Woman top search results tell us they like to search for big black cocks, nowhere to be seen are spic cocks or (((muh masterrace white cocks)))) BTFO
Woman search for BBC not BWC
Healthy women don't watch porn.
most important part leroy-- what color are the woman searching? How is the sample taken to ensure it is random sampling? Also, normal White woman with young kids don't watch fucking porn. Just don't.
I never met a woman that was into porn,have you? It's such a low percentage that any statistics based on it mean absolutely nothing
yeah but your kind of woman is in that cartoon category.
You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.
The real question is why are so many women into lesbian porn?
Because you don't have to search white, fucktard. It's never a search term, because white is the norm, nigger.
Thats because 'normal' is considered white. If you want to see a nigger fuck somebody you type in 'black', but if you dont't care about colour you type in nothing
[roach posting intensifies]
Americans wish to be bavarian.
Because men can't really pleasure women
Damn right,
also checked
now here’s the real question
what kind of woman watches for porn and on top of it does a survey for a porn website
dumb nigger faggots like OP actually believe the crem de la crem of women are into porn. whatever the equivalent of a virgin neckbeard chronic masturbator is for women, one should really feel like they aren’t losing out on much
really OP. shit is weak
Kinda funny, I'm dressed exactly like Bavarian guy in the meme. Haircut, shirt, pen in pocket, and even the mustache.
sure you do, Juan
kek, women literally search more for 'japanese' than 'big black cock'.
btfo niggers
That could be due to any number of factors, depending on how they sample it. If based on profiles, it's likely because half or more of the female profiles are always men/fags/cucks roleplaying. Or alternatively, seeing that most all of porn on western sites is whites, there's no need to use a niche term to find what you want, which means a niche term used by a high porn consumption group like black women will boost that search up the list. If it's basing it on ISP name holder or search history data mining (meaning an assumption of male/female use), that's a poor measurement and should be ignored.
no one searches white dick because you'll get white dick unless you specifically search for anything else
black women have higher test so watch porn more often
white is the default porn actor, if you want to specifically see black you need to search that (or find whatever videos are promoted on the front page)
Big white cock is the industry standard. There's no point in searching it out.
they get this gender info from browser fingerprints not actual surveys
Upload all you moonman videos to pornhub
The only way that pornhub would know that they are a women is if they have created an account.
If a women has a porn account she is already a confirmed roastie so these numbers are bullshit.
Just noticed and said the same thing
You know white is the default on those sites? Any search without an ethnicity tagged will get you white porn.
Upload moonman videos to Redtube and pornhub
I see you there Turkroach!
Guess that means all men want to secretly fuck their sisters.
>german has kids and looks respectable
Holy shit, porn has fucked everything up.
Yeah, you probably dont see that too often in america, do you ?
3 people from 3 different countries noticed what was retarded with this thread.
I would personally like to know which kind of women signs up on pornsites and watches porn regularly.
Liberal city trash?
I was going down that road, thank god I started giving up porn for good. can make it about 2 months before relapsing now.
Wew lads lets calm down a bit remember there is no such thing as girls on the internet, how did they manage to collect data on the gender of visitors? smells like propaganda to me if it by membership alone then the sample size must be so small its virtually irrelevant.
Degenrate woman do degenarate things. Wow really activates the almonds
Fucking kekd
being so stupid to know that white isn't a category therefore if they were seeking white nothing coming up in the data; but all the other 38 tags would come up implying that's what they were looking for.
Some of the categories for men are good...
Needs some more bondage and surprise anal though. Perhaps some mind break?
Wait, you guys don't?
This BTFO all shitskins
>not wanting to fuck everything
low test detected
No you dumb nigger. It doesn't mean that ALL women like niggers, it only shows that single degenerate whores who masturbate to porn like niggers. Enjoy fucking landwhales.
If you don't specifically search for black or asians you typically get white porn.
I see 3 searches for blacks, 1 for asian, and the rest white.
Also lots of "women" are just cucks/trannies/fags larping.
Does that gun have a fucking orange tip?
Only because most mutts have never been there. Bavarians are short and swarthy and don't live up to the Aryan poster boy image at all. I've been there and seen it with my own peepers.
How do they even tell
>>Women who watch porn.
>>Women that cannot get dick on their own so watch someone else get it.
>>Undesirable women.
Fat/ugly women BTFO.
Notice how close together ebony and BBC are?
Thats because black girls watch porn too and thats what they look for mostly. In addition to that, since black women have more testosterone, they have a higher sex drive and therefore watch more porn, which in turn skews the results even more.
Serious question... How do they know the sex of the person searching?
Everyone is over 6'0 here in Oberbayern.
The average Bavarian is bigger than the average Anglo
sorry Nigel
Thats the american way.
Yes, because only white women watch porn you dumbass.
The best stuff for women is either those erotic stories about dominate, alpha, rich, men who in a monogomous relationship with a character they can relate to or gay slash pairings.
I legitimly feel sorry for women that have to put up with how ugly, disguesting, and emotionally empty standard porn.
How many are real women and not just fat fags?
More women search for extreme gangbang than BBC.
Makes me worried about women, not my race
>no consentacle
pleb taste