Kud Wafter anime essentially announced!

>"100 different ways of how fug Kud" in anime?
Converted Edition all way.

Other urls found in this thread:



>not a hentai OVA

Well just fuck everything. It's going to be shit.


>All this will not be in anime.
What's even point then? Did somebody played Converted Edition?

True, this is essentially Key NUKIGE. Without fucking, story has no point and it's just bland moe fanservice

Everyone knows Key is basically dead until the Kyoani/Key combo returns one day.

Call me when that happens.

> Kudryavka Anatolyevna Strugatskaya
It was necessary?

So never again?

Kud best girl. I want my own Kudryavka.

But, why?

When will we get to see a 4-cour Key x KyoAni original anime?

I am going to marry and impregnate kud!

We really don't need any more key adaptions.

I rather have a Elizabeth After Story.

>we got a Dies Irae anime before a Muv-Luv anime
>we got a YU-NO anime before a Muv-Luv anime
>we got a motherfucking Kud Wafter anime before a Muv-Luv anime

And yet we still haven't gotten a Tsukihime anime

I... did not see this coming.

>impregnate kud
Too late, already happened in Kud Wafter.

Man, Riki is so lucky.

It's not even translated yet is it? Or LB EX? It's been years and I forgot about it. And Harvest Festa too.

This looks fucking cute.

Why is Kud so popular? There's nothing very charming about her, she's just a typical Key moeblob with an above-average character design. Mare is the superior white-haired loli.

And that OP:

Kud has more H scenes in Kud Wafter than all others LB heroines in EX together.

Daily reminder that Kud was raped by old fat soviet men in her route.

This OP looks like a generic no-name eroge rather than a Key title.

Translation for the VN is forever gone into space.

Who WOULDN'T rape that succulent body you know?

>this was made by KEY
How far have they fallen?


Kud Wafter is more Key styled Nukige with Key characters, than actual Key title.

Mare is pretty standard shy loli though.

When is Little Busters going to be on Steam, that's what interest me more?

Did we at least get a partial so I can fuck Shiscikichishi Salami?

She was actually the best thing about Little Busters even though I dropped it because it was a snoozefest.

they said this spring most likely.

Now that key games are slowly being released, how long will it take for them to give Kanon and Air an official English release?

I prefer an english translation of Angel Beats - 1st beat before.

Wait this actually happened?

>1st beat

How many were there supposed to be, the second one wasn't even hinted at until now.

The art isn't the greatest, would be nice with improved art, though I remember an user saying that Inoue stopped drawing.

6 i believe.

And the worst part is he was at 90% ish overall for the translation.

Yes. Whole novel is like this. Or at least Wafter scenario.

>the second one wasn't even hinted at until now.
Latest interview essentially confirmed that 2nd Beat was postponed after release of Summer Pockets.

> 2nd beat postponed
Have they planned to finish this shit in 2050?
I bet a leg the whole project is canceled halfway.

Wait, what? Kud Wafter of all things? I mean, I like Kud so I'll watch it, but that just seems like a really strange thing to turn into an anime.

Continuation of Angel Beats is delayed because Maeda is dying unless he gets a heart donation. Somehow he's still contributing basic story ideas for Summer Pockets even when he's sick.

No i mean the translation.

I want a clumsy blowjob from Mare!

Tell me about this loli. Why does she wear the bat?

Good, Fuck Muv-Luv

Yamakan isn't allowed to come back. That's why FMP is going to be by Liden Films.

>Q: I guess that means that the sequel to "1st beat" was delayed, then.
Kai: Well, yes. We decided that we needed to release another game, other than the "Angel Beats" series.
Because of that, we decided to start a contest for a new game desing...

She's a Russian Vampire. Can't you tell by the fangs?

>my waifus nukige ln is being animated
>it's not a hentai
>and it's going to be shit
I mean I love kud and everything
But the rape trolls and the dirty Japanese illiterate bakas will be eveRywhere

What translation?

Dude, one whole scenario is pure nukige and second ends with impregnation under night sky.
All age release is named "Converted Edition" for reason.

I guess I should reread LB. I don't remember Kud being this cute.

Where's Wafu when you need him? Does anyone know if he's still around?

He knows.

Sassy spinoff when?

This will be a short OVA

It is never gonna happen.

>you will never fuck Kud
>you will never fuck Riki
Why are we here? Just to suffer?

This is too fucking cute.

All lewd scenes like that. That's main point of whole novel. Or at least originally was.

Everyone can agree that Kurugaya is the actual best KEY girl right?

Kurugaya is a literal psychopath.

Kud better have fucking learned English by now.

Mizuki was a better Yuiko.

Kud, more like Krud.

Can I read whatever is translated anywhere?

Should have made Yuiko After instead, at least with her character you could also make an interesting story aside from lots of sex scenes ;_;
Too bad japs have the shittiest shit tase.

at least we got the true ending

>he knows
Yeah but I want to see him again.

Yes, but she was severely underused in the story.

She's not wrong.

>Rin is the main girl
>didn't even got her kiss scene
>So it might be Anego who will get her scene after the credits roll
>Saya got her kiss even though she's just a filler character
>Kud gets her own spinoff
Well fuck this shit.

Anego did get a scene after the credits rolled though. Saya is hardly a filler character. Her route is one of the best in the game. Kud got a spinoff because the nips loved her. Could have been Rin or any other girl had that happened to them.

Kud gets even baby. See

Is this going to be the year of Wafu?

Did Little Busters Ecstasy ever finish getting translated?


I guess we'll be able to patch the 18+ content off of the website or something?

What's her name again?

She's pretty much the worst girl in the series, except for maybe that autistic umbrella girl.


Please don't say that. I have never empathized more with a character than I did with Mio.

They are actually preparing the perfect edition so patching it from a fan standpoint may not be possible.

Best Girl.

Why is Sesdafsajae Anfdiwmi so shit? She ruined the whole episode!

So Little Busters Ecstasy is won't be getting a translation after all? I'm guessing they never finished translated Kud Wafter either.

>love character because of moe
>her vn is a fucking eroge
Did somebody wish on a monkey paw?

Perfect actually has more content then EX. It's just all ages in comparison. That said, they were having trouble moddifying things in EX due to engine problems I believe. The translation may have not happened if Key hadn't shown them how. This is why I'm saying the ero may never be translated or added to the game unless Key decides that they want it patched in.

Waffles actually does have a story.


>man I wish I could fuck Kud instead of seeing her get raped by some whateverthefuckmuslim country savage
>got you senpai
>here's your ego where you get to fuck Kud in insane number of ways

these are some weird-ass proprtions

>calling this pure
Oh user.


Kud just looks so soft. I want to gently hug her.

What happened?

Where can I download the ero version?
I only find converted edition.

The guy working on it still posts now and then but hasn't posted an update in at least a year I believe.

>Waffles actually does have a story.

Story in nutshell:
>Wafter scenario:
- Riki and Kud doing cute thing at days.
- Riki and Kud fuck like rabits at night.
- After repeating those two things several times they meet even smaller loli.
- Once again first two point several times.
- Eventualy help her with her personal problems.

>After scenario:
- Whole Wafter once again minus sex scenes.
- once that finishes story starts deal with Kud's personal problems.
- once that resolved Riki and Kud makes grand baby-making finale.
- Epilogue with their daughter Kaya.

I don't know about "Converted Edition" though. But given by nature of story, it's either radically rewritten or reduced.

>grand baby-making finale

So why isn't this a hentai OVA again?

I want to hug her naked.

Because all christian kids know that children are actually made by hands holding.