Be british

>Suffer in silence

These faggots dont have a voice and keep doing the same shit they've done for centuries

>Keep a stiff upper lip
>Power through the misery
>Oh it will get better eventually
>Suffering in silence is the british way

They wont come back from this one
Their mind set is abo tier because this is literally the same ideaology of roll over and die

they either have to start talking or
>die in silence

From now on
All british posters will be referred to as


Don't worry they wont speak up against you


Its not easy when you have thought crime laws.

>tfw there will never be a civil war to remove the kabab from Europe or the niggers and spics from America.


"I cant think outside the box"

If your a stupid enough faggot to grant those laws any power then you deserve whats coming

resist resist resist

fight your ass off when the cops come
don't be obedient

you wont fight because you are the eternally silent bong

The English are the Chinese Ant people of Europe

I was the creator
Refined it because I thought it deserved its own thread

here you are
marvel at my ability to suck you into my thoughts

just remember to be quit you little silent bong

Stay shitter and bitter burger

When your country has existed as long as ours has (possible but unlikely) you realise time cleanses everything.
We outlasted the French, the German and we will outlast you.

>Refined it
You cant polish a turd Schlomo

Remember to die a slow agonizing death in utter silence because you are ant people

At least we are talking about this shit.

Birthrates beg to differ

unless you are ceramoniously applauding the changing of the guards (muslim majority)

Then by that standard you will definitely outlast us.

The world stood in utter terror at the might of the british empire and we americans destroyed that thought forever. You will not outlast us because you fail to understand one simple thing

We are you
We are the you that you wish you could be
We came from you yet we maintained our manhood and our resolve.

The only way the British will "outlast us" if by surviving through us.

We are everything you wish you were

One can hope.

How in the hell did you think that the americans destroyed Britain? They literally did shit all.

I've lived in the U.S. in Austin, and it was completely full of everybody but white people. Even the white people there were the most liberal, most cucked people i've ever met

Americans literally don't give a shit about anything but inhaling trans fats. fantasizing about shooting atf agents on the internet doesn't make you some kind of rebel

>The English are the Chinese Ant people of Europe
t. either a nigger or some 56percenter who treasures what little british blood he has and happily tells everybody who asks about it.

you made the mistake of living in an American city with a major state university in it

We destroyed your image and showed the world that you are brittle

after the revolution your empire collapsed little by little until you are now in danger of losing your entire civilization to muslims.

Austin texas is the seattle of texas

having anglo or nigger blood is the same tier of degeneracy.

The Irish are more reputable then the brits at this stage and thats saying alot

Texas as a whole, your "real american man" state, is full of big cities completely full of crime, liberals, and black people.

It's absolutely crazy that you guys even think white people in the U.S. will last until 2050.

Ill be happy to live in the mega fortress of whiteness that is Utah

Fuck off were full

You do realise that if you are "white" in the U.S., you will have at least some anglo blood?

You hate yourself

Nothing wrong with using one of your flaws to be a better person

the 1/64th Anglo in you is the only uncucked redeemable part of you in a sea of cuckoldry and nigger genes

Eurocucks are like this too. It's not just us. I think the Eiffel Tower is transmitting a signal that turns everyone into losers.

We literally come from the same stock of people, we will share common ancestors about 350 years ago, and you hate us this much because... you apparently don't care about us? wow.... you're really showing us

Did you ever once think that not knowing how to air your thoughts is a personal problem? Why are you projecting your flaws on to an entire nation.

I wonder why we don't want to speak out

One person in this entire thread making sense aside from me.

I gave out the mentality that is a flaw of the british people

yet not one person can fucking refute it

Do you faggots not do exactly as i outlined in the OP?

Do you not "keep calm and carry on"
"Stiff upper lip"
"suffer in silence"

No you cant say shit because all of you know it hit the right chord so hard all you faggots can do is cry foul and "call me names"

get over it
Thats your problem as a people

>The eternally silent bong cried out but not a word was uttered out aloud
>The sobbed they teared
>The bled the feared
>For the thought crime they did commit
>Stay silent, it will pass until we all turn to shit

Fuck you. We created the greatest countries in the world, we made african deserts bloom, put white colonies across the globe, and our worst created 1st world countries out of desolate shitholes.

Lol they are scared of themselves

All of it died

Great seed planter
shit gardner

Speaking out means being arrested then social suicide. You won't get a job (unless the boss is based and even then it's skill shaky) when the employer sees islamaphobe charges

Yet I can wager that the majority of English people want to speak out against these muslims.

Ill take a bet that the majority of your country is tired of this shit.

Yet for some reason its social suicide?

This is why the English are the Chinese ant people of Europe.

Who the fuck is handling you retards?

It only takes one pissed off white man to rally a nation

It seems there is no bravery in the British isles


Because no one wants to upset the muh oppressed Muslims. The more time passes the less chances that people will want to speak out due to what the next generations are being told. Tommy Robinson says there will be an anti-Muslim militia soon if the situation continues as normal

You could have come up with a more mean name.

British people are silent about things a lot of the time because we let it build up. We let the fire smoulder within us as things take their toll, until finally it bursts and we are unstoppable. Even during the world wars, British people took them with a stiff upper lip and didn't complain, they just did their duty.

>Some of you deluded imbeclies unironically believe you can recover from the massive clusterfuck all Europe in general is.

Im just waiting for the collapse desu, no point telling everyone the ships sinking while its underwater

We can be chastised for speaking out, hate crime policing is on the rise because of all the terrorism.

Wise lad

Terrorism is on the rise because of all the hate crime policing.

Sooner or later people are going to remember exactly why we value politeness so much. It's been a while.

Says Spain, mother of fucked up countries


It just needs to be more catchy, like "Silentcunt"

From now on every british person on this site shall be referred to as "Silentcunt"

what should we do

Daily fucking reminder

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.

Educate your friends, family and community, learn survival skills, go to the gym, get ready.

Find your bravery and confront the real issues of the day

fuck the consequences

Cant jail the whites if no ones manning the prisons

You aren't Saxons you're silent pussies

Yeah user like you do anything either.

We lost the stiff upper lip decades ago, all this country does is complain, just generally not about the stuff that matters

Is there any way to save the bongs? Cia funded civil war? Sneaking guns to bongs? Black market? What is there realistically?

this. Americans are so rich and have so many freedoms, they assume everyone else is equally blessed. Let them spend one week in a (former) Communist country; might cure some of that 'muh freedoms' talk.

These fucking mutts should get up on a stage and tell everyone to deport the spics and shoot the niggers then, if Britain is so cucked compared to the US.
Get fucked.

Just give the Isles to the Irish after all the English die out because of muslims then the muslims die out because they cant handle infrastructure

You know what to do.

Can the Robin be trusted?


Ideally we're looking for a military coup, of sorts, following inaction from Parliament. Muzzies become a clear threat, Army locks down cities, Lizzy dissolves Parliament, kebab is removed, we hold fresh elections.
There aren't all that many of them, and they're in ready-made ghettoes. Easy enough to purge.

Ireland is run by a gay Pajeet and they suck EU cock for gibs, they're not any better off.

She cant be counted on. She no longer cares. its time to look away from the crown.


I would reply but you are right, the average Brit is against the changing demographics yet they refuse to say/do anything about it. Hell I am not going to even say anything about the 56%

I say we leave markers in chalk to mark that friendlies are in the area. the flash of course

one day we will free the britbongs of their little island of apes


That is retard or it is bait

are you even kidding or what

Of course not, I'm talking about the general staff waking up and smelling the jihad, you know they don't give a single shit about diversity. ER isn't calling any shots in this scenario.

imagine if everyone stopped being such a pussy? its almost like those fascist laws would be unenforceable, isnt it?


You're an idiot, our Empire tripled in size after the American Revolution. In the first place, you had the assistance of three other European Empires. But this infighting is stupid.

>Let them spend one week in a (former) Communist country; might cure some of that 'muh freedoms' talk
so what kinds of freedoms Americans have that those terrible former communist countries don't? Or you're just a loudmouth idiot? You realize in America courts can force you to provide services for gay marriage?

The version about saxons is bollocks. The one i posted is the original, The Beginnings by Kipling.

checks out

We live in a society that is very judgemental, prim, proper and old. It was quite conservative but the cultural Marxism spread from America and now even conservative types are defending Muslims and only making weak arguments against immigration. A lot of Brits still live in very white areas and even think about race outside of house prices or salaries.

With that being said, I've grown to hate this country and will take my very high salary and taxes to a country that doesn't bend over for Islam.


>Irish more reputable than the brits
>they just elected a gay paki for prime minister
>they are the most enthusiastic supporters of Germany in the EU
>they've supported islamic terrorism and committed terror acts against white people
>voted overwhelmingly for gay marriage

The non bongers.
The anti bong.
Nega bong.
Watch keepers.

Are you bothered by 'Irish-American' muh heritage fags?

Our president just called your shit out and got his trip canceled for it. I would call you pussies, but your women are attracted to stronger males then you, which makes them strong then you.

Just stop

>ant people
The UK is more than just a few big English cities fatty-boom-boom, you're showing your famous amerimutt ignorance of other nations. Yet again. My part of the UK is 98%+ white, and will be in a hundred years. Silent? Nah, we are fluent in the ancient language of violence.

>storm frount

Fuck, I never noticed that. We'll just claim it's in Ulster-Scots

You obviously don't have any progressive abortion laws.

>implying there's not going to be massive civil unrest in the next few decades across the west as the neoliberal system implodes


Maybe King Charles will pull the trigger

>On today's episode, Jew S A thinks it has a moral high ground

>called out your shit
And not your own. Mind your own business mutts, you've got more on your plate than us (as per usual)

It's a beautiful thing.

True the American Empire is growing

Modern Britain has pushed the progression of first world life through the industrial revolution to the defence of Britain in World War 1 &2. Our country is suffering the same issues as any other first world country during this wave of illegals from Syria and other ISIS home locations. We all watch America ripping itself apart and yet our new iron lady is looking after our country.

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May is actively bringing in as many migrants as possible are you fucking retarded?

Trump is actually doing something about the spics.

We just pulled out of the un migration pact