Are millennials right about minimum wage?

Are millennials right about minimum wage?

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No, they are not, wage is determined by offer/demand, and the demand for shitty jobs is high because of immigration.

root of the problem is money inflation.

They're not mad about minimum wage, they're mad about the economy.

I mean, buying power towards what?

We have a shitton more buying power when it comes to gadgets and computers and shit these days that we consider essential.

It's just that housing, gas, cars, and now food is getting more and more expensive because we've got all these chinks buying up land and speculating.

Mass immigration was the ultimate betrayal of our generation yet most somehow still defend it.

I'm 29, make $150/hr, and I'm still homeless. If $6 in 1980 = $18.73 in 2017, than 18.73 / 6 = 3.121666666666667, so if I made $150/hr in 1980 I'd actually be making $468.25/hr. So, instead of just having made $1,800, I'd have $5,619 right now. Maybe I wouldn't be homeless then.

Maybe, if I could make $5,000 for 12 hours of work a week, 6 hours a day, 285(365 - 80 weekend days) days a year = $2,500 * 285 = $712,500 a year, I'd have a house like my grandfather did in 1980. He made about $150k a year back then, and was buying $500k houses.

You people don't understand how far we've fallen. My dad tried a $50k house, and couldn't hold on to it - my grandfather lost his for medical bills. Same family, same profession (Telecom, IT, cable and network installation,) three different generations, three different, falling standards of living.

millennials are weak retards and should be sent overseas to die in trenches fighting the gooks

>My dad tried a $50k house, and couldn't hold on to it

wat? do you mean 500k?

All I see is three generations of failure. Produce more or get into the ditch with the niggers.

Thear totally true. Its a combination of the fed mass printing money and immigration driving down labour demand.

$400 gets you a shitty CRT TV in 1980
$1200 gets you a superb large screen TV with internet and bells and whistles in 2017
if we consider the quality of goods you can purchase with your inflated money nowadays then the current USD is worth far more because it can buy you more comfort and better living conditions than it could 40 years ago

yeah kind of

obviously people aren't entitled to compensation for work they don't do (as a former burger flipper, flipping a burger is not fifteen dollar an hour work) BUT we've really lost track of how diminished the value of labor is

the real problem though is illegal immigration and technology

The minimum wage in 1980 was $3.10.

Thank you. These boomers and wannaboomers think that $18 equivalent back then was so fucking great.
You could buy a car that
>Got 7 mpg
>needed an oil change and new muffler every 10,000 miles
>the car was built by koreans in a sweat shop
>Few quality controls
>made to look nice but may not be nice
>real value is in land that has not even been developed
>Shitty schools
>usually dead end
>College was a joke back then. even more than now
>Job was usually manufacturing with no benefits

just save lo
l inflation

edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

its as if low skilled mass immigration has effected wages

No, you're an idiot. Go learn something about economics.

>I'm 29, make $150/hr, and I'm still homeless.

>over $300k per year
You have an intelligence problem, mainly your lack thereof.

And a regulatory nightmare.

minimum wage was $3.10 in 1980.

Wages are stagnated. They're right about that. However, they're absolutely fucking retarded about their solution to that problem.

Housing is the main issue. In seattle, my mom never had to work. My day was from Sweden and a tradesman. Came here in the 40s. The proportion of his housing to his wages was about 1 to 5. He never paid more than 20% of his income for a mortgage. I paid 35% when I had a house in the early 2000s and when the market taneed I was out of work for 2 years. Lost the house. Now, I can't get back into one and am stuck living in a crappy apartment in less than desirable location because it's a .title cheaper. But Apts where I live go for 1800 to 2000 a month. Not doable on 3000 a month when you have kids.

>accept immigration
> increase in labor supply causes decrease labor demand price
>real wages go down as what should have been a shrinking population explodes
Govt setting minimum wage is cancer, but it's fine to be angry about if you understand why. If you support open borders and all that, then you reap what you sow.


I've installed the AP's rich snobs like yourself use to access this site in expensive condos. If you force me into the ditch with the niggers, I'll shut your internet off while I deal with them, then come punish you for lumping a hardworking white man in with them.

And what are you gonna do about it? You don't even know what a Cat5e cable is, and I've done work for the police - they're as ignorant as you. I'll just offer my services to them and be useful, while you'll be torn apart by rabid packs of niggers the police won't save you from.

And the blacks will try to kill us all, and only people useful to the police/military will be saved. Rich, worthlews, paper-pushing whites won't be welcome in the race war.

Just because I make $150/hr doesn't mean I can get $300k worth of work a year - which is the problem. I'm willing to work, and the labor just doesn't pay enough - I sit on my ass and take manual labor jobs because I can only work for 25-30hrs a week at $150/hr.

I'm a contractor - I'm constantly on the lookout for work. I call people to get jobs. How many other guys do you think also want to work for $150/hr? I have competition and they need to make money too.

I'm just asking for enough money for a small, $50k house - I'm hardworking and humble.

No faggot.

The problem is inflation (the FED creating currency units)

Wage controls are just another socialistic economic cock block.


Usury, psyop propaganda, mass immigration, poisoning the food.

Our ancestors literally killed for far less than this. They refused to tolerate a blatant attack by the enemy.

Don't let yourself be a stockhom syndrome goy. Throw off the shackles of tyranny with your own hands

>Are millennials right about minimum wage?
There was plenty of money for CEO and executive salaries to skyrocket. There was plenty of money for shareholders to tripled their earnings. There's no money for the wage labor that produces the wealth? Seriously?

This is the lie that destroys the economy, and it's the reason the tax cuts will fail.

Only thing millennial's are right about is their insatiable need to be taken care of by everyone else. Fucktard. It's called inflation and you will never escape it no matter the minimum wage.

Minimum wage was 3.10/hr. That's about 9.00/hr which is what most states are at.


We need to fix the money, not the wage. End the fed and go back to gold back currency. Also kick out the illegals taking our jobs so more people are buying stuff to boost our economy.

you are so fucking clueless as to how a fraction reserve banking system works it isnt even funny

>150 an hour
>25-30 hours a week
>supposedly can't buy a house, or save money

Don't you have some fuckin' homework to be doing, little billy, instead of telling lies on a burmese sock-knitting forum?

minimum wage is stupid and just makes poor people become unemployed

the theory behind min wage is that business owners keep lots of profits for themselves that could be redistributed to workers thru a min wage

but thats dumb bc
1) they literally dont, most businesses, especially small businesses operate with very tiny margins so min wage doesnt redistribute any wealth bc there isnt any wealth to redistribute. min wage just forces layoffs of employees.
2) even if they did, if you hold more profits than your competitor, your competitor out competes you thru reinvestment into capital

Kick out all spics
Blue collar job wages rise
Housing forced to compete and lower prices

Maybe if we weren't letting immigrants pour in, we could afford to raise it.

But no, that would be racist.

liberals: we need higher minimum wage
also liberals: we need open borders

this senpai. day of the rope can't come soon enough

Millennials are dead wrong.

The first jobs are supposed to pay crap and be tough on you so that future employers can see if you are a slacker or not. If you are a good or not useless worker you will be able to move on quite fast.

It also brings down the prices on everything, not just housing, because increased wages will drive up spending, which will increase jobs for making those items and also make competition more important, and the new jobs will allow the businesses to make more for less money and sell them for less. But they don't want this, they want us poor and dependant on the government. It's why import cheap labor from 3rd world countries.

It's amazing how these people have honestly tricked themselves into thinking everything will be fixed if we just increase min wage. All that will do is make businesses start raising prices, and suddenly our money is worth even less than it already is. They may as well go live in some shithole like Mexico where they can pretend to be rich just because the dollar will convert into a larger amount.

>No, they are not, wage is determined by offer/demand, and the demand for shitty jobs is high because of immigration.
They're determined by what corporate thinks the demand is, and half the time they're wrong. I'd just have a hand-made Christmas this year, because much of America's retail industry is getting ready to grab its ankles and take the Amazonian dick after it completely fucks this holiday season up with a lack of sober manpower. I already know people are going to walk into my store and be rightfully pissed, because I've tried every retail store in-town and found the same shitfest everywhere. Mixed up fast tracks with $30 gloves on pegs for $15 gloves, shit selection in fashions, cashiers who can't bumble their way past checking out a monitor without getting half of the store on-board, and etc. You get what you pay for, and retail stores is paying for potheads, half of whom quit last week.
I do the same job in retail that a guy in my town does for UPS, throwing boxes up to 50 lbs. He gets paid 13, I get paid 9. His job is technically a little easier. He's just loading trucks in the morning. I'm unloading the truck and building pallets, sorting and stocking product, putting security wraps on it, organizing back stock, running back stock, setting tags, setting ad signs, checking ads, checking inventory, marking clearance, and bouncing back and forth between multiple shifts.


I was there. $6/hr would have been good money back then. That's probably all I was making working in a factory back then.

It really is a terrible thing that our country has been subverted. We will never have true nationalism or pride in our nationwide prosperity in helping our 'extended' family succeed.

So basically, the problem here is this particular person is misrembering the 80s

$4,500 a week = $18,000 a month. I make roughly $50,000 a year. Like I said before - there's a lack of work. When I make good money, I make good money - but a lot of the time, there's no work.

Why should I give up $50,000 a year and all the shitposting time I want for an extra 100hrs of work a week for and extra 11 * $15 = $1,500 a week? I didn't spend 10 years learning my job so I can stock groceries and come home exhausted every day. And do you pay for gas? How much more money will I have to pay for gas to get to work every day for $15/hr? How long will my car last?

>The first jobs are supposed to pay crap and be tough on you so that future employers can see if you are a slacker or not

My dad is also homeless, and twice my age. 10 years ago, his $50,000 a year income was enough to live very well.

Prices went up, and wages didn't. It's that simple.

>All that will do is make businesses start raising prices, and suddenly our money is worth even less than it already is

Inflation isn't cause by increased minimum wages. It's caused by the rising cost of goods.

Profit is the cause of inflation - if you buy a house for $10,000 in 1950, and sell it for $200,000 in 2007, you've inflated the house market. If everyone does it, suddenly there are no $10,000 houses left.

Commodity traders buy food, drugs, cars, electronics, etc, and sell them at a profit. Unless they can sell for more than theu bought it for, they can't make profit. But, if they sell it for more then they paid for it, they added artificial value which doesn't reflect the reality of the resources used to make the goods.

As we use resources, the cost to make goods goes up. Someone has to pay the price, and planned obsolescence increases the rate of inflation so that wealth is gradually transferred from the consumer and the resource-owners to the product-selling merchants.

In other words, the Jews. Usury was illegal for this reason. Credit and interest are used by Jews to basically demand that you print them money, because they demand that either you add real value to the economy, or transfer existing real value to them.

Modern economics attempts to 'solve' this problem by distangling the price of the dollar from a real reserve of value like gold. In this way, they can magically say they economy is growing, because the real value to fill the void of hypothetial future credit value will exist;

'Trust us, goy.'

Stayed Jew'd.

Are you fucking retarded? 4500 per week is 234000 per year

So you only work 3 months out of the year? During the other 9 months why dont you try to be productive and learn a useful skill you can make money off of?

>Are millennials right
Millennials are never right. About anything.

>spend 10 years learning my job
How slow are you?

Bush fucked up the country then King Nigger used a glassed earth tactic on the economy, further driving it to hell. Trump is fixing it but it's been 16 years since the country had a good president. Prices will get better but they'll never be what they were in 1998 unless the economy collapses and we go back to square one, but that isn't going to happen this century.

Lol "you don't even know what a Cat5e cable is! Oh my god you're a moron. You somehow think you're special, don't you?

Lower taxes and and remove regulations and workers are paid more overtime with economic boom.


>I make roughly $50,000 a year. Like I said before - there's a lack of work. When I make good money, I make good money - but a lot of the time, there's no work

>During the other 9 months why dont you try to be productive

The rest of the year I do manual labor jobs for $70-100 total each. I'm not above hard labor - it just doesn't pay enough for me to do all the time.

>and learn a useful skill you can make money off of?

It turns how learning coding and getting a job at it are two very different things. I've also learned concrete-pouring, roofing, and teach myself genetics in my spare time.

I get cold at night in my car, but I'm well fed. I just want a home - our current economy just doesn't allow me to buy one. Which is stupid, because there should be $10-50k houses like there were when I was a kid.

I even have perfect credit and no debt - so much for responsibility getting you somewhere.

I supported Trump, and I just couldn't vote for him. I hope to have my shit together next year or in three years so I can vote republican.

But just spit on every homeless, white male millennial - even though all white males voted Trump, regardless of age.

At least I have my pride and free time.

I have no idea what this retard is on about, pretty sure this is just a troll or something.

>But just spit on every homeless, white male millennial - even though all white males voted Trump, regardless of age.

>getting triggered over words on some mongolian picture show weeb site

>her labor isn't worth 18$/hr

I think you'll find it difficult to achieve anything with your victim complex, you should drop it. The tech sector is expanding like crazy and has opportunities for anyone who actually knows how to code, assuming you aren't pajeet tier. Even modern in web development it is piss easy to build something for a small business and there are tools that do nearly all the work for you.

>teach myself genetics
I don't even know what you mean by this.

Frankly we have a right to be angry. Anyone arguing to suck it up and accept being peasants for ZOG is a cuckboi

Yes obviously.

theyre determined by demand because if less people where willing to take a shit job they'd have to pay you more. not an excuse for this shit, (((they))) wring you for every penny but its still going to go back to this.

>heh i make 150/hr
>well i mean i dont work all the time.
>well i mean i dont really have a job, i get 150/hr when they hire me.
>why cant i buy a house, i make 150/hr!

>homeless making 50k a year
>doesn't know what a loan from the bank is
>does not understand what renting is as a concept
you are probably the most retarded fuck I have ever seen

Much of this to blame on government which always causes the market to go to huge imbalances. Over inflated prices on home, food and fuel costs benefits bureaucrats and government the most.

Add to that dumbass landlords who think people will pay their obnoxious prices.

prices are raised skyhigh
>hurrpdurp i cant buy the same shit for the same price like back in 1980

>I'm willing to work, and the labor just doesn't pay enough

Have you considered that maybe you're not actually worth that much? I don;t see how you can claim to earn 150 and hour when you dont seem to be working.

no, a minimum wage is not needed. The reason for wages being so low is an oversupply in unqualified workers coming from immigration, both legal and illegal. As labour supply becomes low in a demographically closed country, wages rise up. In your open country when the labour supply becomes low they just import more shitskins. If you faggots understood economics you'd understand how the wage problem is all a migration problem.

>teach myself genetics in my spare time

what does this even mean? are you trying to moonlight as a geneticist? maybe spend time learning how to leverage your $150/hr skill (that somehow only makes you $4300/week) into more steady work

>there should be $10-50k houses like there were when I was a kid.

there are, at least in the midwest.

They don't want a 19 year old doing what I do. I had to work with other guys for a long time and build up a network to get jobs. I actually worked with my dad for a long time, then I worked with his partners, and finally they started coming to me directly and not through my dad.

>Lol "you don't even know what a Cat5e cable is

What is it? Protip - you're using one now, even if you're on wifi. I crawl up in ceilings and run the cables. I know exactly where they are, what they are, and I could disable a network in 5 seconds without destroying anything or touching software, and you'd have no idea how to get it back up.

In fact, I've been told before to go back on site and unplug things on snooty rich people who wouldn't pay me and my boss for our work. It's hysterical when they pay one of my buddies to go back and 'fix' the network that 'dropped' coincidently when I didn't get paid.

Who do you think installs the networks for the police? Those guys always pay well and on time, like the military. They can't function without me, and I'm glad to provide them my services - because they pay honestly.

>You somehow think you're special, don't you?

No, I just want a house, and refuse to be blamed for not having one by lazy rich people who are like powerless pampered housecats before me.

You know your wifi - unless encrypted - gives everyone the complete contents of your packets, right? And all public wifi is unencrypted? I've watched porn show up in wireshark as I've trouble-shooted apartment networks.

You're like a dog who's stepped in his own shit to me, and walked all over his house with it, calling me filthy. I can smell everything you did in the last week with the cookies you upload.

This. Less taxes, more work please.

How do we raise the power of the dollar so that we can get back to the point where pennies are actually worth something?

I blame people who are convinced they are intelligent and entitled and therefore give themselves and their peers enormous bonuses.

Then when someone who is junior to them does more work more efficiently and asks for a raise, these snobs say "you are young and entitled. You don't deserve money like I deserve money"

>r*ddit spacing all over

Hey guys I noticed that our money is overinflated you know what we should do? Print more money!
Top-tier Zimbabwe logic.

Maybe you could thank boomers for fucking up our economy and flooding your country with low wage immigrants to be able to have cheap garden workers?

I hate to say this,

did you apply at UPS?

>Protip - you're using one now, even if you're on wifi. I crawl up in ceilings and run the cables. I know exactly where they are, what they are, and I could disable a network in 5 seconds without destroying anything or touching software, and you'd have no idea how to get it back up.
You think you're pretty smart don't you? I learned that shit in grade fucking 10. The majority of people reading this thread know as much about networking as you do. You're a fucking cable monkey. Get a better of more stable job.

For the rest of my life, I'll be branded because of my age.

>I think you'll find it difficult to achieve anything with your victim complex, you should drop it

I catalog alleles;


I don't have a victim complex. No one owes me anything. I just want a $10k house.

>The tech sector is expanding like crazy and has opportunities for anyone who actually knows how to code, assuming you aren't pajeet tier. Even modern in web development it is piss easy to build something for a small business and there are tools that do nearly all the work for you

I take advantage of those opportunities. I just want to be able to save up enough to buy a house.

>I don't even know what you mean by this

I learned long ago that I was only going to get anything if I could figure out how to do it myself. No one is ever going to give me genetic counselling for cheap, or do genetic engineering for cheap.

I was raised by educated, technical parents who were talking about personal GM 20 years ago. My dreams are bigger than just a house, and I won't let Jews take them from me with usury.

Most of that $50k goes into expenses like gas, cable, food, phone service, etc. I use a ten year old computer for my job - I don't spend frivolously.

>doesn't know what a loan from the bank is

They want an address. All I have is a UPS box.

>does not understand what renting is as a concept

They want references and an address. I've never rented before. Who wants to rent to a homeless 29 year old man whose income comes in few thousand dollar shots, and is always late on his payments?

I can't regularly pay $1,000 a month for rent every month. I would miss payments like my dad did, and slowly but surely the landlord will request that I move out.

Me and my dad go back to see the old neighborhood sometimes - his house is empty, and so are all the other houses. No one can pay for them.


>For the rest of my life, I'll be branded because of my age.
I understand. I was born in the last two months of 1964, but I identify with GenX.

>no one owes me anything except a 10k house and a high paying job

Are you retarded? Halftime wages at $150 / hr is about 150k per year, or about three times the median us household family income. Fuck you could work 10 hours a week at that rate and still take home enough to comfortably buy a house in most US cities. GTFO moron.

The only genetics you need to learn is how to put a rubber band around your testicles.

If you're still homeless and making 150 an hour you're actually just retarded.

You stupid niggerfaggot. 50k/year is more than I earned in Boston (3rd most expensive US city at the time) during grad school three years ago, where I was able to live comfortably with my wife in an apartment, eating organic luxury foods from a farm share and meatshare, with enough leftover for bills, clothes, two cats, a few vacations, and gifts for the family.

Do you eat every day at a restaurant or some shit?

I live in the fraser valley. Houses cost millions here and I can not afford them. Who do I bitch and complain to about this?

You are 100% correct about inflation, but the answer is not a higher minimum wage. A high minimum wage just means that people with a low skill set can't get a job. If you want sound money that retains purchasing power, you must demand that politicians repeal the Federal Reserve Act and restore the gold standard. That's your ticket to financial freedom. Not a bigger minimum wage.

>Have you considered that maybe you're not actually worth that much?

A white man that makes $50k/yr isn't worth a house? I don't deserve anything? No wive, no kids, nothing?

And you wonder why the white race is dying?

I've never been to reddit, and I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. Back then, the average 4channer knew what a Cat5e cable was.

>I learned that shit in grade fucking 10. The majority of people reading this thread know as much about networking as you do. You're a fucking cable monkey. Get a better of more stable job

I also install and configure APs, routers and switches. People pay me $150/hr to do surveys among other things all tell them what equipment they need to install in the first place.

I design the networks. I've been given cards with tens of thousands of dollars on them, and told to buy the APs, cable, routers, etc I told them they needed. I've installed $100,000+ worth or gear in places, all on my own with no direction. Other people work with the systems I make.

These same people call me back to work on their networks because I installed them. Factories and warehouses that clear millions or dollars worth of product each day rely on the networks I installed.

I've done over 100 sites across America and Canada. I've been detained trying to come back into America for no good reason.

>Get a better of more stable job

That job doesn't exist - my dad lost his job in 2013.

he's a retard who can't figure out how to rent a studio apartment so he probably spends $50 a day on restaurants.

Sup Forums apparently

>Are millennials right about minimum wage?
are millennials right about anything?
min wag was $3 in 1980, dumbass

>A white man that makes $50k/yr isn't worth a house? I don't deserve anything? No wive, no kids, nothing
Is this the entitlement of millenials people talk about? Dude seriously I am in the same boat. I live and work in the most expensive place in Canada and can't afford a house here either. I make way more money than you and have pumped millions through the economy. Life's rough, suck it up. No one owes you anything.

The minimum wage was $3.10 In 1980.

I have the job, I just want the house. I have lots or free time, and look at lots of property - I only need $10-20k. But I can't save up that money.

>I was able to live comfortably with my wife in an apartment, eating organic luxury foods from a farm share and meatshare, with enough leftover for bills, clothes, two cats, a few vacations, and gifts for the family

My dad could do that 10 years ago - he makes the same money, now. But neither of us can't afford that now.

Again, I just don't think people understand how much more expensive everything is. Did everyone else just forget $1.25/gl gas and giant trucks?

Why is everyone just accepting this reduction in lifestyle?

Where I live 1 acre is about $10-20k. That's basically my plan - I just need everything to so right so I can save the money.

>If you want sound money that retains purchasing power, you must demand that politicians repeal the Federal Reserve Act and restore the gold standard. That's your ticket to financial freedom

This. Without something that restricts the amount of money the total economy can lend, you get inflation.

That's why my grandfather could buy a $500k house, my dad had a $50k house and lost it, and I can't buy anything. As I work, my gains are being stolen by Jews through inflationary interest.

I can agree a higher minimum wage is unnecessary if you don't allow inflation.

Nobody believes you.

>$1.25/gl gas
Gas is about 1.30 per liter here>Where I live 1 acre is about $10-20k.
About 200k an acre here and thats cheap

Idk man like fuck you

you claim to make 50k a year but you can't even save 10k? that's not even $1000 a month and you'd have it in a year. how fucking retarded are you that you're spending over 3k a month without rent or a mortgage?

good thing i live in a television rather than a house

>Live 30 mins outside of decent sized city, same side I live on so I hit no traffic
>Work on the edge of town, making $120k a year in tech
>Live in the mountains on a large lake
>2600 sq ft house
>$1,600 mortgage

Move man. It's not worth that pain in the ass.

>the demand for shitty jobs is high because of immigration.

Wages were also higher for ordinary Americans when labor unions were stronger.

Right now less than 7% of America's private sector workforce is a member of a union. In the 1940s and 50s, nearly 40% of the workforce was part of a labor union. The gutting of the labor unions over the past for years has had a deleterious impact on employee wages.

I wonder how they calculate that. People today simply have more stuff than back then. A minimum wageer simply did not own a phone, a tablet, a laptop, and did not frequent "high class" coffee establishments.

>he's a retard who can't figure out how to rent a studio apartment

They want references and an address. I've never rented before, and I only have a UPS address.

>so he probably spends $50 a day on restaurants

I'm very picky and can't stand the way they make burgers at Mcdonalds. Sometimes I buy $10 worth of meat and have a BBQ in the woods.

>Dude seriously I am in the same boat. I live and work in the most expensive place in Canada and can't afford a house here either. I make way more money than you and have pumped millions through the economy

You could have had a $10k piece of property if you've pumped millions through the economy, yet you complain about not having a house. I don't care where I have to live, or if I have to drive 70 miles to work every day.

Yet you begrudge me a few crumbs, relative to your massive cake? So neither of us get a $10k house, because you wouldn't stoop so low and I have no money? Aren't you the entitled one, demanding an expensive house while I just want a humble 1 acre for $10k?

Could it be that the Jew is trying to destroy us both?

. Life's rough, suck it up. No one owes you anything.