Protest over black teen’s death. Could get worse later.
Chimpout watch Paris
What the fuck do they want? They came to europe willingly. If you don't like it gtfo.
nothing will happen
They want whatever they can get.
like everyone
How can you let this identity politics happen in your own country? It's messed up, do you want to start haveing race relations like in the US?
HOwd the black teen die?
Obama and Hillary did this. Don’t ever forget that.
They want the opportunity to live without being slaves. Maybe king nigger should have left Northern Africa alone.
>do you want to start haveing race relations like in the US?
Hey, there isn't anything special about us, every country that is sufficiently multiracial is doomed to this.
But in europe we didn't have slavery and jim crow and other things like that, so I think that we can point out that they are beeing racist themself by makeing it a race issue.
I don't know about this one, but a few months back they had similar protests over a someone who died when he got in front of an oncoming car while running from police.
the future of france is looking dark
>europe didn't have slavery
portugal got kicked out of japan for enslaving people, the british and spaniards were especially evil
Africans were already taking over large swaths of France because France colonized various African nations (Tunisia, Algeria, etc) and because of that, later decided to make them French citizens with a right to move to France similar to England allowing Indians to move to England as it was once part of the Commonwealth.
I'm a nigger just so you know
No interest in having relationship with a country run by Trump
Was suspected to sell drugs, got arrested and apparently swallowed his drugs (crack) then died
If the police didn't lie he kinda deserved it, but if they did, i think he did something else anyways
Slavery and race are not strictly related in europe, moreover blacks in europe didn't came here in chains.
That is not going to work because of how the mind of niggers work, and also considers the jews and leftist whites. The jews hate us and will use every cudgel they can, the white leftists want to be subjugated under some other races boot. These three factions will work diligently and relentlessly to ensure you won't have a police than can do anything to blacks
You’re going to need more niggers if you expect a proper chimpout. We can give you some if you promise to keep them.
replace the paper with a youtube video and you have it right
that doesn't matter, the victim narrative gives them power over you and hands them your stuff
You should care the most, this is exactly what is makeing moderates shift to the right.
None of these people should be in France to begin with. Send them all back
They have no right to be there. They contribute nothing and they've never contributed anything
They are angry because of the salve stuff in Libya. Have you been paying attention?
It all depends on education
I do not think the way you describe/think it but yet i still face racism.
From whites to black thinking i want to be white while i just intend to respect my birth country
I can understand why people like me turn racists but i wont
Thats what I'm saying, their narrative doesen't exist, they are makeing this up. Picking from the US and appling it to a different country, someone could easly dismiss them for beeing racist themself.
They will find something to beat you over the head with whether it be colonialism or income inequality.
yeah but it's ok according to liberals:
That's good for you. But, you have no voice and you ideas no impact. The more aggressive ideas will shelter under yours, wielding it as a weapon will they alter what words mean, what the standards are and lie with ultimate goal of dispossessing the other.
Come on, everyone faces racism when migrating, it's normal, blowing it up like they are doing is what creates bad race relations, and it works against your own interest.
>nobody talk about it in the news.
hm, ok
you ever seen black people burn half the town down. boo this man!
I get why you post this
But UK allowed most of thoses immigrants to legally live there
If the UK constitution tells all people should be treated as equals
Why should theses immigrants should be be treated differently, if this propaganda info is true?
trying to understand
that's whi i said i wont turn racist because i understand this
Still frustrating tho
They are pulling up the race question, and if things go south they have to blame themselves first, or at least we need to tell them that it's their own fault for creating this toxic movments.
The whites should have stayed out of Africa.
You'll never guess: He fucking OD'd on his own drugs when the police were about to arrest him for selling crack and shit. Fucking silly how some drug-dealing nigger kills himself warrants a country-wide "protest".
digits decide if it escalates
looks like every other night. they are always out on the street hanging around in huge groups to sell drugs and rob people
But do you support this kind of protest?
Absolutely not
Plus it makes people believe we are all like them
The left can be particularly poisonous in this whole thing paradoxically
They have this perverse Rousseauian vision of the 'other' as being more pure and good than the evil whitey and are unable to cope with foreigners who are somewhat ambitious and willing to work hard for their own interest
Ok, good. About the frustrating part it happens, people are pretty sick and tired with all these migrants comeing in. Aboute the article of Al Jazeera you asked about you it's surely some leftard bullshit, talking about race is what creates racism.
>drug smuggler eats his own dope to hide it
>overdosed on it
>cops tried to damage control even if they should not
>but muh racist systemique
and here we go again
>worthless nigger dies
they need handouts to cope
niggas gonna nig
gimme dat sweet titty
Everything is long lost. Can't wait for everything to finally end.
This shit bothers me so much
I can almost understand why it happens in the U.S, Canada, Austrailia etc. as they are conquered lands that are not the original home of Europeans
But Europe is our fucking home, our ancestors bled and died for millenniums to build this for us
Granted I think the white privledge/anti-white stuff is a little less prevalent in Europe, but I wonder is it just because we are generally 80%+ of our homelands now
When we are 60% like in the U.S, will it be ramped up the same way?
>identity politics
are you american?
>Europe didn't have slavery
>Europe didn't have discrimination
They want to conquer Europe basically and are doing a pretty good job. They've brainwashed so many people that even white cucks are willing to kill themselves for them
That's the point, I'm not american and I don't want their bullshit in Europe
Blacks have never been in europe to work as slaves, of course we have discrimination but it's strange that wherever the black people goes racism follows, how convinient.
They want to war. They want to kill all white men and rape all white women. That's the endgoal. White genocide. The 'dead teen' is just an excuse to attack. It will happen over and over.
>Blacks have never been in europe to work as slaves,
Probably few Subsaharans in Al-Andaluz
Then Portugal afterwards since 1450.
>Was suspected to sell drugs, got arrested and apparently swallowed his drugs then died
we have had two cases exactly like this (young black guy in both cases) in the last few months nd both times they have protests (from black community) just the same.
how come they look so black like blacker than black
That atmosphere was pretty spooky. I feel pity for future generations who will have to try and maintain civilisation with this lot on their plate.
2003 called, it wants his punchline back
Don't these happen all the time? I remember one recently, earlier this year maybe when French police had 'anally probed' a teen with a baton or something and they protested
This is just the way it is now, it'll get worse though
>Could get worse later.
you mean /comfy
Nah, it wasn't anyone other than liberals and women. It's been happening for generations, the tide started to turn over 20 years ago and it's been steadily increasing since then.
Over 15 years ago I remember seeing adverts to help the poor starving Africans and seeing white women flocking there to save them and bring them back. They still do it now.
why is it police fault he died?
Why the fuck do you speak like one of them then? What the fuck does "identity politics" mean?
When are European cucks going to ship them all back to Africa? The niggers simply don't belong anywhere but Africa.
If whites put up with them and accept them at all they deserve to get enriched and genocided by the niggers.
it's rooted in Catholicism.
Feed the black babies, convert the blacks to Christianity, etc
It's never Protestants who do it. We just aren't interested in that shit.
>Blame the Catholics in general and you can't go far wrong desu
WTF do these 'people' contribute to our society? HOW THE FUCK IS DIVERSITY A STRENGTH? has anyone ever answered that?
Because it's the current year, dillweed.
This guy knows. Picture related, catholics love niggers so much they suck their nigger toes!
It's a lie, they can't defend it and have no intentions of defending it.
Not surprised because women can't even go into cafes anymore in France:
>portugal got kicked out of japan for enslaving people
Wrong. We didn't "enslave", they were already slaves. We bought them.
>Blacks have never been in europe to work as slaves
Wrong. I know for a fact that at least Lisbon had every kind of slave imaginable- niggers, chinks, japs, indonesians, poos, you name it. They were 10% of Lisbon's population at one point, then it was prohibited in the mainland in the 1700s.