Bitcoin = Neo Neo Nazi Gold
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So how many Bitcoin do you own yet, Sup Forums?
I'll always be plagued by the fact that when I found out about bitcoin I was 15 and I thought it was a great idea but I obviously couldn't buy any and now that I'm 19 and have a job bitcoin has reached maximum hype
This is journalism in 2017
Its hasnt.. cryptos are just getting started bud.
This is only the beginning.
There are only 16 million Bitcoin, but 7 billion people in the world.
Guess how much a Bitcoin would be worth if it actually became a global currency
Ok so i want to earn money with bitcoin but how do i turn it into regular money?
Is it possible?
how expensive is it to buy bitcoin now anyway?
You sell your Bitcoin. Works the same way as buying, just the other way round.
its almost 12k now but you can buy 0.0000001 of one if you want.
Next on Mic:
Study finds people who don't drink tap water out of microwaved plastic bottles are 100% more likely to be Klan members
But i have looked quickly for exchanges where i can trade my BTC for USD
where can i find one?
hydrogen water machine
62x stronger than vitamin c per mg
I wonder if we can meme bitcoin as the official nazi currency.
>missed the bitcoin surge
>as soon I invest it’s going to crash
Shit, Jews will demand their share now that they think it's nazi gold...
Translation: High IQ men have discovered a way not to get ripped off by Jewish bankers.
>not if you crash it first
>Jewish non-bankers have found another way to rip off stupid goyim
Satoshi Nakamoto doesn’t sound very Jewish to me.
Put everything I had into them when they were $250 per. Still sitting on 258. Looks like, at least in this case, they're right. Though I highly doubt my small sum could ever be directed towards any reasonable influence so I'm not sure what they're worried about.
Sounds like something a weeboo would come up with.
Can Bitcoin ultimately buy us an ethonosate?
It's a made up name, dunce.
A Jew couldn’t come up with a name like that.
>A Jew couldn’t come up with a name like that.
he probably offered to give a goyim a deal on some bitcoins (2x the starting price) if he came up with a good alias
~21 million eventually, not 16
>global currency
bitcoin is a bad currency
>is deflationary
>takes very long for transactions to be confirmed
>extremely volatile
>offers no recourse for stolen/lost coins
It is a good asset to hold on to. Think of it more as digital blocks of land or gold. Readily convertable to fiat (with high fees and transaction times) so it is good for occasional use and accruing value
I found the Jew lads
bitcoin exchanges are more of a ripoff than any bank, you would know that if you had any skn in the game
found the sucker
Investing in bitcoins is pure gambling. It's a pyramid scheme. These are the specialty's of the jew.
this, localbitcoin is the only way
>It's a pyramid scheme.
please explain in a concise way how its a pyramid scheme
Not in Europe, we have SEPA transfers without any kind of fees
They aren't worried about you having wealth, they're worried about there being untaxed revenue streams. "Muh Nazis" is just them starting to attack cryptos, they're going to start pushing for regulation.
Who is paying for the winnings of all the bitcoin winners? (If the analogy is true, this should correspond to the bottom of the pyramid)
Ill buy when it crashes again.
Chill out mate fuckin ell
>Nazi e-gold
the ride never ends
Which tells you all you need to know about the future of Bitcoin in a capitalistic economy
>Muh nahtzees
>Muh terrorism
Fucking called it years ago, told my mate if this shit ever took off the banking kikes would shut it down using this exact line of reasoning, they must be getting worried
independent bitcoin farmers who cant be controlled by threatening to take their jobs are the biggest threat to the narrative
>bitcoin winners
what? you mean miners?
pyramid schemes work by recruiting+taking cuts off lower levels
only scams in bitcoin are pump/dump, tethers, exchanges preventing trades when they feel like it to keep btc value high
went in @ $26
this is my 4th bubble
you won't fool me this time bitcoin
>what? you mean miners?
No, I mean that there are people who bought 20 bitcoins for 2 dollars in 2011 (or whenever it was), and now they have 200,000 in BTC.
They're the winners.
Where did that 200,000 come from? Who paid for that?
How rich is Richard Spencer? I saw reports of 185 million but that seems extreme.
>tfw missed the bitcoin boom
>tfw missed eth
>tfw still a no coiner
Well it's not like I had much money to invest anyway.
whoever buys their bitcoin pays for it
my blockfolio from a few days ago. we're gonna make it mate
Other buyers bought other coins. They paid a higher price because mining difficulty increased, demand increased and utility increased. The people who bought 20 bitcoins for 2 dollars couldn't use it for anything, it was 100% risk. Today if you buy bitcoin you can buy plenty of things with it. Fail to see how this is a pyramid scheme. Please look up the definition of a pyramid scheme and stop abusing the term.
Right, and so you have the situation where people who get in early on the bitcoin train make HUGE gains, while people who get in at the bottom are the people PAYING for the huge gains of the people at the top.
This is exactly how a pyramid scheme works.
Also forgot to mention that in 2011 (or maybe a bit before then) you could mine coins on your own with a normal computer and it was a practical way to collect bitcoins. Thus even if there was demand, everyone could magic their own coins into existence for time because the difficulty was so low.
People who are getting into bitcoins now are still making good money, retard. If you bought during the dip, and sold when it went back up, you'd still have made plenty of money. Or are you a brainlet that thinks stocks and other investments are a pyramid scheme?
>tfw when they first came out I could have bought 50,000 for just £100.
That's not a pyramid its supply and demand. By your reasoning the stock market is a pyramid scheme
>Please look up the definition of a pyramid scheme and stop abusing the term.
This is something all proponents of pyramid schemes say. "It's a franchise, not a pyramid scheme!"
It's a way for the parasites of society to bilk the stupid out of their money.
Something like .0012. I'm waiting for the bubble to burst before buying in.
Seems like a (((certain group of people))) have an interest in shutting-down bitcoin by linking it to "Nazis", just like they do with other things they don't like...
>Or are you a brainlet that thinks stocks and other investments are a pyramid scheme?
1. Stocks and other investments are regulated by the US gov.
2. Stocks and other investments correspond to something in reality. Bitcoins are literally based on nothing. It's the perfect jew trick.
>This is something all proponents of pyramid schemes say. "It's a franchise, not a pyramid scheme!"
The key components of a pyramid scheme are taking a %ge of profits from people who are a level below you and collecting recruiting fees. The actual sales of a product or service are secondary to these things in a pyramid scheme.
In bitcoin its very clear that you are buying something that has value to others, its totally different.
>It's a way for the parasites of society to bilk the stupid out of their money.
I agree with you. However its not a pyramid scheme. Its more like tulip mania or beanie baby mania. Its just manic behavior from people, mostly based on FOMO and its recent popularization by shitty financial reporters.
This article is a pure coincidence goy, I swear!
Funny you think its a Jew trick because literally all the Jews in finance tell you to avoid bitcoin
wtf I love Bitcoin now
>The key components of a pyramid scheme are taking a %ge of profits from people who are a level below you and collecting recruiting fees.
But it is true. Every time somebody sells a bitcoin at a profit, the value of your bitcoins goes up. Your profits depend on the profits of those at the bottom.
How would one get started in bitcoin? Is it too last to invest?
only an American would sue someone for 700.000 over "to much banter"
>TFW you've got over 250k DOGE, but it just won't move like it used to.
>TFW you had BTC, but it was collected in a raid years ago
>2.7 million
Nice larp faggot
Larp inspect element
No, 5 million have already been lost.
It's hard to say, hindsight is 20/20. I invested when it was a little under 3000 and at the time everyone was unsure if it was going to correct down to 2000 or not. And here we are as it continues to surge up and up. So my gut says "it can't keep growing exponentially at this rate without correcting" but that's what I thought earlier on and I was wrong.
I think your arguments are flawed because you keep referring to a 'top' and 'bottom'. Its very possible for someone who got in early (and in fact likely) that they sold earlier too; maybe when bitcoin was $10 USD. When *anyone* sells *any* amount of BTC above the current market everyone benefits.
Source? I thought only ~2M had been lost.
even if it's true, so what. It keeps growing and remains unstoppable. You can call it tulips, but at the end of the day you're still poor while those with BTC have assets.
Have eth and ltc though, so...yay.
They'll try anything to demonize it, won't they?
That's because you're making a profit off bitcoin as a commodity instead of as a medium of exchange. You're suppose to be producing products, knives or drugs or whatever, then use bitcoin to trade your shit with other people on the market for hookers or electric cars. The act of people buying in means buyers are using USD to convert to Bitcoin meaning the market of Bitcoin increases since there's more product that can be traded.
/biz/ here. You guys should check out Bancor Network if you want a laugh
>jews make cryptocurrency, announce it to the world
>people start doing their due diligence before investing
>developers are a who's who of shady assholes
>someone finds a bit of code which allows the developers to create and erase coins at will
>they get publicly called out
>You can call it tulips, but at the end of the day you're still poor while those with BTC have assets.
They think they do.... but that's the thing... the idea that bitcoin holders have assets depends on the speculation that people in the future will want to buy those assets from them... And there's no guarantee of that since bitcoin is literally digital nothing
If they really own so much money, why aren't they using it to either form an ethnostate, or at the very least, get young white males back into "white culture" (conservatism)?
Doesn't surprise me at all. I avoid all the altcoins that clearly have some sort of astroturfed forced meme trying to push them into popularity. And I avoid anything jew-run on principle. For example, I remember everyone shilling ZCash IIRC and I saw that it was developed by a team of israelis. NOPE.avi
During WW2 the (((international bankers))) tried to get a global currency started and adopted.
They called it the Bancor. Guess there is nothing new under the Sun after all.
Shoul I get into bitcoins asap , or join the ride when another big crash will happen and it will be at a very low point?
That digital nothing bought me a new fridge-freezer and a pair of carburetors last month buddy, I'm not complaining
Who's "they"?
> mfw grandpa died leaving some cash behind
> mfw wanted to put 90% in BTC and the rest in french cosmetics
> mfw was 17 and a little hesitant
> mfw could have been a millionaire right now
I see. Those extra earnings would be brilliant as I’m self employed as it is. I shall look more into it.
Zcash is a huge sack of shit and it's shills rub me up the wrong way, mainly because I hold monero and when zcash "the monero killer" came out, there was a massive FUD campaign which stalled xmr out for months while zcash noisily and publicly shat the bed
To be fair, Golem is an Israeli coin that seems to be legit enough
Is this /ourcurrency/?
Proof or fuck off
> speculation
I paid for my living room furniture with BTC. Everyday I can sit on my BTC.
>TFW your couch would probably be worth 10k if you'd sat on the floor instead.
Should I get into bitcoins asap , or join the ride when another big crash will happen and it will be at a very low point?
Yeah, I don't think it's ever really too late. The way I see it, crypto currencies will continue going up in value overall. There might be some ups and downs like a sine wave, the overall average trend is still going up up up. So even if you buy when it's "high" now, it might crash a little, but every time it's crashed in the past it's continued escalating and exceeded the previous peak. So if you're willing to invest long-term, then there's never a bad time to go in.
Now that I've started working, I've been putting some extra cash in here and there. But as always, the golden rule is "never invest any money you're not willing to lose"
GDAX through Coinbase. Google it. YouTube it. "GDAX free transaction fee". Take a couple of days and look into it and then also check out different hardware wallets, ledger nano s for example. A little bit of research will take you far. Good luck
'bout 0.1
Wait...I thought the neo-nazis were supposed to be retarded mouthbreathers. How have they gotten rich off bitcoin when they are so retarded and the left is so intelligent?