I seriously don't understand how people find moe cute...

I seriously don't understand how people find moe cute. It's so completely artificial and inhuman that I just want to find a moe seiyuu and rip out her fucking vocal chords. I tried watching K-on and couldn't get through the first episodes with those autism noises Yui made with each step she took. It doesn't serve me as a "break from reality." It just reminds me of attractive female's ability to get love and affection just by existing, and it pisses me off whenever I hear anyone like digi expressing enjoyment from it.

I don't even find it cute like one would find a puppy or real life girl.

>I seriously don't understand how people find moe cute
You don't know what moe is, learn what words mean before using them.

Return to whence you came and then proceed to kill yourself


How to Recognize a Terrible Anime (in just one episode)

nice pointless post

He's right though.
For example, pic related is very moe.

no one is ever talking about kaiji when they talk about moe. Technically it might mean one thing but functionally moe is always about 'cute' girls

You aren't autistic enough to be here. Leave

No, moe is just a jap word for cute shit. It's not only for cute girls.


JoJo didn't take even one episode to be terrible though




Moe is a feeling.

It's not supposed to be realistic. If you don't like it don't watch it.

Moe is anything which provokes a strong positive emotional response in the viewer/reader. What is and is not moe is personal and unique to the individual viewer/reader.

Also I bet some time in your near future you will have an urge to watch K-On again and you will enjoy it.

You know what I mean you pedantic fuck. Think about the meaning of the word that everyone uses besides you Sup Forumsutists

is the actual, original meaning of moe. The popular "cute" definition is incorrect and those who use the "cute" definition need to go to and stay there.