I decided to watch Nanoha finally
Halfway through A's and everythings pretty awesome so far
I hear after A's things go really downhill
Is it worth it to watch the rest after A's or should I just leave it when it's at its best
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
It depends if you want more NanoFate.
Just watch it. You will be better for it.
You heard right. The third season is a complete mockery and it doesn't get any better after that.
I say finish A's, watch the two movies and wait for the third movie with the rest of us. It will release this year!
Will the third movie be another adaptation of a season or it's own story?
will I not get it if I haven't seen the other seasons?
Reflection is It's own thing. It's taking the force weapon design though.
>Will the third movie be another adaptation of a season or it's own story?
The third movie will be its own original story.
>will I not get it if I haven't seen the other seasons?
Considering all the time that's passed, they'll most likely make it so that people can jump in and understand what's happening without having to have watched the earlier seasons/the previous movies.
this is such a cute picture damn
I recommend you keep watching and decide for yourself. Personally i thought StrikerS is great and overall I enjoyed it even more than A's.
Anything with Fuuka is cute.