This is a show about interracial couples marrying and its aired during the most popular broadcasting time on the most popular channel.
The absolute state of german TV
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Why do many of you vote for Merkel still then?
Its called ,,Nur die (((Liebe))) zählt btw.
You jelly, Adolph?
Hitler's ressurection FUCKING WHEN
Most germans unironically think this is cute auf beautiful.
Not even America has this absolute crazy amount of interracial propaganda. The most is just in sports and the Kardashians. That's honestly about it with the occasional interracial couple ad, but it seems to be a lot worse in Europe.
Y'all need to shut it down by any means necessary. Verstehen?
today on JUDEN-TV
Damn blacks have hit the goldmine in europe thanks to the jews media power.
I have an idea!
Lets not criticize white women for their behavior, and just pretend that they are loyal aryan queenz!
Remember, it doesnt matter if she has slept with 100 niggers. All that matters is you take care of her children when she hits 35.
Oh and dont forget to blame the jews.
Women can NOTbe held responsible for their own actions!!!
There's nothing objectively wrong with interracial couples. it just bothers you on a personal level.
> that face
Jesus christ who cares.
>Not even America has this absolute crazy amount of interracial propaganda.
It depends where you are. Local channels will cater towards the local demographics.
this, women who do this have daddy issues.
If Dad was fine with it all along it wouldn't have been a taboo
do people under the age of 65 unironically watch the electric jew in 2017?
Christ German women are hideous. Just look at the frau. No ass, No tits, pudgy body, face that looks like she literally mops shit out a pig pen, looks also like her parents were siblings, also not to mention the complete lack of femininity and fashion sense.
Seriously, jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers? What are you a fucking American.
Nigger probably thinks he won the lottery or something. More like the discount lottery at some dodgy dollar store, Haha!
At least pic a good woman. Pic related my girl.
Why do white people have poor taste in relationships? White men here marrying prostitutes and white women marrying some African FOB who probably cleans the pool for a living.
it will be a short lived paradise for them.
>there is nothing objectively wrong
I wonder who could be behind this, mutt? jew? jewish mutt?
not bad for a flip m8, respect
Who cares? If you don't like it, don't watch it. Is anyone forcing you to watch?
Even down here in Texas you don't normally see interracial propaganda on local commercials and if you do it's usually a light skinned mestizo with a white guy or something.
What Europe is going through is straight propaganda where they don't even hide it anymore. Here in America it's slowly spreading to the mainstream but overall people stick to their own
Is this real or just a cherry-picked example? I refuse to believe that Germans can be cucked that much. Someone has ro end this multiculti trash. I cannot imagine old people to watch this crap and to be happy.
>the most popular channel
No. No, we don`t.
Only ugly, fat-assed bitches do.
Their parents are part of the process remember. Boomers are weak minded.
My mother is English, and her mother forbid her from dating blacks. She went on to have 3 white sons who have created 7 white children.
also who the fuck watches tv anymore jej
Does she have flips monkey feet? Their feet are so primitive and they want to be white so bad. Subhumans of asia.
You are lucky that you get to have asian girls where you live.
An asian prostitute is better than any and every white girl.
Even the bottom of ther barrel asian girls are better than the best white girl.
Its not a poor taste, its our desperation for anything other than a white girl
Nope. There's nothing morally wrong with racemixing. It doesn't even "destroy" a racial line, any more than it creates a new one.
Hitler was right.
sure bro. I couldn't willingly knock off IQ points of my child
Damn, german is cucked as fuck. And his stupid folk vote for the same shit 4 years again.
Depends where you are, I live in 90%+ upscale white community but we do have a wal-mart.
I went into the Wal-Mart the other day and to my amazement I did not see a single "White Male" on any of their display ads hung throughout the various store departments. Despite the fact I could see mostly white males in the store.
Who did they use for their models? Black Men, Black couples, Various spics, even a few Asians, and ONE blonde white girl on an add surrounded by non white men. (believe it was asian/hispanic on one side and two black dudes on the other) All smiling like typical NWO propaganda.
We do have such propaganda but it is put in the most normie of places that maybe you are avoiding, like Wal-Mart.
But racial lines are arbitrary. If you consider yourself to be white, you probably have lots of different genetic lines in you. 15% of this, 10% of that...
Totally no anti white agenda in play. Don't listen to those white (((racists))) they are all (((nazi's!))).
Shhh just let Ethnocide happen.
>this pic
what's missing is that hybrid vigor is only beneficial for the first generation of hybrids because the crappy recessive genes from each parent race don't get to be expressed, but after that your hybrid might carry crappy recessive genes from both races and they'll get expressed again next generation.
Warum guckst du dir überhaupt TV an? Häng dich lieber auf, davon hast du mehr.
>triggered over a tv show that's more than likely fictional
good job showing the world you don't care about fixing your diverse country, let's cry about tv instead!
I seriously don't know anyone under 40 who watches TV.
(((They))) know that TV doesn't have the influence it used to have and that it's a dying medium.
That's why they are trying to get into other media, like Youtube and video games.
what the actual fuck is this
>This is a show about interracial couples marrying
I just googled and it's certainly not about only interracial couples marrying.
Doesn't make it better that they also show nigger-white couples but stay to the facts at least.
Where is this from?
>people fall in love
>angry beta virgin loser virgin on Sup Forums gets angry because sometimes they don't have the same amount of melanin in their skin
Why am I not surprised?
>Martyn Hett
haha I remember that pooftah, we found his faggot posts and shared them here
This is what you krautniggers get for northern crusades.Death of bouth slavshits and germanics will be the day when we will be reborn.Balts will reclaim their rightfull land!
wtf kind of name is "Figen" anyway?
>her SON went to see Ariana Grande
Bad parent confirmed.
It's fucking terrible here. Almost every single Christmas advert from the major retailers this year has erased the white father and all white children. Black people are shoved into every single thing we have now, whether it's modern shite or the English National Ballet or the Royal Shakespeare Company, it must all be "diverse". I hate the Left with a fury I never thought possible, I don't even blame black people, they've been told a thousand times they are victims who deserve to erase us.
I know. We all mocked the mother then for "Its so Martyn!" referring to the way he died. Completely bizarre. Really is "You fight them, they win!" meme in action.
This comment just really angered me.
he looks like a lesbian
>most popular channel
>pro 7
Choose one. Only white trash watches that. It's exactly what their target audience wants to see.
Blame us all you like, we deserve it actually. We're destroying the West, all white women who subscribe to Leftist ideology are as bad as the people who are taking advantage of it to plant themselves here as new Europeans.
That's a fascinating display of narcissism. She's right in a sense - if she gives in to her anger and hate, then her life has been unfixably ruined by Muslims. There's no peace there.
But if she puts peace and love in her heart, then she gets to feel good again. The only price she paid was disgracing her son's memory by feeling love and happiness for his killers. But that doesn't matter, because SHE gets to feel good again.
Indeed. Not just Xmas ads but others.
This pic needs updating but I think it will be far too long.
Saw a dating parody advert yesterday its a 2 parter. 1st part she says no to the white guy, 2nd part she says yes to the black.
>everything i disagree with is bait
Excellent logic, loser
No agenda here goy!
What the hell. Killing the whore is the only honorable thing that man could do
Don't forget to show c&a how much you appreciate their efforts for racemixing
the Alex Jones segment on BBC was 10/10. I think you'd really enjoy it.
That'd be RTL. Pro7 is the normie channel and probably the only one left having a stable young audience.
can some look for references ?
>overall people stick to their own
I don't know what you're talking about.
>hate breeds hate
>not angry that her child is dead
This is why I don't believe in the idea that an EVENT will "redpill" people. The problem is not the lack of events, it's the lack of ideological preparation that will lead people to correctly interpret the events. The problem is with the material people use in their interpretations. This woman's son is dead, and her interpretation of it is probably that a "few bad apples" did something bad, presumably due to the fact that hatred by white people was directed against them, but her view of the system as the whole remained the same, and her commitment to the abolition of the west remains unchanged, and she herself willingly signal her participation in this project by explaining how she was able to overcome her natural instincts for her son by not being possessed by angers. In a properly calibrated propaganda apparatus, being proud of your lack of anger in the face of your children's death is something you can do, and the right should be extremely interested in understanding what the kind of mechanism that produce this attitude are.
It's not enough to simply scream "cultural marxism" or "brainwashing".
Ew dont talk to me
What breed of dog is that?
True, true. Pro7 is the big bang theory channel, kind of forgot that.
It's bait because it's not even an analysis. It's merely an insult.
>the reason you guys are angry is that you are losers
is just another way of calling someone a loser, which was the point of your post, which is why it's bait.
holy shit, its not a meme anymore.
Germans will be brown in the next 50 years.
Imagine being so embarrassingly pathetic that you defend your own child's murderers like a coward.
They are sadistic, that's mental torture for you Germans because you dared to rise against the Jews. The idea of the show is to humiliate German men.See 'your women' being taken is mental trauma.
Mate we fought on the wrong bloody side in WWII.
Maybe Hitler and Germany overeached but the ideal outcome would have been
>Britan uninvaded with Empire
>France as German vassel with its own Empire
>No war with Russia
>US wins Pacific thearter, Japan keeps Korea, Tawain and some other Pacific Islands.
>China gets BTFO by Japan setting it back 30 years.
In the show that guy is pimping out his wife
>as bad as the people who are taking advantage of it to plant themselves here as new Europeans.
They're actually worse than those. The people who take advantage of the West in order to gain materially at the very least have an understandable, rational motive behind their action. If they manage to come to the west, they will enjoy higher standard of living, more political leniency, less violence than they would have in their home country. They will also be able to exploit westerners by playing on their taste for self flagellation.
The riddle of multiculturalism and anti westernism isn't located in the outsider invading the place, but in the insiders taking pleasure in this process. The former is "healthy", in that it looks after its own health and the quality of his conditions. The latter is diseased and degenerate, in that it actively takes pleasure in things that arm him.
>everything logical that i dont agree with is just bait and insult
Apparently it being ok to fall in love with someone of another skin color is just an insult
Excellent logic right there
As soon as it happened (((someone))) started singing "Don't look back in anger" by local band Oasis and it was praised.
They did a "tribute" a few weeks later singing about dick bicycles. Watch this video. It was an absolute disgrace.
pic related are Islamist salutes to Allah in the crowd during the "tribute" makes you wonder who the tribute was really for and how many sheep blindly followed it.
No nation in history has ever been this subdued.
2 years ago 56 Britons were gunned down(30 died) in Tunisia in a hotel terror attack our then prime minister did nothing about it. This year, our current government has done nothing about it.
It's just a health ministry program Alberto.
The goal is to humiliate ALL white men with this stuff and to never obtain a racial consciousness.
American white men seem to get off on it, since their culture embraced this kind of shit decades ago.
fuckin schwein. That back dude must be in love to have to deal with that shit.
Why are Germans so obsessed with black men fucking the few precious women of prime childbearing age they have?
Racemix Goyim!
Because Germans are cucks
>An asian prostitute is better than any and every white girl.
T. butthurt loser that can't get an attractive white women.
Rofl, maybe in 56% land.
>muh cherrypicked woman represents all white women
Listen, you small cocked manlet gook, our women are way better than yours. The only people that go for your women are low status ugly cunts that can't get a white women.
Meh, really they should both be put down. Something humane, we're not monsters, but they should not spread their filth.
>There's nothing objectively wrong with interracial couples