Why did the FBI post the word “axe”

A couple of days ago?

Other urls found in this thread:



Stay in your containment thread grandpa

De wanna axe a kestion.

Did you just assume gender?

reference to american womens vaginas, just forgot the last part.


When you axeume, you make an 'axe' out of 'u' and 'me'.

"lem me axe you a question"

He will be fine.

You fags. WH user was asked to have Trump or Trump junior use the word “axe” on their twitter to prove they are an insider. Instead the FBI tweets the word “axe” a couple of days later. Use your fucking heads.

CBTS asked for confirmation again and that was the go to word


Programming trigger.

He asked the President, not the FBI. If you play this game like this, you will always find "the clues" you WANT to find.

So the word and the timing was all just a coincidence. Uh huh

WH user REPLY.


So u can axe what it's al about boi

1. Hang yourself, then shoot yourself in back of the head, then chop off your neck with an axe.

What the fuck idiot is "following" them assholes!

You need your nose up their butts? That's simple. Just rob a bank. Then see number one above.

Do you really need a STEM degree to look at two blocks of wood closely and go "yeah the same axe probably cut these"


Yep. I forgot about mainly because we were hoping trump himself would tweet it.

Best guess. That user is fbi. Did what they could to get a tweet from something official. Not bad.

underrated content

Yep, it's wood
t. FBI

The likelihood of any of the major Executive Branches tweeting the word "axe" less than a week before that request is infinitesimally small.

trips of truth

wew. This is actually a happening.

Mk ultra trigger word obviously.

Oh geez. Who would be able to do this?

You nigger its still rather significant considering some factions within the fbi are definitely /ourguys/
>remember original fbi user
>when obama was giving speech near election criticizing wikileaks then fbi dropped the leaks on their archive site as a fuck you


Trump is in a battle for his very life.

It seemed an odd thing to post. I like the entertainment. It doesn't matter either way. I follow MegaAnon closely though. She's legit.

Get Real. See that asshole in the picture of that tweet? Yeah, him, the asshole you allegedly read about. YOU pay that asshole to fap with an axe and get autistically deranged over wood chips. YEAH YOU DO THAT. So what are you? Some kind of fucking micro-manager or something? Let the lifeless jerk play with his toys so nobody has to give a flying fuck, asshole.

Proofs big gubmints colluding with Sup Forums to further progress the country into a state of JUST or STFU

>”Feds? In my Sup Forums?”
>”It’s more likely than you think!”

Right. Look at Wray going after all the Pedos. Sup Forums has dedicated a lot of time to hunting them also. There has to be at least a few there that are shitposters. DJT and Jr. definatly are.


so russian hackers with axes then?

Fbi office:
>you think this wh Christmas nigger is real?
>probs. Pics look real.
>did anyone post an axe yet?
>dude, post an axe right now. Now!

LOL, no reason to post some stupid old picture of an axe I loves it


I expect more axes.

>FBI is said to respect us because we're essentially NEETagents that do it for free
>some user says "tweet axe if you're /ourguys/"
>FBI tweets "axe"
Come on.

ps. if you have any qtpatootie agents you can tell them to come van me.
kys CIA

Exactly. Too convenient with word and timing. You neckbeards need to fucking engage yourselves.

Top thread of the day so far, excellent dot connecting
I shaved my neck this morning

This post pretty much sums up pol.

Holy f - saw an user request to use the word “axe” in the whanon ama


If true, I hope for a future where US lawfags go after the swamp soon. MAGA now plz. Please give me excuses to post this pepe more often!

dig into this and I promise lots of tendies.

I was in that thread, asked for DJT to mention it. This is close enough.

>A complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control

I put the e on the end of Axe, too. I don't care how wrong it is.

I was in that thread.
It was an interesting thread.

fbi confirmed ourguys

True if big

Link to thread?



no you could probably not perform the same forensics techniques as an fbi investigator so idk why you are so presumptuous

>A complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control





Megs was in that thread posting with pics also. They were gonna meet but she said the next day he didn’t go outside. What if she knows who from FBI was there?

MegaLarp doesnt get anywhere near the WH, come on lad

Also, i was implying that fbiniggers don't have to be at that event. They just have to be in the thread.

Das "Quexion" my nig

Yup, your theory is totally plausible

Lol. That's as amazing as matching hair strains at a crime scene. Oh wait.


Keep bumped as more anons start logging on

Is this what """they"""" wear?

Buckle up you beta cucks, Trump is going to take us to the promise land and you’ll have all the tendies you want. Watch for any more axes.

No. But if you want a jury to take you seriously?