Imagine being so mad that jews are doing better at life than you are that you make up an entire ideology that is...

Imagine being so mad that jews are doing better at life than you are that you make up an entire ideology that is supposed to give you and you German buddies an edge. Imagine then tricking millions of people into buying your crock-a-shit leading to the death of millions of people.

Just think about it. The most deadly ideology on the planet was the result of a bunch of Germans being bum blasted about not getting ahead.

Enjoy your no roads dumbass

>national socialism was created because a German was mad that Jews were doing better in life than him

I literally couldn't imagine being this fucking retarded. Why do you AnCap faggots always post the stupidest shit?

sorta agree with op
hitler had a huge ass blast from jewish people

the jews wrecked germany's economy for their own benefit and hitler knew this. the jews were obviously better than the germans at banking, which is why hitler targeted them. you don't seem to know your history yet you portend to be victorious, like a libshit.


Imagine being so stupid you actually think Hitler had an irrational hatred for the Jews

Oh, the flag checks out, nvm

Imagine knowing this little about National Socialism.
Just think about it. There are people who are this uninformed and still feel comfortable sharing their opinion.

My life sucks, blame others.
Seems legit.

Well your right except it wasn't the deadliest ideology of all time. That's communism

communism was more deadly retard.

and how else do you get rid of foreign nationals invading your country?


>not getting ahead
it's a little bit more than

they got btfo in a war. pride demands a scapegoat

tumblr_raids_Sup Forums.jpg

Idi ta nahuj blyadt

>jews revving up civil war before ww2
>no reason for hitler to hate them

>meme flag

checks out

Is that krautchan? When did they get cucked?

Are you really asking when Germany got cucked?

Seems like since forever to me. They unironically ban people for this word, btw.
A community built entirely around the rejection of another community, pathetic.

It's because Germans are all cucks, they are the most cucked country in Europe and that's why Krautchan is also so cucked.
They hate Sup Forums memes because they speak the truth but their all basement dwellers so they deny it.

>The most deadly ideology on the planet was the result of a bunch of Germans being bum blasted about not getting ahead.

Quite the opposite. It was Jews who were upset that Germans got ahead and that they couldn’t enslave them.

Krautchan had good maymays many years back.

>The most deadly ideology on the planet

sounds like Hitlerstan to me

Weren't those just imported from ylilauta and other boards and then just forced into oblivion on kc?

Could be. But didn't they still invent poland ball?

hitler was never mad at jews being better than him , because he was not an individualist , he always thought of the greater good of his country and he saw germany being destroyed by them

no, polandball was invented by reddit

kuckchan just stole it



What's a sage?

sage goes in all fields

>Imagine being so mad that jews are doing better at life than you
Hey kike, remind me again why Britain attacked Nazi Germany.