I’ve been beginning to wonder if Islam is really the true path.
>impossible to eradicate; more and more countries becoming Islamized; Europe will flip in our lifetime >it’s adherents actually take it seriously to the point of violence >basically impossible to leave once you convert or are born in >immune to outside influence or subterfuge like liberalism or consumerism >pro family and stability structure versus individualistic, dead end societies
Should I just recite the shahada already? I mean why is Islam so successful if it’s not true?
>d-desu volt
We both know no one actually takes Christianity seriously anymore
Josiah Robinson
You forgot the most important one: >totally dependant on saudi money
Noah James
Mashallah my friend, you're starting to see the truth. Islam, submission to the will of God, is a mercy to humanity, and provides the best guidelines on which to build human societies. You're right, Europe will "flip" in our lifetime, and God willing, the rest of the world will follow. I converted to Islam about nine months ago, and was formerly a WN Sup Forumsack. These angry young white men resisting atheist liberalism are really just looking for what's been here the whole time, and it is that one, simple eternal creed of world-embracing, life-affirming submission to God, Islam.
Lincoln Lewis
Religion makes sense in places where life is terrible, thats why it's strong, european muslims are pretty degenerate.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Are you that retarded Iranian who thinks he's white?
Tyler Russell
That is retarded, and no, I'm not Iranian.
Kayden Evans
>tfw to intelligent to reproduce so foreigners inherit your country
Shows you how great your society is when you literally can’t have enough kids
Anthony King
Yeah I'm guessing you're that guy.
Kevin Cooper
So you are saing that the west is shitty because it doesen't reproduce enough? Btw muslims fertility rates dropp off after the first generation, as they get contamined by western values, really a strong religion.
Easton Gomez
No, the true path is Being. Stop looking for answers from the external world and observe the world to form your own answers. The only way to experience the entirety of Allah is to look within, rather than accept what half-truths come from the mouths and hands of men.
Daniel Robinson
Islam is a cancer, muslims are cancer cells. Liberals and leftists are HIV.
Levi Sanders
There will be some kind of kebab removal, it's not very European to go without war for such a long time
Ethan Carter
>w-we’ll get them this time
Dylan Rivera
the true path is liberalism. The modern kind that turns everyone into a mindless, cowardly, gibberish spewing trend follower. Every other ideology turns to mush when it encounters liberalism.
Evan Wright
Western society is godless, degenerate, materialistic cancer so yes. I mean from a functional standpoint what good is your society if you can’t reproduce.
Luke Reyes
Think again fucktard.
Andrew Green
Capitalist democracry is unironically the most evil form of government ever devised
Leo Jackson
Europeans have always followed a different reproductive strategy than other races. It is in our genes. Drop in birth rates nowadays is a social effect but still ... we would never be able to outbreed niggers or Arabs.
Thus, the regular culling of lesser races with higher fecundity should be an imperative to us.
Jordan Perez
James Gonzalez
Nah you should just import shitskins and put a garbage bag over your gf
haha btfod by my contrarian beliefs much?
Michael Mitchell
I have one problem with it: polygamy. It creates shortage of women.
Xavier Collins
>What is Iran? >What is Shia Islam?
Ryan Scott
Look at the results: every Islamic society turns into a filthy inbred shithole where progress in tech and living standards goes backwards. That tells you all
Worldwide Islam would be the dark ages mankind would never recover from again
Grayson Hughes
religious totalitarianism tends to create a homogeneous society. After all, if you don't you'll likely be killed.
Thomas Turner
Haha yeah better to live in a neoliberal society where society is so fucked up and so expensive to have kids that you end up importing all those “primitive” Muslims
Austin Morales
Homogeneity is good
Bentley Jones
I think more and more right-wingers are reaching this conclusion. It's best for social conservatives everywhere to be united under a single, very conservative religion than to be divided into a number of squabbling religions. See for example in America, how evangelical Christians have spent more time attacking Muslims than tackling the root issues of degeneracy in our society.
So converting to the most conservative, traditionalist religion and uniting with other social conservatives makes sense. I think if white countries adopted Islam, then the immigration policy could be severely toughened up, because most Muslim countries have very tough immigration policy and have efforts to preserve their ethnicity/race. For example, the Saudis do not even give citizenship to other Arabs, the same with Iranians, etc.
If white countries were Islamic, I also would think they would easily dominate and lead Middle Eastern countries to prosperity, and stop the endless wars and refugee crises there, which would bring stability to the region, and thus stop the refugee flow. All in all, it would be a win-win scenario.