Why do you hate gays?
Why do you hate gays?
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because they're destroying the nuclear family and thus causing the decline of western society.
Because they are not traps.
Cause their gay
i dont hate gays, i hate what the movement has become
Their gay
Why do you want to take away my right to hate gays is you don't even know why I hate you?
My gender studies professor told me that everything is a social construct, so that must include homosexuality, and thus I don't hate the person but their socially constructed behavior which they can change.
Thanks feminism :^)
i dont
Why do you hate lesbians?
Seeing any sort of mental illness celebrated is offensive.
Because God demands us to hate haters of God. Now, kys faggot
they dont. gay is not a word and neither is straight. you either enjoy your floppy no diseases dick aided by morals and medicine. or you enjoy a nagging acid hole that will ruin your life and give you cancer and steal away the kids you didnt make with a turkey baster. "heteros" are sinning specialists. they invented them. they will be pedos with your kids too. all a jewish larp for the protocols and vaginal worshipping masons and isis and the synagogue of satan that rules this board and all media. it's almost over by way of the paywall they made thinking they were walling out mexicans
I dont hate them but sodomy should be frown about no matter whos doing it. It perverts the nature of sex and pushes the human race into a degenerate state.
sodomy is rape. angels dont have assholes. those alleged fags were offered vaginas. only fallen angels can rape stuff. hence serpent seed and nephilim and times of noah. gays are actually blessed in bible. many times
>1 post by this ID
Summer of 96
he sets it up so Sup Forums can do a foreskin thread. an mgtow thread. and a pro gay anti gay thread
I dont hate gay people by default but its their attitude that makes me want to vomit
Many gays support islam, the same islam that would KILL them if given half a chance. many gays hate western culture, western culture that has provided them with freedom and a safe haven to be who they really are in.
If gay people werent en masse anti-white, anti-west, pro-feminist, pro-islam we wouldnt have a problem.
hi elliot shimon
>pro feminist
Can you quote it?
david and jonathan. longest love story in bible. google "epistle.us and jonathan ejaculation" look for the one that says saul loses it. ruth and naomi. the 144,000 being undefiled by only vaginas. Christ's birth and life. born eunuchs. no marriages nor vaginas in Heaven. wed Christ. is that gay? the ethiopian. regular eunuchs in isaiah. and the centurion
I don't hate gays, I'm guy myself.
There are some things in the gay culture that I dislike (app culture for example) or that weird me out (drag queens for example) but I think people should generally be less cruel to their fellow creatures.
we can also breed. and the levitical order doesnt exist. freud is an asshole. bye thread. gotta go out now
I don't hate gays. I hate the flamboyant scum that partake in pride parades. You're all disease ridden, but as long as you keep your faggotry to yourself and not attempt to adopt children, I don't care.
Science on gays as parents:
Parental Sexual Orientation and Children's Psychological Well-Being: 2013–2015 National Health Interview Survey:
Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School:
Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.
How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?
Australia gay parenting survey:
Closeness to fathers best predicts quality of health for sons raised by gay dads:
Excuse me?
Im not the one who is defending islam and advocating for more leftist propaganda
The fact that its not longer a "gay" movement but a LGBTQIAA++ or whatever movement should tell you all you need, you gay people are mixed in with the worst humans in the world
truvada. doesnt work on you. box pox. zika. super gonorrhea that's harder to see. smeg. mucus. periods. trichomoniasis. dey eat da pee pee
I've met too many "gay people"
the first group of gays I encountered I despised with a passion, all they ever did was talking about a bunch of gay shit, I was fine with it until one said "hes homophobic" when someone didnt wanna hang out with him, it was so retarded, he kept using his sexuality as an excuse for shit, and of course some people kissed his ass bc they didnt wanna be labeled as a homophobe, eventually people got sick of his shit an bullied him for being fat and poor, then he broke down and told some deans, to then the school made the "gay straight alliance" and he went back to using his sexuality as an excuse for shit
they eat the poopoo
we laugh at this guy, but they literally do eat shit.
science is a liberal conspiracy, son
nice try
so sayeth the animu manchild who only saw vagina when it was on a computer screen (2d of course) 14/88 brother!
why do gays always stink of hand lotion and baby wipes?
It's not the gays I hate. It's the movements globalist Marxist overlords. There are more commies in the gay movement than anywhere else.
I try to apply a heavy moisturizer at least every other day containing urea to soften my skin.
hand lotion is good lube (depending on brand)
baby wipes are great at cleaning up cum (off of ADULTS)
live in other people's shoes or be an antichrist
this,I don't care on what the fuck do you do in your bedroom and in your personal life,but constantly pushing the gay pride is now a problem and you will be punished for it.
So essentially like many who have taken the rainbow suppository he's an insufferable cunt.
why is putin a pedo? his anti gayness? why doesnt anybody call that out or make that connection?
>REEEE the sign of the covenant
>uppity kikes
Why do you like gays?
Because they're fags. Throw them all into bogs.
how are they doing this?
Because as a cock gobbler myself most of you are a fucking embarrassment that I'm ashamed of.
Because you're back stabbing two faced pieces of shit that, like all SJW's, are schizophrenic collectivists that will stab another gay in the back the moment they go against the narrative.
Because you call it a pride parade but for those of us just trying to live a normal life it's a shame parade we have to endure.
Let's be honest here, the LGB is dead anyway. This is about the T now days and that is what these bullshit slide threads are about. Trying to find some weasely way to con the straight people into paying for your HRT and SRS. In trying first to guilt the normals into participating in your mental illness; failing that to push laws into place to punish them for wrong think. While we fought to normalize and live along side you are busy ruining those decades of effort over stupid shit and mental illness.
Does that answer your question?
Just to dispel some of the myths surrounding the notion of homosexuality being 'unnatural'...
A few little excerpts from some fascinating examples of, not only homosexual activity, but homosexual child rearing
>"An estimated one-quarter of all black swans pairings are of homosexual males. They steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs. More of their cygnets survive to adulthood than those of different-sex pairs, possibly due to their superior ability to defend large portions of land. The same reasoning has been applied to male flamingo pairs raising chicks"
And another
>"In Odense Zoo in Denmark, a pair of male king penguins adopted an egg that had been abandoned by a female, proceeding to incubate it and raise the chick. Zoos in Japan and Germany have also documented homosexual male penguin couples.The couples have been shown to build nests together and use a stone as a substitute for an egg. Researchers at Rikkyo University in Tokyo found 20 homosexual pairs at 16 major aquariums and zoos in Japan."
Dolphins are particularly sexually uninhibited
>"The Amazon river dolphin or boto has been reported to form up in bands of 3–5 individuals engaging in sexual activity. The groups usually comprise young males and sometimes one or two females. Sex is often performed in non-reproductive ways, using snout, flippers and genital rubbing, without regard to gender. In captivity, they have been observed to sometimes perform homosexual and heterosexual penetration of the blowhole, a hole homologous with the nostril of other mammals, making this the only known example of nasal sex in the animal kingdom. The males will sometimes also perform sex with males from the tucuxi species, a type of small porpoise."
I don't. Caitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman
Sodomy is unhealthy. The anus isn’t made for penetration.
What are the aims of the sjws then? Tell me. Because there's a ton of sjws who are in the guy movement.
explain the prostate
I don't hate gays, however the culture has become so mental. Like pride parades and shit just play into the stereotype and make gays look like complete tards. To be honest most people hate the stereotypical gay (faggot). Also it's proven by experiments and biology that a mother and father make better parents then a man and man, or a woman and woman. So that's why I hate fags but not gays.
i hate everyone, drop the ego and stop with your special feelings, lone ranger faggot
This is part of the problem. Why can't you all just fucking willing fags and shutup about it? Dick in ass is not a political leaning.
Stop trying to recruit children too.
>1 result
genetic fallacy at any rate
Mentally ill whores.
ah yes the natural argument "other animals do it"
they also rape, fight for dominance, eat their own species, fight for territory.
so you should be okay when your neighbor kills you because your house is now his property
>tfw homosexual
>tfw I hate all other gays/LGBTs/Liberals
Every gay guy I ever met was a mentally ill malignant narcissist.
You can't be a homo and be a normal chill person - your dick fetish is one of the myriad symptoms of your diseased mind.
Sounds like someone is a closeted shut it
No one wants to join your gay discord. Fuck off! You post it multiple times a day.
They engage in sodomy, have a time preference that doesn't help us build a bright future and are possessed by demons
>sodomy is rape
No Sodomy is any sex other than piv
Blow Joey's and hand gibbers are bad too
It provides a vital role in reproduction. Might as well try to explain the thalamus. Or what it feels when something hits your prostate just right, whether that's from inside or outside.
Because they are gay.
You know the ones who aren't posting these threads, or posting in them because they don't feel the need to point out their gayness to random people and despise the ones who walk around like being gay makes you special? Those are the ones people don't hate.
Most of us don't hate gays. But most are very critical against fags
Remove the T from LGBT, remove drag queen degenerates, and stop indoctrinating our children. I couldn't care less what hole you put your dick in as long as you do it in your bedrooms instead of in the streets. Also live normally without basing your entire life/identity on what you like to do with your penis.
Gays don't pro-create so they are less likely to think of future generations when making decisions. They have been created mostly by media and are bought off for votes with constant pro gay virtue signaling from leaders like Trudope.
Theyre entire life is about being gay.
They fuckin hijack everything.
Stop shilling your discord here. You have your own board and have corrupted 2 others.
A high % of gays think proclivity is identity
Be sure to report every pol lgbt discord link post. These faggots will post them multiple times every day.
>It's just dressing like a woman goy!
>Gender roles are social constructs!
>It doesn't matter who wears a dress!
>Now let me superglue these 2ft horns onto my shaved and tattooed scalp after I finish putting in my fangs.
>There, just like a real woman.
I see this guy has met my ex.
Don't worry, have been doing that since they first popped up. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it is some bot.
I dont need to give a reason my.hatred is true, send all faggots in mental asylums.
You walk around with poop on your dick
They are retarded enough to think that all that you have to do to look like a women is to simply put on a dress and a shitton of makeup. Even while I absolutely hate them, some of the traps that are spamposted around here at least try to look like women.
I know what would solve it. The mods need to make it so you are autobanned from posting those images. At this point it is spam. It is literally an ad.
>all these “b-but I dont hate gays, only f-faggots” posts
pathetic. Were it up to me Id send them all to rot in a gulag like in the good old times
fug didnt mean to quote
Keep it under your own roof, don't need faggetry parades down main street.
Disingenuous actors who'll do exactly as we predicted they would after everyone forgot.
30 years ago:
Today in my shitty country:
Liars and deceivers, the lot of you.
Why do I hate schizophrenics? I don't, I just think they need to be treated with modern medicine and psychiatric practices.
Pic related is typical homofags attitude towards the people that tolerate their mental illness.
Womens liberatiom destroyed the nuclear family.
Jews are destroying the West.
Queers are just a consequence of both of these things.
No matter how many faggots you send to the gulag, you won't get rid of them. Best that can be done is force them to contain their degeneracy in the bedroom. They can still fight for and contribute to their country too.
I don't need to know what orientation everyone around me is, or what goes on in their bedrooms, and frankly I don't care.
Why the need for parades and "visibility?" Homosexuality is a genetic dead end and no amount of acceptance or normalisation can change that.
i got rejected by a lesbo so now i hate gays
Gays are a daily reminder of child molestation. I dont hate them, I feel bad for them and frustrated with the family and caregivers who failed them.
It's a active pruning, not a final solution.
And fags don't keep faggdom in the bed room. That's a myth. It can/will/has permeated every aspect of their life/society, and if not yours they will see it does.
Really? I didn't know I have a problem with gays.
I do know that I have a problem with trans people. Most are homosexual and choose self-directed violence against their own biological sex. This is wrong on many levels. They'll never get pleasure from sex ever again and the hormones really mess with their bodies (permanently). They can never have biological input ever again and they cannot donate blood or organs.
I am fine with homosexual people. Most are clean and upstanding individuals.
Just trans people for me. I think they are prey for the medical community and unscrupulous doctors who want to experiment.
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