"Markle, who is best known for her role on the USA Network drama “Suits,” was married to Jewish producer Trevor Engelson from 2011 to 2013. As Tominey notes, the pair had a Jewish wedding in Jamaica (complete with a “Jewish chair dance,” meaning the hora)."

"Stories in publications across the United States and United Kingdom have prompted the question. An article in the British tabloid Daily Express claims that Markle’s father is Jewish; Vanity Fair, Elle UK, Tablet and many others have cited the story."

"The story also says that a spokesman for Westminster Abbey, the historic London church where British royals marry, confirmed Markle’s Jewish background."

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Who gives a fuck, you Americans are more butthurt about this than we are

The ginger bastard can bang whoever he likes, but I am mad as fuck thinking about all the "mexed race is the future" shit the media kikes are going to pump out.


It is always (((them))), classic divide and rule tactics.

Here she is le 56% princess doing Jew chair dance!!!


>more butthurt about this than we are
how do you figure lyme? We think it's great! thanks for take a moon cricket off our hands!

The last time one of them did this he had sense enough to abdicate.

you can tell its jews when they hook harry up with a woman that looks like his kings wife.

Kek who cares Prince Harry is a mongrel who marries a jewsa mongrel, let him marry that shit and be disowned by the brits

Every fuckin time

We always did this in Kindergarten. Did I go to jewish Kindergarten Sup Forums? Do I have to gas myself?

Friendly reminder that the English royalty hasn't actually been English since 1066.

Yeah, but they used to try really fucking hard to fit in. Funnily enough, so did the other immigrants before a bunch of fucking hippies decided standards were too uncool.

>Yeah, but they used to try really fucking hard to fit in.
Is "fitting in" why all of those French words start cropping up in the English language after 1066?

England barely existed as a nation back then. There's a reason we have so many regional accents. I'm talking about the Saxe-Coburgs.


The """Windsors""" (Saxe-Coburg-Gothas) have the worst possible claim for the throne. After the death of William III they chose a random German woman who was chosen out of 5000 people with little relation to the past monarchs. Monarchy is dumb as fuck to the point where a Brit should kill the royal family then claim the throne for themselves

I'd be behind a revival of the House of Godwin. Or the House of Wessex.

Your nation snubbed the king that could have saved them over marrying a commonborn American and now you can't even be assed to be upset when gingerboy hunts junglebunnies. I feel sorry for those veterans of yours that fought for nothing, but the vindication I experience is overpowering.

The difference is the ginger bastard isn't the heir.

Even TMZ prognosticated that she was going to divorce him instantly for a quick $25 million + $2 million per year for life spousal support. Women are disgusting. Jewish what a joke.

No surprise. Markle is a very jewish name and the jewish match maker wouldnt have set them up unless she was.