Leftist propaganda in articles

I'm doing a group project on animal testing in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much every article has some form of lefist bullshit. What does Sup Forums think about tests done on animals? Are humans more valuable than animals?

Cruel and unusual treatment of animals should be banned.

It's what Hitler wanted.

This. Test the products on murderers and people in jail.

>harming, torturing and killing living beings so you can look more like a whore

Gee i wonder if this is wrong or not

If the tests are part of research that saves lives, then it is justified. Tests for things like makeup and shit should be banned


I agree. I'm talking about testing disease treatments and such.

This. Millions of niggers on welfare and in jail that we can test on but we use animals instead.

Done animal testing myself for my doctoral thesis.
Can confrim leftists are batshine crazy and have no idea what they're talking about.
All the shit i had to go through, all the fucking paperwork and i just needed some mouse blood, didnt even kill them, give them drugs or performed surgery on them, just needed the fucking blood...
Fuck lefties!

smart considering the SA often killed people and many of them were technically murderers

Animals are beneath humans, and can be tested on. However such tests should come with a requirement to donate a large sum to an animal shelter or charity, so that disincentivises pointless testing. An independent ethics board should approve each study.

Just for blood? wtf

these are all good

It's pretty simple - if you wouldn't do something to even the worst criminal you can't do it to an animal that has never harmed anyone. So of course animal testing must be banned. Everyone who disagrees is a subhuman and should be used as a test subject if they care so much about """science""".

i had done a lot of experiments on human blood in vitro and then moved on to blood from knock out mice where the gene coding for the protein i researched was knocked out.
It was a purely in vitro study, so i only needed blood.
We bought some of those knock out mice but since you need to prock mice with a pin to get blood i had to write a big ass proposal to my university's ethic commission and lay down why i am doing said research , stating my goals and hopes for the outcome and how i'd make sure that the wellbeing of the animals was assured.

all for a few mililiters of fucking blood

No, it's disgusting. If you can't figure out if something is safe through basic practises it's probably not worth doing.
Vivisection for all industrial animal abusers is the only fair way.

Animal testing is a byproduct of the patent/design system that restricts testing on humans to compounds that have shown consistency and effectiveness across several species.

You're hampering scientific progress dude. We could cure aging, Alzheimer, HIV, cancer, and more but you'd rather have people die than hurt an animal.

Define basic practises please.

>t. Brainlet
animal testing has little value for human applications beyond showing something might be safe to test on humans. It's absolutely not indicative of the value in humans beyond that.

what if i was ok with testing being done on your mother? should it be allowed just because i say it's fine and necessary for progress?

>citation needed
We're talking about animals hans, not actual people. Animals are less than people and do not have human rights

That's just like, your opinion man

Are you impling that humans and animals are equal?

>citation needed
Humans have radically different signaling molecule combinations in their tissues. This means drugs will behave differently in equivalent tissues of other organisms. Human tissues/derma are stratified differently and in different places than the tissues of other organisms. This means drugs will behave differently in human tissues than other tissues. Sometimes animals lack the significant points and vectors that would allow the drug success in humans. This also indicates a different outcome in humans.
Of course had you spent the time to learn about drug research before talking about it, you'd know why other mammals are poor models.

I'm not pretending that my own ethics should be accepted by everyone, thats what leftists are doing here.

even IF animals were worth less that still wouldn't mean they can be tortured. it wouldn't be right to torture your neighbours or friends or random people just because your family is "worth more".

What animals are we talking about here? Chimpanzees for example would be much better test subjects that mice because we share more DNA

Stop comparing animals to people, they are not the same. I don't support research that is unnecessary (cosmetics) but if it leads to some kind of cure or treatment then we should take whatever measures are necessary (within the supervision of an ethics committee.)

I get animal data nearly every day. Mostly mice, and rats. We get cynomolgus monkey data every six months or so.

It must suck to be a nude mouse, but we’re not going to stop anytime soon.

Should been strictly forbidden. Like Pitbulls too. Can test on fucked up beyond repair lefties, thats kinda OK

Wrong. We use the data from animals to predict human doses and efficacy. It’s very predictive.

We use cynomolgus monkeys. They are smaller and require less compound for testing. They are also fucking expensive so we only do monkey testing after everything else.

>I don't support research that is unnecessary (cosmetics)
interesting, i agree with animal cruelty for research, but wouldnt "i dont support cruelty that is unnececary" mean you have to be vegan?

Any animal that isn't a human you anxious retard. Did you even parse what I said?

Kek. How is what I said inaccurate?

Anti-torture of animals is now leftist propaganda?

>Stop comparing animals to people
>stop using any comparison at all

"My position is the right one and everything must be based on that assumption" isn't how it works.

i would personally buttfuck the last unicorn to death if it meant i would save one (white) person from cancer

>Human tissues/derma are stratified differently and in different places than the tissues of other organisms.
>This means drugs will behave differently in human tissues than other tissues.
Scientists use the data from these experiments to start tests on humans, if we didn't have this information we wouldn't know what dosages to use.

>if you wouldn't do something to even the worst criminal you can't do it to an animal that has never harmed anyone
>what if i was ok with testing being done on your mother?
>it wouldn't be right to torture your neighbours or friends or random people just because your family is "worth more".
Comparing animals to people is the only comparison that you have used dumbass.

Kek, don't just parrot the user who gave you a quick lesson. Animals are used out of concerns for ethics and liability above all else. The ideal drug design model is and always will be humans.

plus you can use animals for basic research and proof of concept before moving to humans.
the chain is:
>in vitro -> in vivo animal -> in vivo human
you have to be aware of the different molecular makeup of human vs. test animal cells but as opposed to whiny leftists, researchers are aware of this and know how valid their data is.

There are no other sentient living beings. You never gave a reason against it either. How is it right to treat animals worse than even the worst criminal, for example? All animal torturers have as an argument is it has to be this way because it has to be this way. Not very convincing.

>proof of concept for basic research
Nice of you to jump in so far downstream but of the disease states in question cancer is particularly difficult to induce and model accurately.

>How is it right to treat animals worse than even the worst criminal, for example?
Because the research can save HUMAN lives! I agree that some labs need ethical oversight but don't deny the importance of whats being done here.

i was looking for your point but couldnt find it.
what's your point again?

That you're at best echoing things already said in the thread and at worst thinking you're actually contributing to the discussion.

just dont look for info in normie reddit tier news websites look for actual scientific journals or essays

lol fag,
i posted in this thread before you came along with your meme blm flag
go pick some cotton, nigger

>German intellectuals

>Are humans more valuable than animals?

Yes but this doesnt give a person any right to cause unnecessary harm to other beings.

desu being cruel to things depends on how smart they are
for instance, you eat a blade of grass. you don't think about it because grass is dumb.
you slaughter a pig who was really kind to you and is staring at you wondering why you'd do that to him, and full of horror, you feel bad about it.

same applies to humans. i could march millions of low-functioning retards off a cliff, but would have issues hurting a smart person

monkeys are pretty smart
rats less so

>amerifat BLM cockgobbler

really appreci8 yo arguments m8, would r8 moly / neux

>Are humans more valuable than animals?
If libtards really think animals are as valuable as people, why don't libtards push to give animals voting rights?

read Ted Kaczynskis manifesto on leftists. It explains pretty much everything

dont give them any ideas, you idiot!

election 2028:
>why dont you support harambe jr.?
>a gorilla can be president just as much as a human!
>what are you? some kind of speciest?
>chimp lives matter!

i really hate thinking about the future

Just so your BUTTHURT isn't completely misdirected:
>user argued cancer was one of a handful of things worth using animal models for
>I argued cancer is nearly prohibitively difficult to model with animals
Where did you feel the need to talk about muh cell plates at that point?


this whole world is fucked. case closed

My wife works at an animal research laboratory. They have so many rules forbidding mistreatment of animals, and fire your ass so fucking fast if you're caught even mildly fucking around, it's amazing. Any lab that doesn't want to deal with PETA-style bullshit figured this crap out 15-20 years ago. 9/11 may have made people forget that we have domestic terrorists who are environmental extremists, but the pharma research industry hasn't been able to afford that amnesia.

Pretty much every time they come out with some example of this, it was at least partially manufactured by the people who filmed it.

>Are humans more valuable than animals?
How is that a question? How can anyone say they're not?

fuck off, dont larp as someone who has any idea how cancer research works.
also i only talked about cancer in a unicorn shitpost but you have to go all asspie over the place
animal testing works. (even in cancer research) there are limitations to it but the people doing the actual work know that.
memeflagged blm soyboys larping on an indonesian wantan deep frying forum can kiss my ass.
read a book dingus mcnuffin

>How can anyone say they're not?
leftism is a disease. we dont even need animal testing to know that

i'm far from a leftist but animals feel pain and emotion just as you and i do.

Some researches perform vivisection on them (cutting them open while alive, sometimes even their skull), injuring them, implanting cancer cells.

I'd much rather live in a world without animal testing, i can do without the supposed benefits of it.

If it worked we'd have more cancer treatments and better prognoses in the hands of clinicians.

>leftism is a disease. we dont even need animal testing to know that
Do you think if we could use animal testing to prove that leftism is a disease they would listen?

Most animals are more valuable than nogs because they at least dont ruin their environment

yes try reading bernie sanders or chompsky to rats

>If it worked we'd have more cancer treatments and better prognoses in the hands of clinicians.
you fucking idiot
you fucking dumb mother fucker
congrats, i guess i really took the bait...
you dumb dumb cunt...
have you missed all the progress made in cancer treatment? Man... now you really regret taking gender studies and not choosing a real field like actual science. you'd have to be especially dumb to ignore the huge progress made in diagnosis

no. because that data would have come from torturing animals and therefor is not admissible in social justice court

Animal rights activists are fucked in the head.
They unironically believe the life of a lab mouse is just as valuable as the life of a person.

Have you ever watched what Alzhiemer's does to a person? Imagine waking up and not remembering who you are, or how to eat, or bathe, or go to the bathroom. Imagine looking your mother or father in the eyes and noticing that they don't recognize you. I support animal testing if it means we can stop this diesease

There would be more progress more often if we allowed patients to consent to being used as disease models in cancer research rather than kicking the can down the road on promising developments by diverting the treatment to non human models. How unethical can a treatment really be to someone who's going to die of pancreatic cancer inside 8 months?

>stop eating garbage that will clog your arteries and help progress alzheimer
no lol, maby they can find a drug that fixes alzheimers in rats lol

Well i am against letting living beings suffer for our own again.

My time will come, no one is immortal or stays forever healthy, i'd rather go as a good person than a cruel one.

I think if you can eat meat, you can do animal testing. But testing that causes pain should be banned. Anyone who tortures animals themselves belong scalped and thrown into a killer bee hole (literally.)

I assume you only eat grass fed, and never touch processed meat for ethical reasons because animals are treated bad in factory farming

>if we allowed patients to consent to being used as disease models in cancer research
b-but they are used? when i.e. a new drug has been shown to be a promising candidate in the lab it gets tested on humans. sure we could cut out the middle animal and go straight to humans but that would be extremely costly and prevent a lot of patients to get a cure that works because the first stages of testing a drug are used to determine correct dosage and search for undiserable effects, these tests are not done ofr healing purposes. that's why you only test a new drug on live humans when you can be somewhat sure of it's effect and only in combination with an already established therapy
right now we are testing a new combination of chemotherapy drugs for pancreatic cancer... on humans, they all agreed. the new combo was tested on animals before...
nigger just go back to your hood and rape shaniqua some more. leave science to us humans

>Leftist propaganda in articles

No such thing. Liberals report on the truth and observable facts.

Just because reality doesn't match your narrative doesn't make it "propaganda".

>b-but they are used
After hundreds of man hours have been spent on intermediate models.

you vivisect aspiring transgenders all the time. I guess canada is a big fan of vivisecting the mentally ill.

yes, read my post, i told you why.
or better, pack your shit and go back to robbing 7/11s
this surinamese baguette baking forum is for people with arguments only

Nothing wrong with testing on animals. They are stupid and we are better. I don't give a shit about a fucking money or rat. If you don't agree you are a tree hugging pussy who should be tested on to see how cold the human body can get and how much pressure we can handle. We should honestly pump nitrogen into your tree hugging environmental terrorists heads until they explode. Didn't realize Sup Forums had so many tree hugging faggots on the board.

>Imagine waking up and not remembering how much your life and the people in it suck
>Shit and piss freely

>animal experiments
AKA jewish medicine

dementia is worse for the people around the patient. i think most alzheimers are pretty content with their situation because at one point you forget to care and from then on it's just getting fed, washed and clothed by other people all the while pissing and shitting yourself.
but the sane people around you have to deal with an old aged baby forever until they finally pass away
it's a terrible disease

Funny since a shitty lifestyle like that will probably do more damage than just facilitate the progression of alzheimers. What will scientists do? Spent their whole lifetimes researching in vain, how to fix the symptoms a modern shitty lifestyle causes, live on their shitty pay while pharmaceutical companies cash in everything profiting of dumb and lazy people by selling them "fixes" that are mediocre at best and just slow down the inevitable?

i don't think they'll find a cure for alzheimers. when has medication ever fixed a degenerative disease?

on the other hand terry wahls reversed her multiple sclerosis to a great extent, with a healthy lifestyle, better than any medication ever could

well they might find some drug that will cleare up your arteries, but i agree, we spend no time on prevention,because people know that will be unpopular

Tests should be done on felons. Animal testing very often doesn't align with the actual human results, resulting in a product that doesn't work and a bunch of dead animals for nothing.

>i don't think they'll find a cure for alzheimers. when has medication ever fixed a degenerative disease?
you'll never know unless you try.
cure is just being used to cash in on those research grants. like you said, a degenerative disease is very hard to cure, but slowing it down, giving you enough time to die of a heart attack like the rest of us fat fucks before turning into a sack of shit vegetable.

my neurology prof at university told us that everyone will get alzheimer's given enough time. every cell has an expiration date. influence of lifestyle cant be assessed completely as of know. anectodal evidence: my grandma never smoked or drank, ate healthy and did gymnastics, she was demented as fuck and died at 85
still, we need to research the shit out of everything, maybe we'll find something, who knows

Go vegan then you little soyboy.
Lets face it, animals were created to serve gentiles who were created to serve Jews who we created to serve God. Just telling you like it is.

Correct. We use all the in vitro/vivo animal data to make predictions for humans. Also toxicity studies often reveal effects we can’t predict with simple models, like organ partioning.

I’ve seen plenty of horrid side effects that I wouldn’t want to see in Phase 1 testing, like detached retinas.

Rats are pretty smart though. Rats are pests and all but I wouldn't be unnecessarily cruel when killing them. I can't blame a rat for doing what a rat does.

>Rats are pretty smart though

Oh yeah? Then why did they vote for Brexit?


We use tumor xenograft models. They seem to work pretty well for cancers that are driven by a simple mutation.

Cats > Niggers.
Cats get rid of pests that ruin everything. Niggers are pests that ruin everything.

i keked

>We use all the in vitro/vivo animal data to make predictions for humans. Also toxicity studies often reveal effects we can’t predict with simple models, like organ partioning.
but your average social studies vegan hippiefag doesnt understand that.

The ACLU put a stop to testing on prisoners. Now we test on healthy male volunteers, college students, etc. in phase 1.

Animals dont feel pain so it's okay to do whatever

You compare Bongs to rats when talking to a potatonigger. You really know your audience.