>A gay couple walks into a Halal butcher and asks to buy pork for their wedding. Butcher says they don't sell pork
>A gay couple walks into a Christian cake shop and asks to buy a gay-themed wedding cake. Baker says they don't sell gay-themed wedding cakes.
The bakery case is going to the Supreme Court
How do you think it will turn out?
A gay couple walks into a Halal butcher and asks to buy pork for their wedding. Butcher says they don't sell pork
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this hypothetical or is this a real case?
First one hypothetical
Second one real
But gay marriage is a legal right and cake makers should not discriminate on sexuality. Discrimination on sexuality and not selling pork because it is illegal for you to do so is not the same thing.
>kekistan flag
Every fucking time
What's a gay themed wedding cake look like? A wedding cake with An edible goatse gaping asshole image on top made of marzipan?
So the real case is as follows. Two gay men in Colorado were looking for a bakery to make a cake for their reception. Gay marriage was not legal in Colorado at the time, but there has been a law on the books in Colorado banning sexual orientation discrimination for over a decade now I think.
They were having the wedding in MA where it was legal before Colorado. The baker did not advertise that he refused gays service or didn't approve of gay marriage (nobody said he couldn't hold or advertise those beliefs!!!). Their wedding planner recommended Phillips, the anti-gay baker, having no idea about his religious beliefs. The couple went there with one of their moms, not to try to harass Christians but to try to custom order a cake with some ideas they had and the baker said sorry guys I don't do gay wedding cakes or something to that effect before they even could discuss a design.
All these arguments were used and lost in the 1950s and 1960s to defend racial segregation. The argument here is that gays are somehow worse than Blacks since I doubt Phillips would refuse to make an interracial wedding cake.
He was not fined, he is still in business, he has made MONEY off this case from donations; he simply doesn't sell wedding cakes anymore.
They never even got to discuss the design before the baker shut them down. So it was never about disputing a specific message, but the overall idea of having to serve a gay couple.
Reading about it now. Thanks!
That gives them the right to get married, it does (should) not demand that others participate. Businesses can refuse service for a lot of reasons, I would call this religious freedom myself.
>The argument here is that gays are somehow worse than Blacks
complete faggot horseshit
the argument is that his religion doesn't support the idea of gay marriage and that nobody has the right to compel someone to labor in violation of their religious beliefs
Oh, can the crap. That “loving gay couple” was incredibly hostile and rude, and launched a witch hunt against that bakery. They received constant harassing phone calls and were slandered online. They have been to court twice over this, and they’ve decided to stop baking wedding cakes, resulting in a huge revenue loss and they’ve had to let several workers go over it.
>All these arguments were used and lost in the 1950s and 1960s to defend racial segregation. The argument here is that gays are somehow worse than Blacks since I doubt Phillips would refuse to make an interracial wedding cake.
>implying that faggotry and racemixing isn't the same form of degeneracy pushed by progressives
Faggots, everyone!
they're trying to compel behavior, would you feel the same way if someone refused to bake a "hitler did nothing wrong" cake?
No... it was a WEDDING CAKE. It wasn’t denial of services to GAY PEOPLE. He would have sold them cupcakes or whatever. They want to force him to violate his religious belief that marriage is a sacrament by God between one man and one woman. These gay bitches are probably godless assholes and want to force the Christian (haha lulz he believes in a guy in the sky, hurrrrr) to provide a service for their WEDDING. Stop being deliberately obtuse.
If you go by your logic, gay marriage would not be legal because churches would refuse to marry people. Discrimination on sexuality is a hate crime. Therefore a christian bakery should be forced to provide a service they would provide to a straight couple. Likewise a muslim butcher should be forced to serve gay people pheasant, like they would straights.
Back to my hypothetical and the reality, both are products that the shops refused to make
If the gay couple just bought camel, the butcher could have provided
If the gay couple just bought cupcakes without theming it out, the bakery would have provided, since they have been known before to provide service to gay people. Kinda hard to do business in front range liberal Colorado otherwise
The argument here is that gays are worse than Blacks. Nobody is disputing that you have to serve black people who come to your restaurant. They are trying to claim the being gay is not innate unlike Black skin because being gay is not always visible, therefore sexual orientation is not deserving of protection from discrimination as an innate trait. That's what these arguments boil down to is rehashed anti-Black segregationist arguments applied to gays since nobody dared fuck with Blacks.
Asked to comment "on his region's state of mind and any specific American attitudes he feels are necessary to avoid violence and bring healing in a deteriorating situation following the Supreme Court school desegregation order," Robertson stated:
Virginia recognizes the correctness of the 1850 decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court and in the 155 subsequent decisions of State and Federal courts holding that the equal rights provision of a constitution could be properly satisfied by public schools for the white and colored races which are separate but equal.
During the last 10 years notable progress has been made in the Southern States in meeting that equality requirement. But that progress will be nullified by a program of rapid, enforced desegregation. In fact, public education for both races in some Southern States would be destroyed.
The worst feature of the current desegregation effort, however, is the resulting bitterness and racial animosities in areas where harmony heretofore prevailed. Southerners believe that the cherished constitutional right of every citizen to select his personal associates is being violated.
It was a denial of service, based at least in part on sexual orientation. They were not looking for cupcakes. He was treating them differently because they are inherently attracted to the same sex. Colorado bans such discriminatory treatment, and courts have held such laws to be neutral and generally applicable time and again.
>gay marriage would not be legal because churches would refuse to marry people
do you know how any of this works?
is this a joke?
Refusing to bake a hate cake is not the same as refusing to serve a gay couple. In fact, one is refusing to commit a hate crime and the other is a hate crime.
should businesses be allowed to not serve black people. fuck off stupid ass racist fucker.
Hang yourself sodomite scum
this has to be trolling
>worse than blacks
>trying to somehow bring race into the mix over religious reason
Oh boy the victimology on this one; the Turkish guy would’ve turned them into fucking meatcakes for religious reasons
Why are faggots always claiming they can turn straight people gay if it's innate
it's not based on sexual orientation, it's based on their wanting to get married which violated his religious belief. There's no indication that he would refuse to make them any kind of baked good ever, just that he didn't want to participate in a violation of something he felt was a divine sacrament blessed by god between one man and one woman.
trying to make this about black people is hysterical
I am in fact a christian and I'm appalled at the thought that a church could refuse to marry a gay couple. The biggest thing about christianity is tollerance therefore anything which straights are allowed to do should be allowed for gay people. Thankfully churches are going the right way forward now though. My church set up reparations for discrimination against gay people through giving spare donations to aids charities. This future of solidarity and inclusion is the best way forward.
It was a denial of service based upon his religious convictions. WEDDING. CAKE. If he hung a sign outside that said, “No fags allowed,” then yeah, sue his pants off. Now this man feels he must avoid baking ANY WEDDING CAKES AT ALL because more fags might come in and give him shit. If that isn’t evidence of his religious conviction, I don’t know what is. He has lost a LOT of revenue.
>refusing to bake a cake is a hate crime
even an idiot like you can't believe that
it is also well within someones first amendment rights to say hitler did nothing wrong, you're grasping, just answer the question: Would you also compel a baker to bake a hitler did nothing wrong cake?
He’s from plebbit, so no, they aren’t taught to think there, just to feel and come up with 15 strawmen to poster up false equivlancies to
Businesses cannot be coerced into producing anti-gay messages:
This is why I think the Supreme Court is going to rule in favor of the bakery and liberals are going to absolutely lose their shit over this
why do i bother responding to memeflaggers
why does anyone bother responding to memeflaggers
Do you even know what the definition of a crime is?
You are aware that you don't have to get married in a church, yes? Nobody should be "forced" to do any of this shit, they should have the option to. If a church or baker doesn't want to participate in a gay marriage the gay couple can find one that does.
I don't even have anything against gay people and fully support gay marriage, but I don't support the government demanding people participate in something they consider immoral or wrong just because muh tolerance.
Nobody is claiming that.
The issue is not marriage, it is their sexuality. If he refused ALL wedding cakes, the issue would have been marriage. You can use all the verbal gymnastics you want, you are going to get BTFO in court. The same 5 judges that ruled in favor of gay marriage, how do you think they will rule in this case? The initial court that heard this case voted against the baker. The appeals court voted against the baker. This is a cynical attempt by hateful evangelicals in decline to secure a last thread of power.
I think they will rule in favor of the bakery. And the little liberal God-hating shits are going to completely lose their tiny minds.
Why would the same 5 justices that ruled in favor of gay rights in Obergefell rule against gay people in this case?
Like I said, baking a hate cake is a hate crime. You're targeting vulnerable groups with hate. Honestly, if you went into a jewish bakery asking for that they should have the right to shoot you.
>He was not fined
Eat shit you lying faggot. They were fined $134,000 for not making the cake
>The issue is not marriage, it is their sexuality.
Is that why they made cakes for gay customers all the time?
>The same 5 judges that ruled in favor of gay marriage, how do you think they will rule in this case?
There is a big difference between saying "you can't prevent these people from getting married" and "you are compelled to service these people's marriage".
Because claiming this is discrimination against gay people is going to fall through. The baker has first amendment rights, too. If they had ordered, say, a birthday cake, and he had said, “We don’t serve no fags ‘round here, now git!” THAT would be discrimination.
>hate cake
that was a good one
Oh shut up, you know nothing of your own fucking religion if you think it’s 100% about tolerance. The Old Testament was fire and brimstone, don’t piss off God or he’ll fuck your shit up level stuff. Old Testament made God cuddly and more appealing to the uneducated, easier to coerce then that way. Catholics churches, I mean legitimate Catholic Churches, exocommunicate for sex before marriage, marrying a non-catholic that will not convert, etc. Fucking rice Christians like you are the absolute fucking worst and is the largest cause to the degradation of the religion; it used to be of worship, morals, and standards, now it’s for Barbara to sound morally superior and gives her a cop out to do whatever she wants because “Jesus forgives”
>getting married in MA
>buying their wedding cake in CO
Something seems fishy here... also if that dude doesn't want to bake them a cake why should he? Just find a different baker.
New Testament made God cuddly*
Sexuality is only an issue when we want rights that you previously had but we didn't.
The Supreme Court has ruled prior the 1st amendment is not an unlimited right. Laws that incidentally burden religious exercise but are facially neutral and of general applicability have been held to be constitutional.
That was a different case and EVERY time these Christians have tried to fuck with gays they have MADE more money than they were fined from donations:
Because the egregious faggots got on a power trip thinking they could shut the guy down, make him pay for x, y, and z, and all the publicity touting them as heroes for faggotry nationwide; all of which has backfired
>Sexuality is only an issue when we want rights that you previously had but we didn't.
Forcing people to service you is not a "right". It's slavery, whatever the compensation you give them for their compelled services.
>Huffington Post
You’re fucking kidding right?
So the baker's lawers are banking on a case from New Hampshire where a guy taped up the 'die' part from our licence plate "Live Free or Die."
Basically if you don't believe in something, you shouldn't have it on you or your product. Guy won the case.
It's going to be interesting when they bring it up.
A crowdfunding campaign for the Oregon bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa has set a site record by raising $352,500 in about two months after being kicked off the GoFundMe website, far exceeding the initial goal of $150,000.
Jesse Wellhoefer, founder of Continue to Give, said the Sweet Cakes effort has raised more than any previous campaign on behalf of individuals in the three-year-old crowdfunding website’s history.
Continue to Give also handles ongoing fundraising for nonprofit organizations as well as mobile and kiosk tithing for churches.
GoFundMe, the nation’s largest crowdfunder, removed a campaign for Sweet Cakes by Melissa in April after receiving complaints from gay-marriage supporters. The bakery’s owners, Aaron and Melissa Klein, are locked in a legal battle with the state for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony, citing their religious beliefs.
Mr. Wellhoefer said his company had received “lots and lots” of complaints about the Sweet Cakes crowdfunding campaign, but that he has refused to remove it.
That had nothing to do with businesses open to the public.
>They make more money from donations that six figure fine
Is that why they had to sell their house? Why do you keep lying about this? Is it so you can make some lofty high ground for yourself and pretend faggots didn't ruin their lives?
Sorry sweetie but fundamentalists like you are a dying breed. The new testament was written 2000 years ago when barbarianism was normal. Not anymore. I hope you go down the right path before it's too late.
Forcing people to wash their hands is a federal law. Forcing employees to serve Blacks and Christians is federal law. In this case, forcing employees to serve gay customers, is state law.
Gee, who knew Christians would try to defend their own from tyranny and religious persecution?
>I swear we're totally not fishing for bakers to sue.
>We're getting married in Massachusetts but we want a cake from Colorado.
This is why we hate you faggots. IDC if you suck a mans dick or have butt sex with him. I care that you always act like such flaming faggots in public. Good for you're gay. Why won't you just leave me alone now? We don't care about your stupid parades. You're obnoxious. I would ban all faggots from my store not because of their sexual orientation but because I don't have time to have stupid faeries flitting about trying to show how much more female then females they are. I get it you're a fudge packer. Now can we just get on with life? Does it always have to be about your sexuality? Let me guess they didn't just want a regular cake they wanted a faggy rainbow cake? No idea why the baker didn't want to bake that.
They had no idea he was religious when they went there. At the time, gay marriage was not legal in Colorado but the couple is FROM Colorado, so they officially got married in MA but had a reception in Colorado.
Faggots just want to play the victim. They can gat married so now they're the poor hapless victims of the oppressive bakers of wedding cakes and some hospital policies!!!! Will their tragic plight never end?
Everything every faggot ever does is just a cry for attention from children who never made it through puberty.
>Christianity isn't tyranny
Tell that to all the kids priests have molested.
Technically it does. If you don't like something a business is doing then you can go somewhere else.
Ok open a restaurant the refuses to serve Black people. We had this debate in the 1950s and you lost.
Sorry sweety but Christianity made the white man into cucks. We're either going to go extinct, become the most powerful Muslims ever, or become American Gods. Dast Trumpenreich ist gud.
Fucking Faggot... Take your degenerate double standards elsewhere. You are the reason we are in this fucking shite state to begin with, you wishy washy- loose asshole having Faggot
>Sexuality is only an issue when we want rights that you previously had but we didn't.
was this guy selling same-sex wedding cakes to straight people?
No but he was providing a service to some people that he refused to others who were a member of a protected class under state law.
But I love black people.
I married one.
>We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
Well checkmate the restaurants in my area the people are so rude to everyone that black people complain online that they were being mistreated and that the restaurant is racist. Well checkmate faggots I've lived here over 10 years and they treat me like shit too. You're just making it so all businesses will treat everyone like shit which is the hell you want for us.
>refuses to serve Black people.
they didn't refuse to serve gay people, they've served plenty of gay customers, they were just refusing to serve chitlins and mac n cheese
>not on the menu, move along
So the only argument here is that being gay is less innate than being Black and the court rejected that argument in 2015 in Obergefell, and these are the same 5 judges who supported that decision.
You don't have a right to refuse service to Blacks. That is federally proscribed.
They refused to serve people on the basis of their sexual orientation. If they were straight and wanted a waiting cake, they would have gotten it.
Yes, the service was wedding cakes for traditional marriages. If they weren't selling same sex wedding cakes to heteros then there's no discrimination.
The US "Muslims" are the very first people the true Islamists would target. They hate apostasy. I don't like the Muslims but they're hardcore lad.
The argument here is that when you're acting like an ass in a place of business they have a right to not serve you.
>I have the right to force someone to design a cake for me
That's not how freedom of speech works, stupid faggot.
Except they weren't refusing service to gays, they were refusing service to people who wanted a cake that supported gay marriage, which is an idea the owners disagree with on religious grounds.
Wasn't the "icing on the cake" for the Christian Cake Shop that they DON'T DO WEDDINGS?
They refused to do the cake because they don't do wedding cakes, but the gay couple got mad and took it as a personal attack against their "life choice".
Or am I thinking of the Christian flower shop the left shut down because they refused to do the flowers for a gay couple's wedding, because the flower shop doesn't do weddings (too much stress).
There's been so many that they all tend to blend together.
If I sell supplies for black pride events, do have to service white pride events too?
but they didn't refuse them service based on their sexual orientation
>they've served gay people
would you also force them to bake a cake for the WBC that says God Hates Fags?
Read of the bottom of the page dingus, the part that says they got to keep $109k of the money before they were kicked off because faggots complained. I’d crowd find too if I got judge/jury/exectuionered because of 2 emotionally frail faggots raising an uproar off of a goddamned wedding cake. Do you honestly think a mom and pop cake shop makes that level of revenue without going bankrupt? Hell no, between material costs, property taxes, FICA, FUTA, and SUTA taxes, their profits are likely incredibly low. After their campaign, they were still $26k in the red
The appeals court considered and rejected your argument. Consider reading the actual decision because it blows all your shitty outdated arguments out of the water.
There's been dozens of cases like this. Fags would just go around trying to get shops in trouble for a year or 2 there. Thank God for Trump. He's not perfect but he's not HRC. Hey gay user? Member berries when HRC said that marriage was between a man and a woman? Member berries when Obama said that in like 2012? Ya keep believing they have your back. At least the right tells you the truth that they don't give a fuck about you. Better honesty then a lying fake friend.
There’s a reason you’re Protestant, likely an a non orthodoxy church, baptists are weird about homos too, especially since they’re basically the conversion front of the religion
No they did do weddings. Now they don't.Nobody goes to a wedding and says "the baker has blessed this union!" when they eat the cake.
You only have to serve customers who are in good faith. If someone enters your business to harass you or threaten you, you don't have to serve them.
>You only have to serve customers who are in good faith. If someone enters your business to harass you or threaten you, you don't have to serve them.
Didn't say anything about harassment. If you serve Black Pride events do you have to serve White Pride events too?
>Forcing people to wash their hands is a federal law.
False. Forcing businesses to have hand washing posters is a federal law, not forcing people to wash their hands.
>Forcing employees to serve Blacks and Christians is federal law.
Per Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This unfortunate statute protects against discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
At question here is whether or not States have the legal authority to extend this to sexual preferences and if they can use this extended authority to force religious business owners to either violate their religion or shut down.
Because the bad actions of individuals acting of their own volition is equivalent to central authority systematically denying your individual liberty.
See above. Title VII covers race, not sexual preferences. Nothing in the law says I have to celebrate you sticking your ding dong in another man.
you actually can't be forced to serve anyone, you simply can't refuse to serve people based on race
you can refuse to serve a black person because they are noisy and destructive and don't tip, for example
What is it about being a faggot that makes you people so fucking insufferable? Every faggot I've met is a degenerate attention whore. Can't you cunts just all flood into California and leave us alone?
They made tons of money off refusing gays service any way you slice it. Banned from one website? They find another. Private donations. Every Christian business refusing to serve gays has MADE money. NO Christian business has been put out by financial hardship by the state for refusing to serve gays. Evangelical Christians are well financed.
>forcing employees to serve gay customers
this is a strawman argument and you know it. Nobody is denying service solely on the grounds that they're gay, they're refusing to take part in a religious ceremony, a wedding, that they don't agree with. If a gay person walked into one of those bakeries asking for a birthday cake nobody would deny them.
proof: there isn't a single lawsuit over a gay person being denied service for a simple birthday cake
If the bakery does lose, they can just give an insane price (like 100k) for the cake, and the gay couple will not order. I don't even get the point of this lawsuit, it just seems retarded.
Also, the baker can do a half added job and make a very shitty cake