Elon "Subsidized LOSER" Musk

>unironically thinking this loser is a genius
Don't do this next year at least

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He's only famous for making an electric car that was cool. Doesn't take genius to do that.

Somebody with a lot of money is really butthurt at Musk, the campaign against him is massive.
Who could it be? Other car producers?

Gave rocket tech to NK


And almost single handedly transitioning the United States' governmental space operations to the private sector.

you do know Tesla only improved upon a another guys invention right?


>Doesn't take genius to do that.
Do it yourself then.

Tesla was an idea cuck

>Other car producers?

why should they be butthurt about a company that can deliver shit

I'm only speculating. But somebody is behind this and I thought competitors would be the most likely.

Anyone who believe them rockets landing is not of the right mind.
Plus, I don't actually believe anything is in space, satalitles, ISS the lot. no space, enclosed.

it might not take genius but it DOES take a lot of monetary resources

besdes Musks real intellect lies in the things he's not famous for. the whole wunderkind mystique is fabricated to sell cars to rich people who want to be james bond, I'd imagine he has a high IQ

you guys need a rope and a chair

It does not take a genius, but it does take somebody who can sell a story to investors. So no, most people couldn't do this.

Hea a good looking Cuckerberg loser

Tesla mentioned the firmament before, he never believed the Masonic globular lie.

Not a campaign. Memes catch on. Guy has been a charlatan fuck face from the start. The issue with him is that he constantly interjects into unrelated areas that he knows fuck all about usually with brainlet opinions and lies to stir the masses. You get yourself on people's radar. In this new era, the collective consciousness equally fights back against people trying to inject lies and nonsense.. So, he's got many people calling him out to proof that he's a bullshit charlatan. Welcome to the new timeline.

He sure did/didn't, you're right.Tesla is my favourite scientist. I know he thought that, I should read more about his extraordinary life. Great man, hopefully there hasn't being any jewing of history with regards to him and I'm believing a fictitious character, doubt it.

He's an upgraded version of Cuckerberg

Pewds is starting to break down too

>Flat earth
Who cares?

Regular ol tax payers are behind this. I'm fine with him doing whatever the fuck he wants, but I'm tired of tax money paying for it when all his companies do is bleed money.

Not you apparently.

His company gushes cash like blood from a just severed hand.
His company is heavily subsidized by government, and still depends on massive quarterly cash infusions from fucking morons that think like you.
"thinkers" like you are the very reason nothing will ever change.
>everyone is just jelly
fucking kek



> Flat earth

Question, if the sun and moon are both round, why would the earth be any different?

Its not like the thread has many posts, I'm popping in some redpills, derailing from what exactly... rhetorical


Nice try faggot,stop derailing at this instant.

He runs a very public ponzi scheme that is huge in scale, maybe not a genius but clever enough.

theyre cosmic bodies. earth is an infinite endless plane expanding in all directions

Please expound

We only see a round circle, we don't see a globe moon or sun do we? Why are they the same size, pretty extraordinary coincidence considering we are meant to feel meaningless in he haos of the universe.
It's a massive pill to swallow, it's worth looking at people doing scientific tests, because that's what convinced me. All I see from NASA is gorlla suits and bullshit.

Derailing from what? Tell me what is the main topic here then?
Tesla himself alluded to the fact there space isn't what they bullshit us about now.
Tesla is in the OP and Musk is a global shyster.


I thought Elon Musk just named it Tesla in honor of Tesla?

Tesla's literally a meme scientist. He made a basic motor, sold power companies on the idea of using a current someone else invented, and then spent the next few decades burning through borrowed money chasing down hunches and gut feelings with no scientific basis or rigor.

If it weren't for all the fuckers online who can't stop jerking themselves off to the steampunk fantasy of Tesla as some man out of time building death rays and teleporters he'd barely be fucking remembered today.

Probably the idiots that invested in his company thinking the tesla 3 would work, then when it's not, Elon does a big FU with the classic misdirection showing things they're working on and years out to distract media. He deserves it... Tesla stock is valued as a tech company and can barley produce cars. When it tanks below your average auto stock there will be suicides

Why use Tesla? Newton was a far greater genius.

You, too. Actually... you don't really need the chair.

Elon named it Tesla to yet again capitalize off of something greater than himself and claim it and anything correlated to it as his own. He does this a lot if you pay attention. Toyota had a pretty solid production EV many years ago : EV Rav4. Elon comes along and LARPs as if he's tesla himself and has changed the world by reinventing the wheel. Same w/ rockets.