I was worried that this will be just random episodic bullshit till the end but the ending was great. Finally we got a more theme-focused story and some good character development.
What did Sup Forums think of flip flappers?
I was worried that this will be just random episodic bullshit till the end but the ending was great. Finally we got a more theme-focused story and some good character development.
What did Sup Forums think of flip flappers?
Other urls found in this thread:
sadly not even in my top 3
It was fucking shit.
For me it's up there with Rakugo, Mob Psycho and Luluco.
>the ending was great
not even trying anymore
Please stop.
>Why did he spin?
>The eternal thread has flipped its flaps
What a fun ride it was.
What fluffs up must smooth down
It was yuri so it was fine
This show ended up bad because it got too muddled down in it's "plot". The show was way more interesting for the first 8 episodes or so when it was about visiting cool new places and character development. Near the end, all we got was a rip off of End of Eva and rushed back stories. Also, a lot of the symbolism from early on never went anywhere (Papika and Cocona sitting in their snow fort that looked like a skull, the blood rain in the time loop world).
desu the first 8 episodes of this show were some of my favorite episodes of anime of all time, but then it just got boring.
>but the ending was great.
>theme-focused story and some good character development.
>le rigged botnet poll
I miss Cocona's fluff.
You didn't like episode 9? Personally, I put right alongside the first 8 episodes.
Maybe you just didn't get the thematic point of the story?
please stop living
It was an alright show until the last 2 episodes. Then it turned to shit.
>but the ending was great
that's some really weak bait
2/10 made me reply
Actually that reminds me: has anybody else noticed that Cocona's hair always fluffs up reflexively when she's distressed? It's like a lizard's frill poofing up to warn predators
why can't japs ever end their fucking shows properly?
It was good, but it was the first episode I watched that I felt didn't stand on it's own. I did like that it gave the twins more personality and the fight between Yayaka and Cocona was really good.
That it's a coming of age story? I think they should have focused more on Cocona's relationship with Papika rather than have Mimi show up as antagonist..
>the election was rigged
wtf are those eyes?
they're bigger than her ears
never nuke japan, ever again
Sorry for blogging, but I've been telling you guys about how I felt watching this over the last few days. I watched episodes 10-13 today and I have to say I'm pleasantly suprised. You guys made it sound like it was going to get bad after episode 9, but in my opinion these last 4 episodes really brought the whole thing together. I thought Mimi's struggle was actually really sad and heartwarming, and the theme that arose in those last few episodes actually pulled the whole plot together nicely.
The ending was shit.
Thanks for posting the full version.
Find the wind > *
>I watched episodes 10-13 today and I have to say I'm pleasantly suprised.
0/10 bait
What did you think about Nyunyu?
Were you the guy that wasn't happy about how they kept losing and weren't scoring shards?
I figured you'd like the last few episodes. They do help to pull all of the episodic adventures together and make them feel like they all mattered in a bigger picture kind of way.
Nah, the ending was great.
Nah, the ending was shit.
why is cocona so sleepy?
I'm glad we could come to an agreement then, that the ending was great.
>You guys made it sound like it was going to get bad after episode 9
That's mostly shitposting and memery, though with some genuine opinions hidden among the shit.
>posts cute girls
>doesn't post cute girls
I think we know who won this round.
Why yes, the ending is shit indeed.
She was cute, although I was kind of suprised that Salt and that girl and computer guy just kinda accepted her. Still, I guess she showed up late to the party so it's not like they knew she was out to get them. And they didn't have shards and she didn't have any orders so it all worked out.
Yeah that's me. I thought about what an user said last night about being too focused on the destination and not the journey and it made a lot of sense. In the end, I guess being too worried about the shards ended up not being a big deal. Like a lot of things in life, things tend to work themselves out whether you get worked up or not so it's better to just go with the flow and take life as it comes instead of letting every little setback ruin your day.
I loved the fact that she had this "I'm gonna be the very overpowered last boss who has no real emotions" but then she just turned out to be that harmless very sexy, adorable little loli who hanged out with them for no reason.
>tfw she'll never hanged out with you for no reason
Nyunyu is a violent murder loli, do not be deceived.
It's pretty normal to get a little droopy after completely emptying your pent up nutbladder into the welcoming womb of a loving lesbian liaison.
Cocona probably hasn't a release like that since the awkward wet dream on the boat when she first turn 13.
the only thing she'll be murdering is this dick
>Nyunyu will never practice her Keijo moves on your cock.
Frankly speaking, I wouldn't mind it from her.
So some well animated yurifag trash, right?
Man, if this is trash then I want to live in a dumpster.
More like Flip Floppers
Well animated until the last two episodes
Mimi x Cocona doujins when
I thought the first 8-9 episodes were just okay at best, random with no real direction and the rest after that were good with a bit of actual plot.
Overall it didn't make my top 3 of the season or top 10 for the year. A solid 7/10 anime though regardless.
For a show heavily dependent on the relationship between the two mains, I found their interactions to be pretty stale and uninteresting and kinda killed the show for me from the start.
Episode 5 though was in a league of its own and I'm surprised it isn't more popular.
How do you sensible non-shitposting detractors always manage to be so late?
5 was one of the best but it's in an awkward place.
Mecha and scifi geeks love the fuck out of 8 because of the aesthetic and the awesome cheesy 80's insert song accompanying the fights.
General action enthusiasts love 3 more than 5 because it had more action and more of an animation focus.
Yurifags love the actual Cocopapi episodes like 4, 7 and 13.
and people who like general directing/framing/visual presentation and emotional tension tend put 6 over 5.
5 is my second favourite of all the episodes but I think the only reason it isn't rated higher is because it does everything well instead of having 1 particular quality that resonates with a particular viewer.
>calling literal "not even in my top 3" sensible non-shitposting.
Mimi, switch with Mimi. We need to talk.
The exposition was rushed. Needed to be 1 cour of PI adventures with character development and subtle exposition, and then 1 cour with PI adventures and increasing amounts of exposition between them until it all comes tumbling down.
We don't get too many 2-cour anime these days, and looking at FF sales, perhaps for a good reason.
That being said, I do think 1-cour is terrible for most anime.
FF was doomed because it was too experimental and didn't have any big name/studio behind it. The lack of publicity combined with the poor presentation due to being crammed was a recipe for disaster.
Luckily the director is getting a second chance with one of Yuasa's upcoming projects, so maybe he'll hit it off and make enough to create Rebuild of Flip Flappers.
>making a hit anime
Since when? Maybe his family film could sell.
My apologies, I did actually have it in my top 3 for the season behind Hibike2 and Shakunetsu.
Pointless saving throw by the studio to get the pedo audience.
I like that she has a literal Chekhov's gun.
FF being crammed during its last 3 episodes is a non-factor, considering we knew FF wasn't going to sell well since week 1.
In fact, sales went up a bit after the final episode.
The main reasons for it not having done well, other than not being an Aniplex anime or being made by a well-known studio, is that the overall cast is unknown as well (from the director, to the VAs of the main characters). To that you have to add the poor marketing made to promote it.
The biggest issue being that FF was competing with a lot of popular and considerably anticipated anime.
>character development
Please don't make me laugh.
Rakugo tomorrow. Finally a good anime to air to distract me from FlipFlap
I'm like 20 threads behind, let me catch up first.
I'm still a salty PapiCoco fag. Yayaka is a likeable character and all but I wish she had died in episode 9 or fade into the background more after her own episode. I felt cheated by the last 4 episodes. Yuniko was excellent at developing PapiCoco's dynamic and the first 6 episodes were extremely unique and charming, as well as episode 7 to 9. They hold a special place in my heart.
The choppier animations of 10 was not that bad because the pacing and sprinkle of drama/suspense was still good. However, the last 3 episodes felt very insulting when watching them along side with the brilliant first half. This could have been my AOTY but thanks to this final mess Pandora stays the best for me. At least it was unique and it never forget what it was, despite having much inferior production value, and even so it never got as sloppily animated.
PapiCoco still holds a special place in my heart and I will keep looking out for their content but I'm not overall too satisfied with FLFL. It could have been a masterpiece but alas, it disappoint at the last minute. I did have a lot of fun though, especially at the beginning, so kudos to them.
What do you think was wrong with the last 3 episodes?
Also, Yuniko didn't write episode 4 you stupid fucking faggot.
Your opinion is as worthless as my existence
Can anyone finish a criticism to this show without using the words "really feeling," "sadly," "top 3," or "alas?"
I don't think it's possible.
Its totally got first place for worst mom.
>initial v1 sales: 1.5k
No one enjoyed it. Threads were spammed by the same 50~ anons trying to get other people to watch an anime that had no substance.
IBO threads had more uniques than FlipFlap.
I enjoyed it so fuck you
My thoughts are very similar to the user who was interpreting the creative differences between Yuniko and Oshiyama. However, I'm not a huge anime fan who knows a lot about different directors so I don't want to comment too much on that. Basically I feel that the change in narrative is extremely apparent and sloppy, which is unfortunate.
Also episode 4 was the only one she wasn't involved in. It doesn't change the fact that her vision for PapiCoco's relationship was very clearly shown through the first half of the show and it's a shame that this was later sidelined for the "plot".
No need to be so dismissive. It's not like I'm shitposting or anything. Just stating my opinion as someone who's also very emotionally invested in the show is all. I welcome all constructive responses to my posts.
That's your choice.
Patrician taste is acquired, not gifted. You'll learn. I believe in you!
>worst mom
>knew her daughter was a lesbian from conception and then conspired to ship her with prime Papicunt
If only all mothers could be so great.
>to the user who was interpreting the creative differences between Yuniko and Oshiyama
Oshiyama wrote episode 7 though which you claim to love.
>It doesn't change the fact that her vision for PapiCoco's relationship was very clearly shown through the first half of the show and it's a shame that this was later sidelined for the "plot".
Her 'vision' is laughable, since Yuniko is all into Class S in order to sell yuri nowadays.
So if Yuniko had directly written the scripts to the last few episodes, we probably wouldn't have even gotten a mutual confession.
Anyway, nothing was sidelined for the "plot". The plot had been built up since literally episode 1. Even episode 6 was all about the Mimi shit. You do realize Yuniko helped Oshiyama plan out the whole thing including the ending right?
This. It's sad, really.
I'm convinced he's insane
Patrician taste is a birthright and it appears that you have not received it. You can at least partially redeem yourself if you cast aside your shit taste. That might prove difficult for a pleb like you though.
The show was planned to go the way it did from the beginning the same plot would have been there with or without Yuniko writing. Yuniko and Oshiyama did composition together. Everything important was already decided when the new writer came in.
Dumb kid the threads regularly had 120〜150 posters.
Why are you cherrypicking what I said? I did mention that I liked Yuniko's writing in FLFL more and I did like the non-Yuniko parts as well before they decided to go full hardcore with the "plot". The "plot" isn't bad, it's the sloppy execution and questionable screen time dedication that hurt the show.
Also Yuniko said she has accepted subtext yuri in order to help the genre gain more steam in the mainstream media. She is still very much a yuri fundamentalist. And it's understandable too. Even YoI couldn't explicitly show the two guys kissing despite yaoi having a much larger market. I don't blame her for that. It's only rational to understand one's position in the grand scheme of things and adapt to it in order to become more relevant.
Like I said above, it was the execution that was problematic. Also Yuniko did say she couldn't understand the show very well when she watched the episodes made after she left, which shows a disconnect in artistry between the writers.
I tought people were making a good job at not replying but you had to go and do it
Yeah for IBO. Thank you for keeping track.
>No substance.
You mean no otaku loser's prior fictional masturbation to draw in a rabid fanbase with.
I can't believe you faggots are still discussing this 10/10 masterpiece
No, they are discussing Flip Flappers.
Some anons can't let go
I can't find any fanfiction and I'm still too empty inside to write any.
>super-important character slotted in with zero foreshadowing and a backstory episode right in the thick of the action
Nah, it was clumsily written.
>10/10 masterpiece
It really is, don't post comments like that lightly.
I'm only still here because there's no new show to tongue-post in yet
There is no justification for thinking the screen time would be any different. It's funny the nips seem to think the exact opposite sales started picking up when the plot episodes came in and after the ending went higher than ever before.
>I can't find any fanfiction
There's a whole set of papicoco futa ones.