Flyers of the movement!
I like it.
A little context would be nice
Actually a good idea like the IOTBW posters, just don't add anything to it other then that and it's golden
its better than "IOTBW"
thank you once again TRS and carelus rex
dreams of sucking dick and riding Chads
Killed by illegal spics?
Do it. Stand up, White man. America is your continent.
post it on twitter with the #boycottsanfrancisco
Get the fuck out leaf. Burger problems arent your problems, go suck on a maple trees dick.
ROK posters?
Remembrance of Kate posters?
I love it. A worthy sequel to IOTBW
More like #BoycottCalifornia
This is really good.
Here is the OP who created the poster. Carelus rex of alt right fame
Its so cool to be able to go around raping 56% women killing them and back to your mexican wife after being deport and living with those dollars you sent back home
ah sweet america
>Sup Forums advocates a roastie that probably sucked billions of BBCs
nothing new under the sun I see
Dreams are dreams man.
Young woman in San Francisco was shot to death by an illegal immigrant who stole a gun and fired it into a crowd. Shooter had a criminal history and had been previously arrested, deported, and returned like five times.
At the time of the shooting he was out on release by the SFPD in direct violation of an ICE deportation order.
These will be banned from public for being racist.
Screencap this.
Why are you posting it on an internationally accessible site, then? Get a private domain on and post it there sheesh.
good idea
RIP Kate Steinle
Ay Holmes its kind of her fault 4 getting n da wey of da bullits.
>boycott sanfrancisco
I honestly don't even get what there would be to boycott. I live about 20 minutes from SF and I haven't been into the city there in over a decade, it's a complete cesspool. I can avoid stepping on human feces and getting harassed by crack smoking homeless niggers over in Oakland if I want that.
SF doesn't MAKE anything. I don't quite understand what I would even boycott.
Faci lava
too much ink
Kate Steinle. She's genuinely the ultimate normie redpiller. It's the most effective tool I've ever seen to get uninitiated white people on our side, it hasn't failed me a single time.
Does anyone else see parallels between Kate Steinle and Michael Brown in Ferguson or Trayvon Martin?
Could this be leveraged to persuade bottom-tier people?
That's why it's been completely ignored by the media after just 1 day.
it is not a competition both can and will exist at the same time also #kateswall
I really really like this one!!!! Simple and powerful
people may not recognize her face put her name in there.
you are a piece of shit.
hows that for context ?
everyone in san francisco is mad
nobody wants sanctuary cities. it's only non-native Californians and the retarded lawmakers, the same who legalized marijuana, who push for this shit
The skull is thick on this snow nigger....
What the fuck is your goddamned problem? you better be hiding behind some proxies.Why do mexicans try so hard to be hated by everyone?
Enough Flyers, enough trying to red pill.
When do we straight up start throwing illegals out of the country? Clearly the government is a failing piece of shit.
this is literally the point
I agree.
>everyone in san francisco is mad
LOL no. SF population is all homeless and rich liberal shits who consider illegals their pets.
>Does anyone else see parallels between Kate Steinle and Michael Brown in Ferguson or Trayvon Martin?
did kate steinle violently rob a place or attack the illegal immigrant bashing him round the head before he fired?
There are millions of illegals, user
Try to wrap your infantile mind around the logistics of physically removing millions of people from a country the size of the United States. This is not something that a grassroots movement can handle. This has to be a government policy.
You are dumb as hell
She could have made these dreams come true. May have even filmed them and shared with us. But no. A fucking illegal immigrant, 5x deported, 7x felon, shot and killed her. Her dying words to her father who was with her: "Help me, dad." Fucking disgusting.
A lot of illegals self-deport to canada.
Who is she? Can we have someone from every country? Like the kid from Lithuania, he protected a Swedish girl from a migrant and paid it with his death
This hits the feels. I like it. Bump.
Hitler did it with no problems
Here's a bump for not being a slide thread on Shill Sunday of all days.
> Too retarded to see the bigger picture :[
Post all of these on college campuses on DEC 9th
>Be American
> Collectively own trillions of bullets
> Muh guns, muh protection
> Never use them for anything defence related
Just start hunting them. Set a precedent.
If you're white
>sjw raidfags
The incredibly strange thing I find with this case is how he got cleared of the manslaughter charges.
There's no doubt to which he actually fired the weapon that killed her, thus he was acting in a negligent manner. I could see that he could get off on murder charges as it would be difficult to prove he actually meant to shoot and or kill her.
laBa* ba pula.
Please delete this, please.
What I don't understand is why he simply can't be deported, like why did he even get a full trial if he's not a citizen
He did commit a crime though. A trial is warranted. The options clearly should be; cleared from the crime by trial but deported any way as he is still an illegal immigrant.
Or found guilty of the crime by trial, subjected to the appropriate punishment by the court and then when he's served his time, deported upon release.
Trudeau said it was okay. Take em all leafs.
Excellent. We could have a version with:
Do we know anything about her? If she was alive she'd probably be a Hillary supporter who marched in DC wearing a vagina hat and spend all day making stupid Drumpf memes on facekike. If she survived she'd probably defend her attacker while he was in jail and protest for his release.
I'd say even the normies are getting tired of his bullshit, there's going to be a conservative wave in 2018
Can we get a higher rez version. Otherwise good idea.
>Burger problems arent your problems
where do you think majority of our pop culture is influenced by
I am unironically doing this. See you guys on the news.
>Moving millions around is impossible
This is the worst argument there is.
Fucking Hitler did it with the SS in between their gay gangbangs.
>National Guard
It's a huge task but hardly Herculean.
Lol @ the irony of Canadians calling Americans mutts