Land of the free.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Breitzman, 44, was sentenced to six-months in jail with release privileges.
>While serving her sentence, she appealed the disorderly conduct conviction, arguing that her language wasn't inciting violence or a true threat and therefore is protected speech.
>She also claimed her attorney was ineffective for not arguing the charge violated the First Amendment.
>The state argued that her lawyer isn't obligated to put forth such a far-fetched theory.
>First Amendment
>Far fetched
>Kid does a mistake
>Fucking Hell...
>10 years
Good. You can tell she is this kind of bitch.
People are complaining about shit like this all over the country the police are trying out maximum sentencing for minor crimes. The laws have been on the books for years but judges usually never do max sentences because they are way too harsh.
Tl;dr: the police are trying out the police state on poor families and it’s working out wonderfully for them.
Drunk in public carries a maximum penalty of $1000 and 1 year in jail. For having 3 beers.
>son gets mom put in prison for six months for swearing at him
He better hope she never gets out.
Yup, look at her fucking face. I suspect the Dad tried his hardest but had to leave.
>get home from long day at work
>lazy dipshit son fucks up the house, again
>chew him out
>he calls the cops on you
>case goes to trial
>get convicted
>conviction gets upheld
>six months in the slammer
>lose your job
>go to jail
>get a mug shot
I hope she abandons him to the state when it is done.
Could this end up at the US Supreme Court?
she certainly needs to appeal.
A woman belongs first to her father, then her husband, then her son.
Yeah that kid isnt going to have a fun 4 years before she kicks him out
Yelling at a kid isn't protected speech Drumpftards. Also she's clearly a child abuser look at her face.
>Wisconsin supreme court failed to address argument that her swearing was protected by the first amendment
Yeah well no shit, there is literally centuries of precedent now of obsenity, profanity, abusive/threatening speech, and speech that is immediately endangering to the public not being protected by the first amendment in both state and federal law. Addressing that is literally a waste of the court’s time.
Who the fuck is her lawyer and why is he still allowed to practice after being THAT stupid that he walked into a courtroom and tried to argue that? I hope she defended herself or something. If not her defender needs his license pulled and his law degree used for toilet paper.
t. Georgia law school grad
>a mother swearing at her son in her home constitutes a threat to the public
you need to be pre-emptively disbarred.
There was just a case here in Canada where a lady called the cops on her own 12 year old son for being "out of control". Then when the cop was talking to him she videotaped the interaction. The son called the cop a pussy, a fag, and was being a little shit. The scop ended up smacking the kid and the lady had the cop charged for assault.
That face says she's going to take a fucking tire iron to the little cunt when she gets out.
The kids 19 now faggot, learn to fucking read.
kek, he can draw better than me
Jews are so sneaky they even rat out their own mothers
No lawyer worth his salt would base his case on some flimsy, obscure law from the 1790s.
Why is she at worked and not cleaning the house/cooking etc.?
Yeah why not just leave? If I can't legally raise my son by calling him a moron for trying to fucking light the house on fire why fucking bother?
mann is the german name (((man))) is the jew name
>6 month in jail for swearing
What the hell?? Is this a joke? It's like something from a dystopian hyper-puritan future novel...
it's also whites getting railroaded by libtard or shitskin judges
single mother?
try harder, faggot
Is the father a jew or something?
This is the most RETARDED shit I've ever heard about in my entire life. Not surprised that it comes from LITERALLY the most inbred state in the union.
Welp that's fucking it, the justice system is an absolute joke no doubt about it now, this should concern everyone this could be any of us for using fuck
I can't even believe we are reading it right now, this shit is something we see all the time in Europe, I've come to expect fucked up rulings like this from their courts. Now that it has come here though something needs to be done about it. This isn't justice, this is abuse of power
i mean freeze peach, sure , it's cool and all....but fuck this bitch, the system works
Police don't give out sentences and the prosector makes the decision for the actual charges in the indictment and even whether it goes to court.
Is he MS13 or something? Seems he has a "13" tattooed on his chin.
Absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Here come the establishment shills to talk about how this is fine, that she deserved it, or simply not criticizing it. Shill faggots. Sup Forums is a right wing establishment shill board LARPing as conservatives of the general population.
Don't criticize dirtbag cops or else the shills will get their gay panties in a wad!
And in response to the post criticizing cops and this system that exploits the people, this shill here desperately makes a false response pushing the tired racist and libruuuuls agenda. Comical.
I see gnarly meth head moms cussing at their kids on a daily basis
s-should I be reporting these crimes?
>cops have nothing to do with it!
No shill, they do. They bring the charges and the prosecutor takes that case to court on those charges the cops made.
the prosecutor has full discretion over the charges, user, he can change whatever he wants.
The government locks her up for cursing. Meanwhile illegal aliens can rob, rape and murder Americans and get away scott free, in California. Does that make sense to you? When did Americans become second class citizens in our own country?