Diversity Achived?

The California schools where the kids are all the same race, all in one map

>Across Los Angeles and Orange counties, one out of every five Hispanic children — 259,000 kids — attended a school in 2014 where practically every other child shared their race: the student body was at least 95 percent Hispanic.


Masha'Allah, Islam School, White People no School

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>In its analysis, the AP reported measures of school segregation across the U.S. have regressed to levels not seen since the days of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, or since the 1970s, when courts across the nation began ordering districts to institute busing programs to integrate their schools.
But muh voucher plan will cause massive segregation!!!!

This is very progressive. Now we just need Iowa, Nebraska and the Dakotas to look like this.

I lived in LA for a little bit in the least diverse neighborhood in the country. I bet you can guess which race it was.

I'm glad Democrats are supporting segregation again.

>THIS is what liberals think as diversity
Very progressive, Cali.

>literally a black person the third person down

Look how diverse these 95+% hispanic schools are!
I also love how they talk to (((rothstein))) on how to desegregate the racial populations.


Hispanic's not a race dumbass

Their race is mestizo


Californian hispanics are 99% mestizo muds

Why should white iberian hispanics that are of spanish descent that live in New Spain new york be blamed for what mestizos do

Their is no "Race" in "Hispanic" because it's not a race

Brown people are brown due to their indian genes, not their "Hispania" descent


Stay the fuck out of best Dakota, kikes

I went to school in California. In my elementary school, I was literally the only white in my grade. It's all fucking DACA illegals that can't speak English at all and can't even read or write Spanish on top of that.

I guarantee I hate beaners more than anyone else in this thread.

Found the beaner just off yourself now spic

>we live in a time where dems put their heads so far up their own asses that they turned around and began supporting segregation

Spaniards hate mexican beaners more than you'll ever know, son. They literally ruined the words Hispanic/Latino/Spanish with their crimes and stink

Centuries of Hispania culture and names down the drain thanks to mestizos priding themselves on a geographical term "Hispanic"

Hispanic's still not a race, son.

Off yourself now vanilla spic spanish is a fucking disgusting language

nobody down here calls himself "hispanic", its you retards who have ruined Spain with that term

You gonna blame the spanish for mestizo crimes?

Spanish made mexicans in the first place you retard

I know nobody uses the word Hispanic in latin american, dumbass. It's an american made word for people with lingage from spanish speaking countries regardless of race

If your Argentinian ass came to the states, you'd be a "White Hispanic" if you were white no matter how blonde you are


Have you ever been to Spain?

I mean this in the nicest way but they are barely white at all. They are much darker than even greeks and sicilians.

Portuguese are at least as dark as the spanish also. I hear this "omg spain = white not latino" crap but honestly spainiards pretty much look like mexicans just with bigger noses and a bit taller.

95% black actors in black panther.
>most diverse movies from marvel.
90% Hispanic children in school
>Very well diverse school.
They aren't even covering that diversity is white removel.

The average Joe can't afford to live in a mostly Jewish hood in la or NY.
He most likely lived with Hispanics.
Daily reminder that Regan flooded California with Hispanics.

Spaniards are beautiful people


Be specific

Cali is filled with MEXICANS

sure sure.

But besides the height thing (mexicans tiny brown goblins, spaniards tall brown hobgoblins) the main thing you will notice different about spain vs mexico is that spain spanish sounds seriously gay as fuck. Like they lisp when they speak it. It is so odd to listen to.

But back to race...nah they pretty much look just like mexicans. They are no more 'white' at all. I guess they just got mixed with north africans browns instead of indio browns.

In a crowd you can't tell the difference really at all. Besides the lisping.

Only spics subdivide themselves constantly. If you are an actual Spaniard you check white on the census.

-Be a liberal faggot
-Advocate diversity and integration.
-Children self segregate in school anyway.
-Integration makes school shitty.
-Whites move away or rich ones send kids to private school.
-Schools now totally segregated again.
-Still continue to be a retarded, liberal faggot and preach "muh diversity" while you deliberately send your children to white school.

by "same race" did they mean "human race" ?

>If you are an actual Spaniard you check white on the census.

Of course they do dumbass, the hispanic question comes BEFORE the race question BECAUSE HISPANIC IS NOT A RACE

Nobody but libcucks and Republicans avoiding the swear bleep censor on normie TV call beaners "hispanics".

People woke on race realism universally know "hispanic" is a meme word mostly created for police and racial statistics to classify beaners as "White Hispanic".

California has been colonised by Mexico and the locals have just waken up, this is what China is doing to countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and to a lesser extent the Pacific North-West of the US, say hello to your new overlords Sup Forums.
