Ok who was really the best girl?
Azumanga Daioh
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck 1
Kill 1
Marry 1
Hug 1
Bully 1
Ignore 1
I don't believe it very appropriate to ask these kinds of questions for a show as good and pure as this.
Best Sensei
Fuck Kagura
Kill Yomi
Marry Tomo
Hug Osaka
Bully Chiho
Ignore Sakaki
Fuck Kagura
Kill Tomo
Marry Sakaki
Hug Osaka
Bully Chiyo
Ignore Yomi
literally mine
>mfw results
Fuck Kagura
Kill Tomo
Marry Sakaki
Hug Chiyo
Bully Yomi
Ignore Osaka
Fuck Yomi
Kill Kagura
Marry Osaka
Hug Sasaki
Bully Chiyo
Ignore Tomo
She can teach me any day.
>all these beta cucks not fucking all of them
Sup Forums is beta as fuck
Fuck You
Kill Yourself
Marry Osaka
Hug Osaka
Bully You
Ignore You
Marry Tomo
The rest don't matter.
Without Tomo, Azumanga is not fun.
I want to fuck Tomo.
>pera perrrraa perapera peeeeera
Best for fucking.
Stop that
Why was tomo such a bitch?
fuck yomi
kill tomo
marry sakaki
hug kagura
bully lesbian
ignore chio
This is now an Osaka thread.
Daily reminder Kaorin slept with sensei for better marks!
Always been a really big Yomi person.
well, she was never going to get what she really wanted, so she may as well
Yomi is perfect.
I'd like to teach her a thing or two
For the first time in my life it is hard to choose!
So was Osaka autistic?
No; severe ADD (in contrast to Tomo's ADHD).
Source: she's mai waifu.
>Implying those aren't in the spectrum.
Why didn't Kaorin win the Sakaki at the end?
Because she never came out of the closet.
because Maya won Sakaki instead
anyone got the page where Osaka asks if she's gay?
The only pussy Sakaki needs in her life
Why couldn't she see that Kimura was the man for her?!?!