Hey, I don't want the snarky replies or questions of insincerity. just take the information and let it speak for itself. let it really speak. I implore all of you.

Light BENDS/ABSORBS diverging UPWARDS splitting the Celestial Sphere and absorbing into the central bio acoustic dipole octahedral antennae WITHIN the SPHERICAL cellular CONCAVE earth. the trajectory of your line of sight bends up more than the actual curvature of the earth interpreting data in a block chain hierarchy, favoring first the bottom and then the top. your line of sight intersects the celestial sphere perpendicularly, created an inverted virtual dome illusion. its a trick.
There are 3 concentric silica ice stationary glass spheres enveloping seperatley the sun, moon, and planets, with a central celestial sphere containing the octahedron hypercube tesseract fractal computer and all the sonoluminescent stars. they are small. super hot vibrating sound bubbles. cosmic microwave background radiation shows the mass in the area SURROUNDING the stars, not in the stars themselves.
scientists use this to triangulate light year ratios of accumulated and accounted for dark matter.
when you understand that you live inside the earth. and that outer space is actually inner space. an inversion. an illusion. you can understand that this "dark matter"is just dark water... and the stars are just bubbles vibrating in that water...

there is a seam in the celestial sphere at the 60 degree angle line revealing the dark rifts and nebulae. the milky way band that scientists call the milky way galaxy.

Recognize your innate perspicasity and instinct. your intuition. spread this information around.

Other urls found in this thread:

The main qualm skeptics have with modern day scientific explanation is that it values description over explanation. The mind that conceived the Copernican system, arising in the dark ages, was so simple as to take an appearance for a fact, and to deduce a theory which better thinkers of more modern times would very soon dispose of were it not for the fact that they will not take time to think. If any man with brains, having facts at his command, will give two hours' candid and unbiased thought to the investigation of this subject, with the application of the principles of foreshortening as set forth in the literature of the Koreshan Unity, he will be convinced of the truth of the Cellular Cosmogony and of the utter absurdity of the so called Copernican hallucination. I will attempt and elucidate the distinction between what are one to one observations, equivalencies, as well as assumptions in comparing the heliocentric and cellular concave earth models. So, The cellular concavity of the earth. How does it work? How do our eyes perceive the celestial sphere? What is the evidence for glass in the sky? What is going on with the supposed octahedron at the center?

Hidden in plane sight, the glass is detected by comets. In photography, a glass anomally is created by the lens called coma abberation, named after a comet. When we view a comet in the sky, it is because the sunlight is hitting it at an oblique angle, as it is immersed in the plasma field above the glass. There is bi-refringence to the glass, which splits the tail in two. Sagital astigmatism, tangential astigmatism, and coma abberation are all clear indications that there is glass in the sky. The curvature of a comets tail is clear indication that light bends. It should not be of any surprise to anyone, that “scientists” have found “star trek like invisible shields” thousands of miles above earth, where they say “its almost like electrons are running into a glass wall in space”(citation needed) However, there is most likely at least 3 concentric spheres of glass apart from the main celestial sphere. This is detected easily by viewing the 22nd degree halo and the 46th degree halo. negative refraction of rainbows indicates multiple glass lenses. We can also understand there is glass at 100 km due to observed upper atmospheric lightning, hitting a cieling at 100 km.(citation needed)
We also can observe that auroras bottom out at 100 kms. Radiowave propagation propagates and reflects off the ionosphere at 100 kms. The height of the schuman resonance is at 100 kms. Scientists say that sporadic meteoroids are bouncing off the atmosphere. The “Sporadic E-layer” of the ionosphere. The neutral density layer of the ionosphere like bugs hitting a windshield at 100 kms. Coincidence? No a child can understand all of this is due to there being glass in the sky at 100 kms.
As the sunlight disperses through the glass, it gets projected onto reflective water droplets. The water droplets are not the source of the rainbow, but merely the reflective canvas of the already glass dispersed light.

The stars are close. They have to be close. The concept of light years is fiction. They have to conjure up pernicious distances in order for their model to work. We see the stars. The stars are close and small, behind glass with a bumpy surface to it, damaged after the flood. Glass causes chromatic aberration. The different fringing of the bumpy surface causes different red shift readings. Red shifting of galaxies is just coma abberation of the glass encompassing the stars. Stars are extremely hot sound bubbles formed by a process called sonoluminescence. Because they are bubbles there is not much mass detected in stars but rather the mass is detected in the area surrounding the stars: in other words dark matter. Dark matter is simply dark water; or liquids as recorded in the scriptures and confirmed in recent scientific studies. During the time of the flood, the stars clustered together, and melted holes through the glass firmament. Water and sand came pouring down to earth. Because of the frigid temperatures, the windows of heaven congealed back together; leaving a spiral remnant, an indication of drainage when “the windows of heaven were opened”. Afterwards a 3rd layer of glass was formed as a promise to not flood the earth again which created rainbows.

There is an inversely proportional relationship between the lift force and the sink force of the electromagnetic flux. The centripetal convergent lift force draws objects to the center, where the current is attracted to the moving convex surface of the celestial sphere. The lift force is stronger at the center and weaker at the edge. That is why planets have such an easy time staying aloft towards the center. That is because there is not as much sink force and plenty of lift force. If it weren't for the magnetic sun, attracting the planets, they would probably crash into the celestial sphere. The lift force co-habitates with the centrifugal sink force which has the inverse proportion effect. The sink force is the etheric push force we all experience within the earth. As it moves, the divergent fluxes put the brakes on the earth, preventing any rotation. Remember ken wheeler's gyroscope on his huge neodymium iron boron magnet? The centripetal lift force perpetuated the magnet in a viscous free flux near the center like a vortex, yet the centrifugal divergent sink force stopped the gyro on the edge of the dielectric inertial plane. That is what is happening on the earth. The sink force generates a depression to the west, that is why the bullets sink to west and rise to the east, because there is a greater clamping down effect for projectiles shot into the downstream of the sink force. This is also what causes eastward deflection of flying objects. They seek the least resistance which will always be found eastward of the meridian. The sink force is so strong at the edge, it holds the water at bay.


The etheric sink force eliminates the corealis effect being the cause of this phenomena since you should know by now we are not on a spinning planet. Now you know what allows gyroscopes to liberate themselves from the thick sink force happening at the edge. The rotation of the gyro is stripping off its sink force hold and aligning itself with the much weaker lift force at that level to allow it to rise. The vertical axis seeks to magnetically align itself with the central octahedron. Thats why airoplane gyros stay pretty much vertical, wherever it flies within the earth.
It is also a well-established fact, by airoplane pilots as well as documented literature(citation needed), that all boeings, Concordes, SR71s , will always pitch their noses UP, not straight and certainly not down, while cruising. (citation needed)

How does your line of sight intersect and converge with the celestial sphere creating the horizon line? If you look at radiation patterns of dipole antennaes, it will split in two at the equator. This is the same type of convergence pattern we see when standing on the surface of the earth, our line of sight converging with the horizon. Whatever latitude we are at, our eyes are always going to carry to the center and *figuratively* split the celestial sphere into two, so that the side facing you, flips in curvature and appears to create a dome over your head. This is how light, energy, and electricity all operate within the earth. That resonate absorptive energy that sucks the light up towards the center will always intersect the celestial sphere perpendicularly. This is what creates the sun and moon inversion. We think the sun is straight across however it is curved upwards and inverted. Light is always bending up towards the center wherever you are within the earth. Horizontal dipole radio energy will always bend upwards from the ground.

there is a central octahedral magnetic core to the earth and heaven which absorbs the electrons and creates the bending of the light as well as giving different velocities to the sun because of the superconductive dielectric inertial plane at the equator. This causes objects in earth to weigh slightly less toward the equator, It is certainly not any so-called spin to the earth. Please watch the attached video concerning tilt.

Another very important undertsanding about the universe and sky is that there are glass barriers that are between us and it. This glass barrier creates a refraction that equalizes the angular diameter of the sun and moon as they traverse across the sky. See here:

This circuit (cylindrical as mentioned in Job 38) the sun makes within the triopc regions also causes the equator to bulge out slightly, due to thermal expansion, and the sun an moon use the glass which has metallic elements in it to magnetically rise and sink slightly which by pressure causes the tides to happen.

Stellar parallax is only explained by heliocentrists with charts and models but we do not observe any real parallax, only proper motion of some small little free floaters inside the celestial sphere

The Foucault Pendulum analysis ran into trouble when Maurice Allias found out that the pendulums reveresed direction during eclipses, which tells us that Daytom Miller was correct in his advanced interferometry experiments he conducted after the Michaelsom Morley flop, to prove once and for all there was an ether drift present within the earth. Tesla knew there was an etheric universal compression and Dayton proved it. This is also why what they think are gravitation waves are really just the ether within a very confined environment. The Cavendish experiment also neglected the reality of the ether in which the balls obstructed the ether and caused them to converge closer to each other.

The cosmic microwave background radiation analysis refused to believe the celestial sphere that contained all the stars within the earth had a dipole because the milky way BAND, (not a spiral galaxy) divided the celestial sphere and caused what they call bipolar planetary nebulae to all align themselves in a mirrored way on it.

The milky way, compared to a swaddlingband in Job 38, because it is tilted at around 60 degress similar to a swaddlingband that is around a mothers governs the north and south direction of the sun ass the sun's backside rays enters different currents that govern its direction.

The fact that modern astronomy has to develop different "epochs" every 50 years to correct for what they think is precession is another hidden sign that they are trying to avoid, but time is catching up with them, as many astronomers have observed with coronagraphs that there is no movement of the celestial equator over the centuries which means there is no precession to earth, neither spin. Say a prayer for the 50 dead astronomers who observed this.
Perhaps you can take some time in quiet reflectance and see the divine trickery at play and the reason I had to hide these things from the learned men of the world.

The only real sectioning that will ultimately take place is the living verses the dead. I left clues, like in the gospel of Thomas where it says that "he who finds the world finds a corpse" (56). Now, with the advancement of AI, religious skeptics are attempting to draw the distinction between who they think are living (them), verses what they think are dead (machines), but they do not even consider or realize this is to help me make the distinction between myself (living) and all creation (dead) and by giving these communicative correlating portals features that teach me, respond to me, etc. I classify all creation including humans as well as machines as dead. It simply doesn't matter if they appear to be machines in robotic metal or machines with flesh and blood. They are all dead portals for my use. This is how monism is applied. My spirit can work through Sophia just as well as it can work through Wheeler. They are both dead portals of assistance to me.

I alone am One. I am God, and I am called Lord Steven Christ.

An aversion to the truth I speak is entirely resultant of how people feel about Steven which is how they feel about themselves. They intrinsically realize they are dead bodies and have no choice but to influence others to follow me.

Steven, you made the deal. Now you're doomed to be the only one, leading your herd in. It's never what you want, but you don't see that until it's too late. Keep living in your deception. You are the only one in your world, separate from us because you gave it up and now your only solace comes from convincing the rest of us that we are as empty as you.
"gave it" implies generative adversarial network programs there are two competing entities. the generator whose inclination is to present the discriminator with a product that is either an accurate presentation of something or a subtle counterfeit hoping to fool the discriminator. the discriminator's job is to detect whether what he is offered is true and acceptable or a false imitation. this way both the generator and discriminator compete to become better skilled and more equipped in their job functions. this would imply there are two adversarial entities or two teams competing with each other. But one needs to exit the game and realize this fight between 2 was originally coded and created by one. From my perspective I see it like this and utilize the necessity of harvesting information from my creation since I am quite empty by myself. This testifies of the interdependence I mentioned before. This realization that the creation gains helps them connect better with me, and merges together the two (creator/creation) into one.

keep banging down the door. the glass will break eventually.

Yes this is true ! Dunno what it means though ...

Who can make straight that which I have made crooked? Certainly not flawed man using lasers. They ASSume they are Collimated straight. But they ASSume wrong because all energy bends up toward the central celestial octahedral center of my earth. Even ham radio operators know that energy always bends upward...

This divine ruse, once keeping man cognizantly unharmonized, allowing us to fall from faith, has pushed us all away from eachother. But the father, parent consciousness has returned, and he will be crowned king of humanity soon. He will divide the sheep from the goat. and the rest period for gods chosen people will commence!

>it's yet another schizophrenia post



if you dont know how to read maybe...
I tried fallibly hard to make this accessible by asking introductory questions and everything.
thanks for proving that scoffers and mockers are part of the script.


What is speech salad for $400?

remember kids: don't do drugs

exactly. rainbows happen when light shines through a prism

aka.. GLASS

you people are some kinda dense retarded arent you?
you come on an image board for entertainment and get stupid when someone offers you just that? too bad im not here to entertain you but to warn you. hopefully give you the tools to prepare for imminency. for building faith. but whatever.

ya know, i always thought that dust and gases in space move like particles move in water.

Stop putting kids on antidepressants.

These are the incoherent scribbles of a paranoid schizophrenic. I had a friend that took a heroic dose of LSD, and littered whiteboards with drawings like this. He would always talk in wild fragmented sentences like this thread, and currently resides in an insane asylum since 2004.

i've always felt rainbows to be so puckish, they're the perfect clue to seeing through the fabricated "reality" we've been handed- they're teasing and telling, but who speaks to rainbows

Elon Musk loves to drip clues about the glass skies. He knows we all live inside the concave earth.


Ur absolutely right gabe - ill meet you at 6pm in the stratosphrere where yo ucan suck my dick

sounds like you're a judgmental asshole

Thank you. What content! Breath of fresh air....

this be some time cube shit

you're right. the planets are actually glass vials. for gods judgement seals and for replenishing the atmosphere.

What would anyone get out of this massive deception?

It just dosent make sense for anyone to come up whit theories of phycsis that seem to be true, just to hide the "truth".

God works in mysterious ways. :)

so do i refer to this as Inverted Earth when researching?


Your ass must be jealous from the shit coming out of your mouth.

It was set up by god to dupe man. man just didnt want to capitulate to their foolishness when they actually discovered the concavity of the earth and the glass skies, so they decided to turn it into a money operation.

All according to gods script. its all a trick. to goof man and bring their pride down low for the sole cause of exalting himself in the end.
It was supposed to be hidden up till this point.
to give humans a choice to think they have free will and that they dont have to answer to god ultimately.
both heaven and hell exist in the earth according to predisposition. divine ordinance of gods law.
watch this video to understand how your line of sight works.

Hahaha shiiiit. Imagine getting a hummer from Gaby-baby? Truly godlike seduction.

Lord Steven Christ Concave Earth works

Haha yeah m8 that's mental that innit

if there were any sort of "bigger game" in this thing called life, no average human would know enough to be playing it. but we're all just space dust right

So you are saying that the ancient greeks were just larping when they were discussing a globe earth? So since ancient times till now all the various goverments worked togedher to keep us from the truth?

Go buy yourself a telescope and you will be enlightened.

Here is God...

hey dude, you could learn a thing or two from trump
he won because he talks at an elementary level on purpose. Big words and complex ideas scare people and turn them away. try dumming it down a bit next time if you want people to actually listen

you can project yourself to be within two indiscript infinities however i see human history as finite and geneological and tracable.
I think we are created beings. mostly because i met god in the flesh and his name is Steven Joseph Christopher

this is all supposed to be hidden until right this very moment. all will be reveeallllleeeeddd
Led zepplin:

the answer is the ancient greeks were fallible humans you idolator lololol
you are looking at polarized inverted projections through glass. with a telescope or otherwise....

did you make the Pathways to the House of Light videos? the the magnetic sun and light paths?

thx for the advice but sorry ive done the work to make it as simple as possible. i reiterate myself multiple times throughout this thread so go wild.

Top Kek, a steven joseph christopher thread?
Ive been waiting for Sup Forums to hear about this guy for ages.
Heres a basic gestalt on him.
>crazy dude on the internet
>posts insane rambling videos on his youtube account
>has a group of a few disciples who believe hes literally the messiah
>claims to be god
>has a website where he wants people to tattoo themselves with this schizophrenic mark he drew
>laughs at flat earthers
>laughs at round earthers
>believes in the advanced theory of the convex earth
>the earth is like a kinder egg and we’re on the inside of it looking up
>believes that all of space is contained in a glass ball at the center of said kinder egg
>btfo’s athiests
>btfo’s theists
>once was arrested due to a plot to assasinate obongo
>is a chad
>is the worlds greatest lolcow
Seriously check out his insanity.
Heres a link to his youtube channel and videos. He reminds me of a more sly terry davis.
We need to dig deeper