>your candidate wins
>the opposing party takes office anyway
Why do Americans make such a big deal about the right to vote when their votes literally do not mattery?
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because muh empty land matters more then people retard
Your candidate didn't win.
Trump said it best himself. If his goal was to get the popular vote, he would've changed his plans to appeal to big urban centers like LA, New York, ect.
we're not a democracy where the mob rules, we're a representative democracy ruled by the greatest document ever conceived by humans, the constitution.
Arguments about voting are lost on this lot; they defend the process like it benefits them to do so. Humans in general are morons. American morons are just particularly loud.
Use your nation's flag, you fucking cunt. Nobody cares that you're gay.
>I would've won if we were playing checkers!
>your candidate wins
That's where you're wrong Carlos.
The states vote for potus, as this is a republic of states.
If states cannot elect their executive, why continue to participate in the union?
she lost
stay mad
Trump even said he would have campaigned differently if the winner was based on the popular vote.
It's not his fault you don't understand how the system works.
> play chess
> lose
> say you were playing checkers
> say the other side didn't win
lol you realize Obama won the 2008 election even though he had 3 million less votes....it goes both ways dumb shit
s h i l l
You're wrong.
If your candidate won, he/she would be in the white house.
The winner won, and he is currently President
Prove it.
>muh 3 gorillion votes
We are 50 states, we dont let mobs in NY and California rule our government.
>*minus 5.8 million illegal, repeat, and otherwise fraudulent votes
Cheaters get their awards and records revoked, Haus.
Sauce or fake.
GWB lost the popular vote, too.
>A faggot meme flag?
>Hur dee dur!
Illegal alien votes dont count
Great argument, user. College debate team?
Pure millennial
Illegal aliens can't vote.
National ID, plz n thnx.
There are reasons leftshit don't want it, chiefly among them that they will never honestly win a federal position again.
But your candidate didn't win.
A) Illegals and dead people are not allowed to vote, which is why your party is fighting tooth and nail not to hand over their voter rolls to the voter fraud investigation and
B) Elections here are not decided by popular vote. They are decided by electoral college. Otherwise we'd have retarded fucks like your socialist cousins in NY and Cali able to swing entire elections with their 2 states only.
Muh blacks and mexicans are too dumb to get an ID so its racist
So, does yards gained win a football game, or points?
See what I did there?
>Check flag
Yeah, you're a faggot alright. Opinions dismissed.
Regardless of race if you are too stupid to get an id you should not vote. There should be an intelligence test on top of that to make sure you are capable of thinking for yourself.
maybe he was confused and was thinking about the primaries where hillary won the popular vote but obama ended up as the nominee.
>Not understanding that America IS NOT A DEMOCRACY.
No mob rule in America. Stay jealous faggot.
Bernie won both and she still stole the DNC nomination lol
No ID, no vote, no exceptions. Mr. President, please fulfill this hope.
2 scoops
2 sips
2 bills
2 terms
Well... they're no supposed to anyway.
You forgot; 2 seats.
Quite right, pardon my mistake!
They're also not supposed to be bused from poll to poll, via donation bux, to vote repeatedly.
under age
>non americans don't understand electoral votes
it makes to to where big cities with a huge population don't decide for the rest of the country
> Be dumb bitch
> Spend 30 years becoming president
> Have entire (((establishment))) stack the deck in your favor
> Doesn't read the one requirement to win the presidency
> Skips Wisconsin
>Blames Russia
Here's a better question:
Why is anyone registered Democrat when only the super-delegates' votes matter?
fradulent votes in US?
don't yall have some sort of identification system for your citizens to prevent non-citizens to vote?
People need to bring up that millions of Hillary's votes were from illegal immigrants that aren't supposed to be allowed to vote in our election.
and look how that turned out
ease up nigga,damn
It's super insecure, there is no form of ID required.
Liberals argue that to impose voter ID laws would be racist somehow.
I'm serious about both of these things.
good fucking riddance
You don't need the majority of the states to win.
If you're stupid enough to believe this, then please stay home and skip out on voting in the future.
No one was complaining about this until Trump won. Sore liberal losers.
The majority of American's are either too stupid/didn't pay attention in school when it comes to the electoral college or play some schoolyard temper tantrum shit pretend the rules aren't fair when they lose.
It's so fucking simple.
Each state has a number that represents a fair percentage of the population. When you vote for what ever side you're on it is like a scale. Which ever side gets the most votes in that state wins the state number. Who ever has the most states with a large number wins the election. Individual votes matter but not as a whole because states like Califoria or Texas would have unfair numbers. Not just because it's population but illegals mucking up the numbers.
If state X is worth 32 electoral votes and counties in this state were mostly dems the Dem presidential candidate wins that state.
If state Y is worth 12 electoral votes and it was mostly Red voting the Republican candidate gets that state.
Trump then promised to change that: “We're going to win so much. You're going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America great again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We're gonna keep winning.’ ~DJT
Hillary had more votes in 2008 to be the Democratic candidate than Obama, but the Dems went with Obama over her.
This is why it's not a popular vote
ITT: OP discovers federalism
Some states do. Some states consider any such thing to be racist.
Forgot the inage
What's so hard to understand about the fact that the votes are at state level. You directly elect your officials at state level because the US is a coalition of states, each of them acting as their own micro-country with their own customs and laws. The president is therefore elected by the states themselves determining who they want their representatives to cast a ballot for.
Yes, the smallest states have more electors in proportion to the population than they should, but even if you took these extra electoral votes and gave them to the highest population blue states, Trump STILL would have won.
We had an intelligence test to qualify to vote. It was deemed racists because so few blacks could pass it while so many whites did pass it.
the votes of city dwellers outnumber people who live outside of major cities that is why. We cannot have cities deciding the nations policy entirely
It's 4-D chess, faggot. You're out to win the WH, not some arbitrary measure that faggots think pretty.
i hope voter id laws become a fucking thing, im sick of dead voters
This is what made Trump victory all the more delicious. Real Americans are outnumbered.
You know, its strange---
Hillary knew the requirements to become president when she helped her husband win TWO consecutive terms as a US president, back in 1992 and 1996.
Hillary knew the terms to become president back in 2008 when she ran for the office herself.
So how is it she FORGOT the terms to become president in 2016?
This really activates my almonds.
This and can we be sure she even would have won if everyone had been using the same rules? For example, California, being its own state, can tally the votes however it wants and has some latitude (apparently, in the case of illegals) to ignore federal election laws. So how many votes would have been "for her" if the federal government was stationed at polling places rigorously enforcing federal law? Or stationed everywhere regularly enforcing immigration law like California is supposed to do in the first fucking place?
You made this same thread yesterday, do the world a favor and die of AIDS already.
you think hillary was the candidate of the people?
were you deprived of oxygen?
>hurr I'm a retard and I don't know what the electoral college is hurr
Not that I expect much mental accomplishment from someone who thinks that chopping his dick off makes him a woman
They complained about it in 2000, when Gore lost. Democrats promised to use their next super-majority to change it.
2008 came around. They controlled the House, Senate, White House, and most of the courts. Couldn't be bothered to remember to push for the constitutional change.
2016 comes around, they are bitching and moaning about it again.
Hubris is a hell of a drug
>Don't know the rules
>Shocked when you lose and your vote ""didn't matter""
For being the most qualified person to be President in the history of America, which I've been told Hillary was on many occasions by herself and her supporters, she sure as fuck seems to have slipped up to not know what the winning conditions for the Presidency were - maybe she should have spent more time in key states speaking to the common man instead of pandering to the highly populated cities minorities.
>Hillary's pic
Jesus Christ she's not even trying to make the rubber suit convincing
How many fucking times are you going to make this thread? How much are you being paid?
You lost faggot
>this many people actually falling for this bait for the 93456th time
You guys are as retarded as redditors
Well we have an elector college that's all that mattery.
This thread gets posted everyday and you retards take the bait everyday. Why is Sup Forums so fucking gullible and retarded?
Maybe some poor soul will learn something from us being baited.
>appeal to big urban centers like LA, New York
Technically, however there was some fuckery in the Michigan primary where only Hillary ended up on the ballot, remove those votes and Obama won.
Remember Michigan hates the Clintons because of NAFTA plus all the nigs in Detroit, Obama would have won the state.
>your candidate is dying of kuru
>autistic screeching
>not a democracy
Silent Majority...
Luckily, we masquerade as a democracy but we are actually a republic.
That's why a few states/voting districts can't dictate what the rest of the country gets for 4 years.
Popular vote literally does not matter. And as far as I am concerned its working as intended.
Because the bong totin' crackheads in California and the ultra liberal faggots in NYC shouldn't decide who the president is. If that were the case we'd have a liberal president forever. Fuck that.
beause dindus and beanniggers are not real citiziens
Trump said Trump Tower was tapped. You laughed. Turns out he was right.
Trump said Hillary rigged the entire primary. You laughed. Turns out he was right.
Trump said Hillary was the one with ties to Russia. You laughed turns out he was right.
Trump said millions of illegals and dead people voted. You laughed. Hmmmm.....
top kek