ep 2 was the best, but 3 was pretty funny. Apparently Supergirl has the worst fight choreographers.
They all did. I would much rather if Earth X was the one to win. Way better writing and more compelling story.
Only if I get to be her man while she shits on people
bitch is a twig and has no hips or tits
you know you could take a break from being a fucking leaf sometimes m8?
that is the perfect woman and thats why it makes you angry?
kneeling is gonna be a problem, you see gassing all of those kikes has left a nasty cramp in my leg. so i shall not be kneeling.
Supergirl, the flash, arrow and legends of tomorrow mid-season crossover. Honestly the "nazi earth" that they go to seems pretty good ngl.
>no hips
>no tits
>perfect woman
Bet you're going to be really disappointed when you find out she doesn't have a cock. Might even earn her some acid in the face, eh buddy?
The worst part of it was that "nazi earth" was all dark and stormy for no reason, all of the nazis constantly hid their faces (for no reason), and there were still camps despite the war being won in the 40s. Man in the High Castle had a much more realistic aesthetic.
Typical soyboy scared of a real woman, you probably only like skinny girls. Pic related is what real men wants to fuck. Only real men can dominate that beast, i.e. you can't.
The characters seemed so much cooler aswell, you could tell they tried to make it seem like hell but I thought the characters made it seem like hard times create strong people. The fucking close up shots of the poofters kissing was so forced it was funny.
pick your battles lad. you ain't gonna win here.
Also the relationship between arrow and supergirl was goals as fuck.
Juden-Felicity was hilarious. Accent shifting Lance was odd.
>The fucking close up shots of the poofters kissing was so forced it was funny.
Super camp Wentworth Miller was great though. He should replace the spic dude on Arrow. And was it just me, or did he cringe when he was forced to kiss the dude?
If the prize is a 20-something-year-old woman with the body of an 11-year-old boy then, by all means, the victory is yours.
I see the negro is challenged by reading comprehension.
Wenworth Miller is a great actor but he seemed uncomfortable in the kissing 100% what made it worse were the close ups and doing it multiple times to really drill in the point. Apparently the juden-felicity was meant to die in the episode and they had already filmed a scene with her gravestone but decided to not use the shot. The nazi outfits were on point though.
You mad, faggot? I am pure 100% black warrior kang blood, what do you got?
>juden-felicity was meant to die in the episode
Eh, can live without it. Especially since it made Sturmbannführer Lance seem suitably competent with the empty pistol.
Muslim hoards, feminazis, rabid niggers and Kikes are pulling society into a black hole and you fucking vegetables are watching space barbie.
Neck yourselves.
And you're shitposting on a Kazakh basketweaving forum. Glass houses, waster.
you know who women hate the most?
attractive women,I walk by them every fucking day shit talking the hot school mums,the most attractive woman on earth is the final boss for roastties.