Damnn......Mueller is really making Drumpf nervous af lmao
Enjoy the incoming impeachment inbred centipedes
Damnn......Mueller is really making Drumpf nervous af lmao
Enjoy the incoming impeachment inbred centipedes
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like clockwork
Go Reddit elsewhere you faggot
Impeachment for what specifically?
>it’s okay when democrats do that.
kys faggot
KYS you like loving nigger faggot
Predictable deflection
2 slices, 2 big macs, 2 filet of fish, 2 sips, 2 scoops! THIS DRUMPDSFESF HAS TO GO, IMBEACH NAO!
being a meanie
for hurting feelings I guess
Wow, Nice copy pasta bullshit kike.
We gonna have another Gerald Ford boys are you excited?
How could they fuck up so badly?
But that hasn't happened
> Anonymous (ID: 91q44ODv) 12/03/17(Sun)10:59:43 No.151876031▶
> (OP)
>Wow, Nice copy pasta bullshit kike.
>t..trump's not nervous
you panicky motherfuckers are hilarious
nervous about what, what exactly has trump done wrong or illegal
Is the Gerald Ford like the fully optioned version of the Grenada?
> Anonymous (ID: 91q44ODv) 12/03/17(Sun)10:59:43 No.151876031▶
>being this new
I'm saying Trump is the one deflecting, you autist.
you alt-righters got stumped again haha when will you retards ever learn? only people on the left are intellectual and you dumb hicks will never feel the true caliber of your brain power
/LGBT/ is leaking
Trumps actually right though, it's complete bullshit Hillary isn't sitting in jail considering she'd lied to the FBI about every fucking thing
That's honestly your take?? The sting worked. You're fucking clueless. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Great work man, you're really changing hearts and minds over here on the 4chans! Keep it up dude!
Flynn used to work for Obama and hated them. If anything Flynn is selling Obama out and how their government was essentially controlled by the Saudis. Liberals are so dumb they think Trump is going to jail for the 500th time.
>trump demands justice
>left calls it obstruction
______________________W H A T A B O U T I S M______________________
>Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.
>which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda
>Soviet and Russian propaganda
Literally what did he mean by this?
you're a fucking moron OP
>Left: 4 years of "S-s-sure Drumpf will fall soon!"
>Right: 4 years of "S-s-sure Trump will drain the swamp soon!"
lmao pedes btfo
You do realize that a HIGH ranking member of Mueller's team was kicked off because he was ain't Trump/Pro-Clinton. That same FBI agent was also part of the Clinton email investigation.
>TFW you realize that it's just a giant political motivated investigation/media circus.
but apparently mueller is going to get him, while comey was flouncing around
obstruction of justice how? he literally pushed out the FBI lead that you blamed for hillary losing, then championed for taking down Drumpf, then cried while he let you down again.
Then he was fired, so you supported him again
Trump put Mueler in - which you now claim is going to end up in him being impeached
while everyone he gets is actually more connected to the Clintons and Obama than Trump.
but hey, it's the Reps that are delusional
Slide Thread
>how their government was essentially controlled by the Saudis
Bush swallowed Saudi cock, so did Trump
They have the power to wreck our economy like they wrecked Venezuela's. Why the fuck do you think Ron Paul, the only isolationist candidate in years, wanted to go to back to the gold standard?
People would be fucking pissed at him because times might be tough for awhile, but we would stop fellating Israel and Saudi Arabia and that's what a lot of people want.
he literally doesn't care about what the lies are, but that he landed in jail
while Hillary avoided it
good god you trumpers are defensive
you literally think he is going to be charged for obstruction
- Comey is to blame for Hillary losing
- Comey is going to put Trump in prison
- Comey is a nothing burger
- Comey is fired
- Mueler is put in charge of the investigation by Trump
- Mueler is going to take down Trump
How is this line of action Trump impeding the investigation?
Comey was your let down, you gathered in pubs to see him take down Drumpf and it was hilarious as fuck
So he took him out because he wasn't getting anywhere
And now you are saying the person HE PLACED there is going to take him down finally
For placing someone there that could take him down?
Obstruction is just your fantasy, since to get obstruction Mueler would need to be on Trump's side, but take him down as well.
I know:
Sir Trump impeded my investigation by making me the leader of said investigation
Mueller was not put in place by Trump.
Rod Rosenstein started the special investigation with Mueller as lead. Trump was furious about it.
You don't seem to know much about this shit.
Applies more to killary than anyone else.
That's what the FBI itself is guilty of.
We have a Department of "Justice" that has overlooked the crimes of Bush, Clinton, and Obama.
So of course that's what you think Trump is guilty of.
Typical leftists. Always projecting.
Now now
She only ordered her staff to literally destroy evidence by smashing all their computers and phones.
That's nowhere near as bad as Trump sending a sloppy Tweet.
US President talking about rigged system and double stanrdard, that's rich!
>Trump met with Mueller 1 day before he was appointed to supposedly discuss him becoming new FBI director
>But Mueller cannot be FBI director due to him already serving the maximum number of terms
>Trump is 'furious'
Or, he was just creating the optics for Mueller to work on draining he swamp while the media cheerleads him on.
Will dems and libtards turn on Mueller when they find out the truth?
did Bush, Clinton, or Obama ever pull the FBI director aside and ask them to stop investigating someone that's under investigation?
No because those people weren't 100% retarded. Just accept that Trump is stupid as shit and literally committed obstruction of justice.
>Saudi Arabia can wreck your economy, like Venezuela!
Wrong, unless "your" is referring to Venezuela.
The U.S. is no longer dependent on the middle East for oil, and we have enough alternatives that even if Saudi Arabia shut down all their wells we could actually be an exporters of oil.
Oh, and that would destroy Saudi Arabia. Trump didn't go to S.A. to suck their dick, he offered them a chance to admit defeat and not get fucked by U.S.A.
oh dear, this is quite something