why does Sup Forums hate turkey?
Why does Sup Forums hate turkey?
because you're not white and you smell like shit
put it int between two slices of bread, throw some bacon on it, a slice of cheddar cheese, some lettuce and tomato, and then some Mayo and it's pretty damn good man.
Says the mexican
Because too many of you. You all seem like a rude barbarians
whiter than you abdul
Because we debunked their "wh*Te masterrace" meme by conquering Istanbul and enslaving them for 600 years. Whenever you see a wh*Te subhuman bragging about "wh*Teoid masterrace" remind him Ottomans and how we subjuagated, enslaved and massacred his subhuman kind for 600 years.
*blocks your path*
The best soldiers in the ottoman empire where white, and the commerce was made by the greeks , learn your history
>ancestors completely fucked up the entire Balkan region
>continue to squat on Constantinople
>genocide of Greeks
>genocide of Assyrians
>genocide of Armenians
>scumbag diaspora in Germany, Holland etc.
And that's just off the top of my head, Mehmet.
*rapes the fuck outta him*
*beheads him*
*bring his heads to Istanbul (not Cuckstantinopole)
What was you saying wh*Te boy ???
Because it's popular to hate Turks so Americans jumped on the bandwagon without knowing why others hate them. Americans often do this because they think it will prevent people from knowing how dumb they are.
It's full of turks
After he impaled thousands of you roaches, of course.
Give white people back Constantinople. Also the only Turkish people I've ever known here in the U.S were the most unpleasant people ever. Constantly mad or angry and bitching about everything with a high sense of pride and accomplishment for no good reason at all looking down at others and from the T*rk posters I've seen here it seems all you filthy subhumans act that way.
Why do Turks hate Turkey so much that they keep comming to my country?
>being proud of sieging an already plundered and ruined Constantinopole
> Muslim
> Turks
a shitty combination
Because of that niggerloving roach that spams niggerdicks all day every day
I don't hate turkey because of the turks, I hate muslims and you are a muslim country
He's even in this thread, who would've thought
This roach is proof that turks are immature degenerates that cannot control themselves around first worlders
I would have thought it would be Catherine rather than Peter
>larps as niggers
>calls whites subhumans
>then claims they are white
>claims they should be in the EU
I don't get turks...
we are not Arab no sir not me
Would you want to stay in a shithole full of Turks?
The real question is why they move to white countries and start turning them into the same country they just left. The answer to that is that they're stupid niggers.
Because your fucking braindead people, president and army keep invading my country for no reason because you want a war with everyone that that says Turkey is wrong
Because Erdogan gave my country shit for literally no reason.
I thought your government blocked Sup Forums or some shit
Constantinople is a beautiful city.
Because you're not white, enslaved other whites, rude as fuck, and since you """"people"""" can't decide whether you're white, we'll decide it for you
And we enslaved and killed millions of whites. What's your point, amerimutt mongrel subhuman ?
There is not only one BLACKposter
My country blocks pirate bay. It's humiliatingly easy to circumvent government blocks.
Turkey is okay. It tastes like chicken.
Turks are either really shitty or really good, there's no middle ground when it comes to your people. Exterminate all the really non-white looking folks and your country would probably be okay.
Okay, and what happened to your empire?
commerce was made by venetians and jews. greeks were mostly small shop owners.
ottoman military was consisted of janissaries, sipahis, beylik troops and vassal troops (crimean khanate). only janissaries were balkan converts.
I hate Turkey because your empire was fucking shit, and the Balkans will always be terrible because of it. The only good thing you did was bring some form of stability to the Middle East, but of course you were too fucking stupid to keep a hold on that.
yeah they did. ;)
>enslaved and killed millions of whites
>still one of the worst european countries to live in
what happened there?
>There is not only one BLACKposter
So you're saying there are many faggots that save pictures of black dicks on their computers/phones and jerk off to them when they think they can annoy people in an anonymous forum?
This is major degeneracy. Just think about it: there are people getting a kick out of posting pictures of DICKS. They SAVED them. They giggle to themselves and think: hehehe, that will show them.
I actually start to feel pity for you instead of rage.
bested by a anglo LARPing as an arab activist
>commerce was made by venetians and jews
Greeks ruled the entire mediterranean at the time of the Ottoman empire
why do Turks get compared to roaches? It's hilarious but I'm curious about the origin of this meme.
Because the look like roachers
>scatter like cockroaches
>breed like cockroaches
>invade homes like cockroaches
>as nasty as cockroaches
>look like cockroaches
Need I say more?
They won’t give back Constantinople >:’O
They are the crappiest posters even worse than Canadians
you do realise we're not the same person, right?
i have no idea what's going on right now because i've never been to Sup Forums before.
No empire can last forever. Our empire, just like every other empires ever existed, has born and died.
But since you're an amerimutt mongrel subhuman sperm cocktail of 60 peoples you wouldn't understand such things like this.
We are not european.
Is that a pornstar name or something ?
I saw this episode of this TV show called Clarence. It's about a turbo autistic kid that does autistic things with his ADHD friend and OCD friend. One episode ADHD and Clarence gathered cockroaches and spread them to every house in town as they thought they were Crickets and people would appreciate their company.
Clarence is the EU?
Also that webm is much better with sound. You can hear the roach scream in anguish as it gets burned. Yum
because that autistic roach that got reeeeeeaaally butthurt at being called a roach so he posted incessantly about dead american soldiers (who gives a shit), then he spammed cp (lmao what is this? 2005?), then he spammed wh*Te threads, now i think he took that chink strayan's place and he's spamming niggerdick threads. he's such a newfag that he doesn't know that his efforts amount to nothing but background noise and only other newfags respond to his threads. he's been so mad for over a year, what a loser lmao
If Thrace (incl. Istanbul) separates could they join the eu?
Is there a worse of dying than being burnt alive?
I forget half your shithole is in-between Europe and Asia.
Roaches are naturally born submissive faggots and sodomites LMAO
your country is shit
Your leader is insane
You are a backwards nasty hive mind group of shitskins
After a quick Purge of the area
Its is the previous name of Istanbul
loool i've never heard about this before. it makes so much sense now.
Ionizing Radiation. Only japs deserved to go this way.
nobody hates turkey, just hate roaches that leave turkey and invade other countries.
same for indians. same for spics. same for africas.
I know. Do you realize that you asked me a question and I gave you the answer in showing you a post by the roach I referred to? But since you claim you're new, now you know.
It's kinda funny how you roach inbreds have the nerve to call us subhuman when your entire civilization was nothing but a copy and paste of the Byzantine Empire.
Yeah.We call that really non-white looking folks (Aka k*rds) roaches in Turkey too.
Turks who are immigrating to Europe/US etc today are almost %100 secular,educated,based people who want out from this increasingly Islamic place which is getting filled by fucking k*rds (because they are breeding like rats,like no joke Turkish families have like 2 children and these rats make 9 little retarded shitskins and just let them out on the streets to grow up as a terrorist or junkie.)
I do agree with some of you guys,and please understand that not everyone in Turkey is muslim,and a very small percentage is close to arab evel hardcore muslims.Once we finally overthrow Erdogan Turkey will be a fine ass secular country again.GDP of Turkey is predicted to grow 4x of today in the next 30 years,Islam is steadily declining with rise of educated population and people getting sick of this arabic shit.
And I apologise for dumbfuck cunts like Good evening Sup Forums
Hello newfag
Ionizing radiation isn't that bad. You don't even feel it. You just puke and shit your brains out until you die, like any number of other diseases.
Look at this tool, he thinks he'd rather be burned alive rather than die of dehydration.
>loool i've never heard about this before
how new are you? He has been screeching for well over a year. Maybe over 2 years
there are a multitude of reasons, firstly,alot of Sup Forums likes to larp crusaders and nazis,and hence, the old ottoman empire,the arch nemesis of christianity becomes a natural enemy. also you attacked cyprus, which was gay,give cyprus back,cyprus is greek! your blatant support for isis isnt that great either. shooting down a russian plane,was fucking shit tier,but then there was this nato-backed coup attempt from the incerlic airbase or whatever its called,and erdogan became slightly better in my opinion,on now i personally dont dislike turkey as much as i did in 2014 -2015. getting rid of the cia sponsored gulan terrorist network was pretty awesome. so get closer to russia,and people will like you better, never double cross russia
islum is cancer, turks are metastacess islum
enlighten me on the ways of KARA BOGA master
My god...clarence is secretly redpilled?
Ulan ırzını siktiğimin gavadı çabuk ekşiye siktirip gidiyorsun yoksa ananı ölene kadar sikerim senin.
same in Germany
Say kurds and white pussy
Good old vlad Țepeș
You also lose your teeth, hemorrhage everywhere because your blood is so anemic.
I meant dosages of like 6-8 Sievert, too low to kill you rapidly but way too high to survive.
i'm not a muslim...
bu nasıl bir gavatlıktır amına koyim literal olarak midem bulandı :DDDD siktir git şuradan bana cevap yazarsan orospu ananın amına geri yollarım seni
You do realize he is posting with a german flag right ? :DDDDD
Lan anasının amına dolmalık biber attığımın orospu evladı seni siktir ol git ne bok yiyorsan ye at ağızlı amcık hoşafı sen yazıyosun ben sana laf etmiyorum farklı düşünce görünce amın mı yandı ulan arsız ibnenin dölü
How is your country going to become secular and increase GDP if all the intelligent secular turks are leaving? Sounds like wishful thinking
guys... they're fighting and i don't know what to do right now.
I don't hate all turks. Every turkish female and some guys that I've met is pretty cool, modern and secular. The problem is that islam is growing and some people really care about that. And your governement is absolutely terrifying.
That said, my wife is Turkish and we are very happy, pic related.
All jokes a side
Give us the game Turkey!
Did ı fucking censor white you blind ass greekfag ? Are you so poor that you fucking sold your eyes and you can't see shit now ?
And I am not gonna say that otherdisgrace to humanity word on Sup Forums
On vacation a Kurd jumped and robbed me. Besides that it’s not too bad
I legit don't know since I don't realy understand economy on a country scale but these are international forecasts.Go check forbes or something if you really want to
All turks are the same
>what is discrimination
>what is being a second class citizen
>what is parallel society
>what is depression
Hating people based on their Nationality is dumb
Hence my post in here