Would you let them into Europe?

Would you let them into Europe?

I wouldn’t let them out of my basement

Yes, they'd make it whiter.

only far left, her brothers can stay away

Stop spamming these rat faced spics KYS beaner

pure-blooded Texans


This is what I come to Sup Forums for.

if they give me a boner they can pass.

I like how the first 2 replies are Americans,#epic


When they are all old enough to vote they will flip Texas blue and there will never be a non-democrat president again!


the 4 Muttchachas

>Actual global happening gets removed
>15 of these retarded threads get to stay.

Its almost like Texas was once Mexico

What global happening?

What was the global habbening?


What's Sup Forumss obsession with these mongoloids? This just proves that Mexicans breed like cockroaches and should bring alarm to them being here..


I'd let them on my dick.



>walking behind the Latinas at my work and trying not to stare at their asses

Something moved into earth orbit and was tracked by ham anons including a bong who bounced a signal off of it and tracked it with his radio telescope.

would u let them into Israel?

same desu, we need to bleach these girls


They look like they have some sephardic ancestry.

inbred lesbians?

ya, why not. my brother owns a rope factory.

Why would the American God-Race want to interact with Europoors and their Muslim masters?

No, these are spices.




What are they?

*spics fuck the phone



I have access to a telescope where it was?


No. Just for the lulz.


They'd give you a white baby.

>am*rishit saying "we wuz europeanz"
makes me think

holy shit.... that girl on the right...

shoot me

>Irish are white

Only the barefoot ones.

Don't act dumb.


The (((mmods))) keep deleting the new threads or moving them to bant so no useful tracking data has been collated in many hours.

Last time I know of it being located was around 8 hours ago, tracked heading East over Europe, easily pinged at 55 MHz.

I'd let them into my cock.

I can't see it from here until it crosses the equator.


average americans

No thanks you can keep them mr Amerimutt

>im going to compromise my people and my country because i saw a picture on the internet of swarthy inbred double digit IQ peasants

why do you keep posting these threads? the answer will always be no

Goddamit Nigel.

This is exactly what all of those girls will look like as soon as a ring is on the finger. Never marry a mexican.

that sounds horrible

hehe le funny 56% face man!

at last.. I see
we must create the National Socialist McDonald's Worker's Party

I don’t want them in America, let alone Europe

But of course

Jews have always wanted a World Government, which they will control. By mixing up all the people, they can argue that as every country in the world now consists of many different races, national boundaries are obsolete and should be replaced with a single World Government.

If you wanted to destroy a race without killing it yourself, you would…

- Promote race mixing
- Promote homosexuality
- Promote the irrelevance of the family
- Promote feminism and divorce
- Promote abortion rights
- Teach them that race does not exist
- Teach them to feel guilty and ashamed of their heritage
- Push for mass immigration into their lands
- Call them racists when they defend themselves

Is that Miranda Cosgrove?

>Not ruining America

Pick one

What about her

Castizos are literally darker then Sicilians

feet check out

Mestizos are a bigger demographic threat then niggers. There are 60 Million of them in the US. Only Texans want them to stay alive

having a rough goof it, are we?

>Mestizos are a bigger demographic threat then niggers

they probably still cause less social friction

but also make sure to only promote these things for whites


why can't these losers stay in their own country?


Well if you fuck one of them your son could probably pass himself off as Super Mario.

>t.someone who’s never been to the Southwest

The only people I see defending spics on Sup Forums are so called “White Hispanics” and Texcucks. Everybody else including Californians hate them. America would be a better place without them and niggers.


Castizos look even less white then Amerindians, why do Southern whites love race-mixing so much?

No. They're not even good looking, 2 of them look like trannies.

Because of the 1965 immigration act, Unless RAISE passes and makes most of our migrants European. Then our country is fucked for good.

They all look exactly the same. Singling out one girl as being more attractive is kind of stupid.


On their Twitter they constantly retweet Anti-Trump stuff. This is why spics are nothing more then vermin. I’d rather have fucking Turks then Mestizos

I wonder if these girls know they're a meme that represents the death of America.

Probably too busy promoting more subhuman immigration. Mestizos need to be killed.

Aren't you in the single digits face?

you wouldn't bleach them qts?

Can someone shoop out Mario?

Iberians and Mestizos are both scum who need to be driven to extinction. They have more Semitic blood then even Italians. Hell Iberia was once a Muslim Colony. Had it stay that way, The Anglos and Germans would’ve colonized the America’s and make it a white paradise.

twitter name?

would hatefuck the pink shirt one

no we have too much gypsies already

>Implying bleaching is possible when white babies are becoming more rare

You Texcucks are fucking morons, no wonder you kept the Tejano subhumans alive.

That makes it even better

I forgot sadly, I only remember it because someone left their twitter page on one thread.

Mestizos are literally the Gypsies of the America’s.


hourly reminder

This is white in America.

American gypsies are better.