Are things really as bad as we make them out to be? I rarely see the kind of degeneracy posted here in real life.
Are things really as bad as we make them out to be? I rarely see the kind of degeneracy posted here in real life
Probably, because you never leave the house.
They are and much worse, I thought the same thing living in my also most 90 % white town until moved to a city for college.
Race-mixing, disgusting tyrannies, rampant degeneracy.
no, its there Sup Forums just exaggerates it
no just smoke weed all day and eat doritos. Don't have kids. Everything will be just fine.
Good point.
Half and half. We keep allowing the normalization of degeneracy to continue we will have bestality and pedophile in the mainstream in a few years.
Year of my birth. I speak the truth anons.
I once saw a gay rights parade go by and it was full of literally the most tumblr looking people ever
it does exist, but it's not everywhere.
Yes. If you don't see it, you aren't paying close attention or are part of the problem and beyond help.
The world is most likely safer and less violent today (I agree it's difficult to believe). Our technology simply overwhelms us with horrific stories and images that once went completely unnoticed, especially since we used to view "the news" for about an hour a day.
if only you knew
You must live out in the country.
For those about to pounce
yes ,probably worse
>including military deaths
Meanwhile murder rate, rape and criminal assault went up here in Germany in the last 5 years and cities like Chicago have the highest murder rate of the last 2 decades.
>stops in 2000 where it's going up again
Got 2000-2016?
avoid chimp out zones
it really hit me one day when i noticed a lot of girls were taller than me (i'm 5'9). i'm into tall girls, but i thought they were something i only saw infrequently online until i moved out of my hometown... if i moved out of the midwest to the urban areas i bet i'd see a lot more degeneracy too. changing homestead really puts a lot of things in perspective, is my point.
dmevery city is non white and has faggotry on every corner and most people think more degeneracy is better. i am happy for you living in a nice white place, but that isnt the whole world.
irl I had white people steal things from me, never a black person. I work at a pizza joint and a white guy walked in while we were making pizza and took our tip jar. He didn't even look homeless or anything. Just a regular white guy wearing jeans and a leather jacket.
No, it's not. You gotta understand, just like the most vocal weirdos from the left are a minority, most of the loudest-talking alt-right from Sup Forums are fellas who don't work or socialize with others, and spend a lot of time reading sensational news and topics. They don't understand that the real world doesn't fit their paranoid delusions.
saw some dude in a skirt, tights, and general trap attire with a v-neck revealing chest hair thicker than austin powers'.
freakshow is really moving in lately
and it wasn't at a pride parade
Here (You) go.
Seattle is full of trannies. They put on their woman costumes and rainbow feather boas and hang out in groups downtown. At least the trannies won't stab you for no reason, which is more than I can say for a lot of people in downtown Seattle.
universities actively promote this, and it's spilling out of tumblr
cherry picking fallacy
>everyone videotapes all the stupidest shit and more from their phone and uploads it to the internet
>search(degeneracyX) = more results
It's even worse than you realize.
there is a group of niggers at my uni creating false reports, even caused a uni wide lockdown, based on lies
trying to make white males seem horrible, writing racist shit on their own doors, creating false reports of assault, rape, and battery and causing massive 'anti-hate' protests across my campus
i had a professor imply i would get a letter grade lower if i didn't go to one of these protests
i wouldn't say its a conspiracy as much as mass hysteria, it feels like everyone is losing their common sense over a perceived threat that is being spread through BLM types
out of my social group from school, 3 are no full on trannys or transitioning.
it's soul crushing watching it happen again and again.
I have cut all association with these defective ingrates.
Come visit here and tell me its all memes.
Full stop retarded
This. I've lived long enough to have seen with my own eyes the deterioration of Sweden.
This is a gaslighting shill.
It's objectively worse.