Can we stop this Polish-German conflict meme?
We are basically the same people.
Politics aside, we can work together as
nations towards common goal.
Can we stop this Polish-German conflict meme?
how are we the same people, what do Sarmatians have to do with ge*mans?
This is what Bismarck, a man renowned as one of the greatest Germans of all time, said about Poles.
Its the ((((juice)))).
Was on a catholic school and half of my friends are poles or germans who stayed in poland after the war. We all get along great and share the same values.
>Polish Crimea
EU army when
Unlike the common meme that Poles would be lazy it is actually the opposite.
So many jobs are done for which many Germans are too fine to do for themselfs and the hired Poles are always fast in doing them.
Respect were respect is due.
>We are basically the same people.
The Pole, realising due to his own nature his country can never be on the same cultural or economic level as the West, lashes out in obsessive attacks against those he claims to hate yet really longs to be. Just like the psychotic Pole in this thread, fantasizing over building a border wall between him and Western Europe, yet in reality the Pole wants nothing more than to be seen as Western European
>yes pls Hans, fuck me, I like you more than myself, I only act as if I'm mouthy and assertive, but in reality I worship you!
never mind all those stolen microwave Owens and bicycles, you send back polak!
and clay, you lived on in the past?
and new clay you soiling
Those are not poles. They're Gypsys
shit we'll change very soon
trust me
shit will change*
>shit will change*
polak stronk!
>what is the Hajnal line
just wait 20 years
The reason for Germany and Poland not to work together in ww2 was the Treaty of Verwsailles
Pshek, pls.
ur country is shit anyway
it would be better for u to be annexed by us
fuck off lunikoff
>common goal
Foreign occupation? How nice.
Hopefully never.
Shit map and shit flag.
Based prusian lad
Ffs proto-germanics were R1a/I1 + R1b.
I1/R1a in scandinavia, north/east germany, R1b in netherlands west germany.
Do not larp about the things you dont know about
Krautists should be put in a petting zoo with other interesting animals.
>modern germonkey
>modern Poland
I see this as a shit fighting with a shadow...
What is the pic trying to say?
Czech standard of living the same as that of primitive african societies?
Shitstains like Mexico, India and south africa more important than Russia?
hard to take seriously