Dog vs horse

So which one is REALLY man's best friend?
-Literally the main transport of people for thousands of years
-Common use in wars until the end of WW2
-Loyally listens to its owner
-only eats vegetables, very cheap to maintain

-Used for hunting truffels, rodents, animals
-Used as a gaurd
-Some breeds are loyal but some can actually kill their owner
-Eats meats so expensive to maintain
-Still used in wars

Other urls found in this thread:

>mindless, filthy, bootlicking animal
>very little different than a drone

>has actual personality and independence
>sees you as equal

You guys really have nothing better to do with your time? Go see your family.

>You guys really have nothing better to do with your time? Go see your family.
i dont want to bother thm with my autismo edgelordness

Why the fuck would I care what a cat thinks? Something I have bought and am master of should view me as the master. Cats are entertaining, but fairly useless in a survival sense.

>only eats vegetables

Ummmmm are you retarded? Horse are not cheap to maintain. First of all they eat hundreds of dollars of hay per month, plus they need to be given grain as well twice daily. You need to own massive amounts of exp0ensive tack, body clippers, rain sheets, cold weather blankets, and you need to have a barn and paddocks, or you need to pay someone to keep it for you. Boarding a horse at a farm costs about the same per month as average rent for a basement apartment one bedroom around here. P;us you need to pay extra for additional services.

I havent even gotten into the additional maintenance. You need to have their feet done or shod every 6 weeks at a costof $40-$350 dollars each visit dependignon their needs. If you just get the $40 dollar trim you cannot ride them a lot or their feet will wear down and become sore. This is not even including any visits from the vet which start around $300 just for a visit plus whatever services rendered. You need to have their teeth floated twice a year. All this stuff would have been common knowledge and cheap years ago but since they are now a luxury item and not a necessity allt hese trades surrounding horses have become very specialized and extremely costly.

t. profesional farrier.

ALso they are extremely hard on blankets, clippers, and tack. You will need to replace these things or have them repaired often.

You forgot that it has good meat

>sees you as equal

TOP KEK,the cat mentality is it literally thinking that it's superior of you since you are giving it food like a butler

Here comes the catcuck to explain how slaving away caring for a usless animal that would eat your corpse the moment it was slightly hungry is superior, as the brain eating parasite he contracted from his cat's piss slowly destroys his capacity to ration.

I like cats but come on dude. For the most part cats are dicks that tolerate us. Sure some cats are nioce and cuddly, but they play by their own rules. We didn't domesticate cats, they came to us on their own. They even bring us mice and birds because they think we are shitty cats that can't fend for themselves.

*sins of the owner intensifies*

>useless animal
Grew up on a farm. They pull their weight by getting rid of rodents.

Cats are femenine creatures. Only spergs, pussies, and faggots prefer cats. So, which are you?

>>sees you as equal
youre an idiot

Dog. You wouldn't go huntin with a horse, would you?

-only eats vegetables, very cheap to maintain
Cut the shit.
You know NOTHING about horses

cats also get rid of the rest of the wildlife like birds

why not. just hunt on horseback.
cheap for their size and capabilities. You can ride big ass lion into battle but its more hard to maintain

>has actual personality and independence
>sees you as equal
You think cats see you as an equal
And you think first of all, that A CAT seeing you the top predator on the planet as an equal is a good thing????
And that being moody cunts counts as personality.
This bait hurts me. It physically hurts.

Stop being a fucking retard.

I would rather have an animal spend its time hunting down spiders and other shit i find gross but not threatening; than have a dog protect me from the mailman.

A horse is cheap to maintain? Literally an animal that can get sick and die if not cared for every single day? An animal that can die from not drinking enough water in ONE DAY?

I can't add my two cents here. It's a really poor discussion if people really think horses are cheap to maintain.

I read this somewhere years ago:

>The way a dog thinks:
>This creature loves me!
>He gives me shelter
>He cares for me
>He gives me food
>And all for free
>This creature must be god!

The way a cat thinks:
>This creature loves me!
>He gives me shelter
>He cares for me
>He gives me food
>And all for free
>This creature must think I'm its god!

There's a big difference between barn cats and house cats. Barn cats are a useful animal in a symbiotic relationship with farmers. House cats are a child replacement that treats you like a servant.

An animal that will literally eat itself to death in one day if not supervised

It's actually polar bears, because they first taught man that carbon is killing the planet.

The dog is man's best friend.

The horse is man's sworn brother.

Exactly. Horses are fragile creatures compared to dogs.

Dogs are European, cats are African invaders. It's that simple.

Dogs can do a cat's job better than cats.

"very cheap to maintain"

clearly OP is a faggot that has never raised horses or even been around them.......

stop it faggot.

>Loyal companion or outdated farming equipment.
>One will stand by you through his entire life, the other is only loved by mentally deranged women
>One contributes to the household, the other sucks up gibs
>One can be trained, the other will sometimes understand basic commands unless broken
>Getting one for christmas is the greatest gift imaginable, getting the other will be an enormous struggle and will often require building concrete barriers or putting up fences.

Not sure if I was talking about horses or vibrant diversity here