When will Germans stand up again?

When will Germans stand up again?


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16 million germans were deported or genocided after the WW2. Nobody talks about that.

Hopefully when they do Slavs and Anglos can unite to kneecap them again.

Germans got all that Prussian agression strangled outta them during the Cold War.
The cabal of Nazi maniacs didn't help anything either, no one's going to let them get away with shit like that again.


you mean this germans?

never my dude. Its all ogre.


>cologne new years eve rape happens
>no mass riots and deportations

You had your opportunity.

why would yo post that shit ? they wanted to exterminate 80% of our population including your parents and you

Hopefully soon.

I honestly don't get why slavs are so obsessed with Nazis even though they suffered the most under our occupation.

Na Ronny, gibt es in deinem Dorf jetzt auch Breitbandverbindung?

Two lost global wars has permanently cucked the Germanic people.

All there is left for them is to be overrun by Eastern hordes and turned into a new extension of the coming Caliphate.

thats the point

but thats also about it. Germany standing up doesnt mean National socialism standing up

so you wont exterminate turks?

nah lets begin with not letting everyone in the country

Be the Western Democracies

>Ally with the USSR, who genocided over 10 million Christians
>Firebomb 600,000 civilians
>Let USSR rape and pillage central Europe
>Systematically eradicate two of the best cultures on the planet
>Lay the foundations for their own demise

Best part is they were all white nationalists.

never. they are already in cuck state that shouldn't be even possible after swedistan

>this is what stormfags actually believe

Found the Jew.

Never. WWII destroyed their will

please post one of your amazing infographs to redpill me user!

and they should have been allowed to finish. Polish jews are by far the worst fucking people on the planet. i'd rather be surrounded by 1000 niggers then have a single Polish jew anywhere near me

can I come

Never. Their are cucked beyond repair.

>>this is what stormfags actually believe


theres no such a thing as "Polish Jew" or "German Jew" theres just a Jew

nope, there's a very big difference. most jews are at least tolerable but Polish jews are absolute pure fucking cancer

Maybe if you engaged with the claims we make instead of throwing around buzzwords that reinforce kike brainwashing, you wouldn’t be called a kike.

have u ever met one?

several but one was already far too many. absolute fucking scum. something happens when you mix Polish genes with Jew genes and it isn't good

it's hard for them to stand up when they're weighted with guilt and had their kneecaps blown off in the last war


Never. All the good and brave ones rather died standing than to live on their knees.
The germans of today have little to do with the ones who lived prior to 1945.
