If the ancient greeks weren't black why did they carefully distinguish the rare cases they encountered a white person on their vases?
Sorry if this is the wrong board but here is where I encountered the denial of black greek history.
If the ancient greeks weren't black why did they carefully distinguish the rare cases they encountered a white person on their vases?
Sorry if this is the wrong board but here is where I encountered the denial of black greek history.
Are you fucking retarded?
Well no. Would you care to answer my question?
when you are working with four colors, one of which is the base color of the object itself, you are somewhat limited in terms of what you can do, design-wise
if you want two figures to stand out next to one another, as an artist you might choose to leave one of the figures the color of the vase rather than paint it in to create the contrast you desire
It's called art, I'm sure it was due to what type of dies they had for the material they were using. Retard Greeks were and are white. Read a fucking book!
But most vases show two black people
Here you can see how a Greek artist chose to depict Memnon, an Ethiopian king.
You can see clearly that his face displays typical African features.
Which book? Since you are so sure why don't you just post it?
and again, this time in statuary, you can clearly see that Memnon has African features that are very unlike those of other Greek statues
the vase is black...
most vases? a quick google image search shows many vases contain all black figures or all gold figures
this suggests it was a stylistic choice
indeed without even knowing the history I came to the conclusion that is correct, because I am not a retard like OP:
It was their artistic style, you ninny.
The artist is using contrast to establish a difference between the two figures. That's literally all it is. You can see this contrasting art style in many Greek vases, including the one I'll post with this comment.
The ancient Greeks were not black. Thinking they were because they colored in their figures on vase artwork is nonsense.
Is OP retarded or a troll?
omg they have a black horse on the vase all horses must be black
hm, I wonder which of these two figures is meant to represent an African?
Notice how the Greek artists paid special attention to the jutting of the lower jaw on the black man. This is a defining feature of the black face that is also present in the depiction of the Ethiopian Memnon here
This isn't even similar two my claim you failure
Then explain why most vases feature all black characters if they wanted to contrast.
>Thinking they were because they colored in their figures on vase artwork is nonsense
Not my claim. But how do you know they weren't?
Colors were used symbolically also lack of dyes. You might not realize this but many colors we were incapable of creating for a very long time. Some were also very difficult to make (powdered bone vs burnt wood for white v black).
But no it's more likely that everyone was actually black and white people never existed then suddenly white people existed, took over everything, reduced black people to dumb tribal monkeys and Re-write history.
Makes sense.
Black-figure pottery was only popular until ca. 530 BC. They used red-figure style later on.
It's just a stylistic choice.
Hey retard, if you are still confused why don't you look at Greek mosaics from the time
A simple Google search will show you that in a different art form the Greeks were clearly always white and they when they depicted blacks they depicted them quite clearly as African (pic related)
If the Greeks were actually black, why would mosaics show them as clearly white? inbred retards with low IQ posting from Germany need to be deported back to Islamistan
depends on what actualy is depicted on thatvase
It's more likely that this is a hero being struck down by a villain in a tragic depiction. The Greeks were pretty faithful to changing up character facial features depending on what race they were as well as well versed in theater.
>being tanned=being black
How can somebody be this retarded?Ancient Greeks and Modern Greeks were and are tanned during the summer.The same will happen to a Swedish,German etc if he go to a Med country
guck mal die augen an im bild, er trägt rüstung du blöde kerl. Griechisch kunst hat bestimmte merkmale wie schwarze menschen weil es gibt nur einige farben die nutzten werden können im übereinstimmung mit kulturalische präzedens
And besides mosaic tile work there are also frescoes (murals) showing Greeks as clearly white
>B-but she looks black to me!
fucking retard
Those are clearly slave performers celebrating their african rulers (who you have conveniently cropped out of the image)
Tell me again how the Greeks wasn't black
got me
have I become the Jew?
Holy shit your an idiot, I guess when Greeks switched to red-figure pottery around 500bc the greeks magically became part of the red-race..
maybe those servants are tanned from doing a lot of work in the field while the woman they are serving is not tanned and is clearly white from staying indoors
also please tell me, since we are looking at vases that contain both styles (vase at the top and sculptured pottery) which of these depicts Hercules and which is an unnamed black man?
If the Ancient Greeks were black, they would still be black, as would all the areas of Spain, Turkey and Italy they colonized. They fought off the Persians so were not erased from history, they were the basis of Roman culture. I think it would be pretty fucking obvious if they were black. They would depict themselves as African across all their art, instead the Spartans have high instances of blonde and red hair, and the vast majority of Greek art depicts classic unmistakeably white beauty, unlike art from genuine black Africans and Aborigines, which shows monkey like black people. Are you black, Asian, Leftist? What? I don't understand why you're not only retarded, but so insecure about your own culture you have to claim one of the most renowned and documented European cultures and people as something it never, ever was.
This will give him a heart attack, they hate to be exposed in art like this. The truth is awful for them, which is why they need Helen of Troy to be a black kween instead of the actual blonde she was.
Look, I'm all for shitting on meds but claiming Greeks were black is just beyond retarded.
You need to take 3-4 days where you just sit at home and ask yourself "why am I this retarded? How can I be less retarded?"
Heres some roman frescoes from the 1st century a.d. but I bet you think the devil whitey probably went back and changed the colors?
Here's another. But again, that dann mad scientest mamood and his damn albino$!! His damn bleached race probably ia using their technology!