Take a pill, leave a pill.
Can we get a /redpill/ thread going on?
Its very confusing to read "Asian man" when you actually mean "Middle eastern muslim"
Reading brittish papers makes it seem like there are a bunch of japs beating, raping and killing people in britan and that doesnt sound like japs
saved as MuslimMohamadeusRapegang.jpg thx user
>Traps are gay
>Women are whores
>Blacks are violent and unfit for civiliation
>Jews are cunning and in open warfare with the whole gentry
>Soy makes you gay
>The media is entirely jew owned
>The west is totally gone
>There really is a spiritual layer to reality
>This is how the world will probably end
>Women and Jews can never be trusted
>56% meme is real
look up "outbreeding suppression" this is the cause of the flynn effect.
The author makes a many number of erroneous logical mishaps. For example, stating that anything that isn't a biological necessity which cannot be controlled consciously is a disability or some sort of aberration of morality.
That's just a naturalistic fallacy. The whole thing is just specious reasoning.
>.t a non gay fag.
>"Middle eastern muslim"
It doesn't actually mean that either. Very few Muslims in the UK are Arabs/Turks/Iranians (i.e. Middle Easterners). Most of them come from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, the area generally referred to as 'South Asia'.
'Asian' naturally ends up refering to the largest Asian immigrant community in a particular country. In America, that's Chinks and Japs, whereas in the UK that's Pakis. It's not a fucking conspiracy, it's just that - as usual - Americans don't understand basic geography.
Ted Kaczynski foretold everything in his manifesto
use it well.
>Americans don't understand basic geography.
Oh i do understand it and i do know that there are muslims in asia but i am saying its very fucking confusing outside of bongistan since to the rest of the world asian means chinese/japanese/korean.
does anyone have that one about wheman where guy compares them to dogs ?
i lost it
This is interesting and the first time I've seen this phenomenon acknowledged. I think another example of this is people who obsess over home renovation stuff like the DIY network and all these flip this house shows. They spend all this money to get they're house to look like some trendy spot just to have to do it again in a couple of years because styles have changed. Meanwhile they're just furthering the machine of companies like home depot. None of them have a mind of their own. They just do this stuff because the TV tells them to. Also it seems that women then hold men accountable to upholding this useless standard of living that the house has to resemble some sort of hipster vape lounge to the effect that marriages and such are based on how much of a corporate shill you can become. Total vanity and mindless stupidity.
look into the mouse utopia experiements, these are the "beautiful ones"
quick rundown for convenience
All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.
Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.
If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.
You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)
There was a blackpill about FTL that I never managed to save. Anybody got that? I know it's not related to Sup Forums...
Save then change format to one where you can zoom in, the original is too big
The behavioral sink study by Calhoun and its relation to Japan sent my head spinning a little.
if you have contentions with manipulation why are you using manipulation tactics in your post?
stop talking like a fag, your shit is literally all retarded
What a fancy word.
They should have just sticked with ''mentally unstable''
The alleged "plan"
Short, sweet and to the point
Your lords and masters
To narrow it down, here are the main ones
I have observed my whole life, these useless redpills offer a clearer picture. They are small insights of hundreds of anons in what they have observed. They are often facts without the intentional distortions and bias that you would see were it to be presented to you by the general media or education. You can't fight an enemy you don't know.
>If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available?
>implying you won't get banned from faceberg or twitter for sharing half of these pills
>Why does this post unsettle you so much?
Turkroach author I guess.
The Final redpill, the solution to the jewish question and the end of the path.
But japan IS under pressure to accept migrants from the third world user so its not only white nations but mainly white nations
This makes no sense.
>Racial and ethnic censuses have been banned by the French government since 1978, since the term "race" in France invokes associations with Nazi Germany
To my Fellow Liberals and Progressives,
How can all races and all cultures be truly represented with a single government? Doesnt every group of people have seperate needs? Wouldnt it make more sense to have multiple countries, one for each group so that they are rightfully and truly represented by people they know value their existence and hold their same values and agree on what economic strategies to take? Wouldnt that be more fair?
read it again until it does dum dum
This was at a time when forced labor of blacks was still very prevalent.
Fake news.
>Daily Wire
hello shill, getting those overtime hours this weekend are we?
>ashkenazim jews have the highest percentage of neanderthal genes
[citation needed]
According to a NOVA documentary dated January 9, 2013, northern Italians have the highest percentage of neanderthal DNA (4%). See the discussion around the 44 minute mark.
>sarah silverman milkers
Wait a sec, I'm responding to bait, ain't I?
Can you explain this a little more?
nice pasta
>nice pasta
>pic not related to neanderthals
Still waiting for a citation to refute the NOVA source.
What is this nonsense