It definitely was.

When next chapter of CriCri Legends manga?

Was season 2 worth the watch? I never picked it up but enjoyed the first season.

4 days.

I wanna fuck those tits


I wish someone can translate them. ;_;

Honestly, despite being a huge Show By Rock!! fan, I have to admit that season 2 just doesn't have the charm and the magic that drives season 1. It's more dull. Just okay, I guess.
Which unfortunately makes it rather forgettable.

>best girl Rosia and Criticrista in silky smooth 60 FPS
>focuses on stupid shitty group instead

But they're just middle schoolers.

Hijirikawa-chan a cutest.

Cat friends forever!

I'm hyped for the next chapter (11) digital rips...

A shame, really. The Plasmagica-songs in season 2 were also rather bland and uninspired.

Oh well, at least there's some good porn for them.

I love Show by Rock and am playing the game, I do agree with you. I like some parts of the season, but its mostly because of the new band appearances and cameos.

Victorious felt like nowhere and turning out that Dagger is at his own agenda and not tie-in to Vicky is just.. Wow. A pretty weak plot twist.

Of course, I got my share of Criticrista love, so I am pleased at the same time.

I mean- I love to discuss about the anime and the manga IF they can get translated...

Beating my dick to Rosia makes up for the disappointment I felt in S2.

I still hope for a third season eventually. But it definitely shouldn't be used so much as a literal advertisement and promotional tool for hundreds of things like second season did.
That makes it too unfocused.
Also, the plot bait in the first episode is way too awesome for this kind of show, it practically ruined the slice of life drama segments, making them look even more dull and out of place than they would be in a silly comedy show about cute animal-eared people playing pop rock.

Now everybody wants to see the plot about that evil Queen of Darkness and her space fleet of doom, and high expectations are set up to it, but the show cannot fulfill those expectations, because it has to also show interband drama, and then quickly tell the story of Arcareafact and then reveal the Aion-Ailane-relationship, while showing Tsurezure doing their search for the Phantom Melodisian, and Trichronika in space.

And yet, despite all that, with a better storyboard, it could probably still have perhaps included all of that in a satisfying manner that involved the plot more.

Too much wasted potential.

Sometimes, less is more.

Puru puru pururin

Can we all agree Tsurezurenaru Ayatsuri Mugenan is the greatest fictional band of All Time?

DaruDayu-sama is definitely the greatest.

Don't touch her

Talking back to the master, eyy?
Bad students are forced to wear the Rosia-dress.

I can't wait for the Tsurezure manga to be released online.

woni-chan daisuki.

wanna fug rosia

I want to sexually FUCK Rosia.

I want to sexual KISS rosia

クリティクリスタ a cute