>The mayor of London Sadiq Khan has been visiting India and Pakistan over the last week to spread the message that, London is open.
You can't make this shit up.
>The mayor of London Sadiq Khan has been visiting India and Pakistan over the last week to spread the message that, London is open.
You can't make this shit up.
londonistan is open for more part and parcel get rekt brits
>We don't need the EU we can trade with the world.
>Ew why is he talking to brown people
You fucking idiots.
>London is the best city in the world.
Only thing i remember about London is the smell and the dirt. That godawful smell... Almost made me throw up.
My body is ready
Yes, why would anyone complain about having more of your people in London.
>Ew why is he talking to brown people
You are a dumb fuck with bad reading comprehension skills.
>my people
I'm whiter than you, mutt.
Trading bomb parcels isn't good for your economy, though
If you're white, it's even more disgusting that you're advocating for more of these "people".
That feel when one of the world's great cities has fallen
>>We don't need the EU we can trade with the world.
>>Ew why is he talking to brown people
Not for trading goods obviously
London is not England anymore. Sell it to the EU instead of 50 billion bill so all 15 million remain voters live there. Make York the capital again and the rest of England brexit voters.
Trading bombs seems to have made (((America))) wealthy enough
he wants to bring the people haha
>that glorious feel when you were born in any other nation except Britstain
you dont think a MUSLIM MAYOR will try and get more MUSLIMS into the country?
Lol do you not know what country you are in right now
>Lol do you not know what country you are in right now
>Says the leaf
>Canada: 72% white
>America: (((56%))), which includes north Africans, Sandniggers, and many mongrels.
Off yourself
>Canada:72% white
>smaller than the US in population
>accepts more zipperheads and mudslimes every day into the country
>Don't forget the beaners fleeing from Trump
Literally whiter than you Mohammad
>Please come re-elect me and I will give you money my muslim brothers.
>After all, how can we be trading partners if you can't immigrate freely?
I hate that sack of shit with every fiber of my being
Great solution m80
>whiter than you Mohammed
>his country is minority white, literally Brazil tier
Kek. Pic related is the typical Republican btw
lel, watch all the Sikhs and Paki’s turn up with nothing on their minds except to how to rip off the system so they can benefit financially, these two ethnic groups make Jews look like amateurs.
That's not a bad idea.
your country is a colony of China being led by a Manchurian candidate that wants to turn Canada into the first “post national” country in the world.
>He's actually defending his LGBTQASDF shithole
Since I'm a nigger can mount your wife?
Nice try Achmed
Unironcally this.
Typical amerimutts thinking they are "white"
>American """pretending""" to be a nigger, talking about race mixing
Not suprising
>London Mayor is a troyan horse
>Dumb brits can't even figure out
Goddamn ahahah.
Why is the London mayor an Indian, I would think The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland would have an actual brit running the capital.
London needs to be nuked honestly. Biggest shithole I've ever seen.
>Americans are nigger mutts
>wtf stop pretending to be a nigger
Make up your mind cuckboy
paris is worse
>nu male '''beard'''
>nu male pose (for some reason always open mouth bottom row teeth exposed)
>Shirt caption says enough
>Chromosome bundle of joy at the bottom
The one time I went to London there was a terrorist attack and I got stuck at the airport for 2 days ,I decided that was enough for me
Are you actually this fucking stupid. The point was that you weren't pretending to be a nigger because you actually are one. Holy shit. And how can you seriously call Canada cucked? Is apologizing to Faggots more cucked than letting niggers run around and rape white women and burn your cities?
But niggers and sandniggers are running around Canada and raping people and you apologies to them for doing it
This BBC doesn't prep itself
Nice. Hopefully I can bring my cousins from India over soon.
We want to trade goods, he wants to trade people.
You fucking idiot.
That's moronic. NYC has a legit cleanliness problem (rubbish on the street, dirt under your fingernails after a day out), and London is nothing like that in the slightest.
I mean maybe Berlin is super clean, but it's probably a lot easier when when it was built in 1946.
Are we just gonna ignore how much stolen corruption money from the third-world ends up being laundered through London's property and financial services industry?
Will there ever be a white mayor in London again ?
We have very few niggers, and if anything it's us killing the sandniggers(see mosque shooting)
>london is open
>Open society
Hear that dogwhistle?
How the fuck does he have any authority to invite people in to the country? And when will libshits learn that the only people who think of themselves as global cirz are them. Everyone else is working to help their own ethnic group and mother country. Everyone is seizing power while we hold up rape me signs.
Btw note the term trade deals. When they talk of trade deals they mean people.
Australia is in talks to have open borders and free trade with commonwealth countries. Juncker has suggested that Australia become part of the EU too so we can have open borders and trade deals.
Shit is bad enough with NZ where the cunts flooded their country then sent them here. Nz has a pop of 5mil. 1.9 mil people came to australia on 444 visas in one year. 900K went in the other direction. Thats a net of 1 mil people who can stay here indefinitely, get free healthcare and receive welfare and help keep those wages down for companies that sent jobs overseas and are filling thr remainder with third world slaves.
Now we have to deal with canada, europe and UK stacking the deck? How long before we crash our economy or cant afford welfare for anyone anymore?
Govt have erected a big fuck off fence aroubd parliament, which was originally designed to be open and accessible for anyone. They say it is to stop terrorism but it is really for when we all finally cop the fuck on and want to storm the place to hang them. Those pissy attacks in london serve parliament well too to increase security. Sometimes i wonder how much terrorism is real and how much is state sponsored. It is helping to bring agenda 21 to fruition.
Thanks for reading my blog.
You voted to stop EU migration and now he will flood you with the Pakistani/Indian one.
I like how videos are full of young white women inviting rest of the world to come over, i wonder who will accept this invitation lol
This faggot runs london like hes the one running the entire country
Might start checking out housing in New Zealand if this keeps up.
Brits are being ethnically cleansed.
I feed bad.
You need to start militias. Only way is violence now.
>london mayor has literally no power outside of london transport
>dumb pizza niggers can't even figure it out
>You voted to stop EU migration and now he will flood you with the Pakistani/Indian one.
now? Brits were doing this all the time
unless you are white.
>that you're advocating for more of these "people".
no, no it isn't us you fucking retards, our parents allowed all these Muslims to come and they all vote for marxism. We literally can't recover.
Even better reason to get rid of their war dogs. This faggot would get torn apart by them for being a traitor.
>so let's make it even worse
>ships in hordes of pakies
>well atleast he has no power
Most shitskin immigrants come here via other European countries...
Most shitskin immigrants come here via other European countries
Sorry to break in on your little party but you guys had better start NOW. EVERYONE of you Bongs need to mobilize. If not then come here for a good rest and then we will go together and take back your little Island later.
If it's OK with you I ask that the House of Windsor not be included because they have done nothing for your country. The Queen should have lead her people but she did nothing.
The EU did this Islamization of England withe the House of Commons and your Queen. Hold them accountable when we take back your little Island.
Britain needs enough abdools to have a partiton
>London is open.
Except of, if your not a muslim.
because then you get stoned, lynched or beheaded.
English men need to rise up, kill their politicians and throw ALL muslims out, mercilessly.
doon't believe me ? Searchengine it! It's official, othing hidden, just not talked about it, but is FACT !!
its over. england is done admit it
>America is open for business
So based omg
>London is open (for business)
Omg a brown guy said it instead of a orange guy reeeeeee
You racists have to be the stupidist people in the world.
by "trade" you mean "bring in more pakis and indians and give them free shit" right?
great trade
and you still dont believe in PLANNED re-population and displacement of the native eropeans by your governing elites ...
Don't fool yourself as if it's new, it's been open since the 50s.
>his last president was a literal nigger
>le 45% face
we hate you more than jews for a reason you stupid fucking leaf
Criminally underrated
Enjoy your new indian/paki immigrants dumb fuck.
have you even sene your capital? god, they cant even arrest the drug dealers at the tube stations.
>India and Pakistan
>Come to the white land, or it used to be, my muslim brothers
>white lands are better than your shitty fucking brown lands or else you would go there
Has anyone ever asked a muslim why they prefer white lands?
Whites were the ones who used to move to brown lands. Then they fucked things up there royally. Now its just payback time white boi. Don't remember only halfbthe history. British industrialization was financed from resources looted from India.
What part of being full do you not understand?
Mashallah, payback for the Raj
Except the current generation did nothing to deserve this. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Soon you will be expelled.
it was good at the start UK , we had our good times & bad but now its just to hard, i wanna break up.
i hope you find someone better
pls dont text back, i deleted your number.
from the U.S
Go to Berlin member, it is a thousand times worse.
>literally built on a swamp
>pipes are Overground
>worse smells than India