Europe loves to shit Americans for having no "history". Meanwhile Europe ignores its past glory throws away tradition. Poland you are exempt.
>Le 56%
Is this true?
Poptarts were based back then
The burgers do have a history, it just isn't as long europe's. And don't worry too much about Europe's future, the more sandniggers they force on us the more we start voting far right and the more we start rediscovering our nationalism.
>Poland you are exempt.
Ok this board is ran by only shills now 100% for sure.
America's identity is "We have the guns."
>on my attic
butthurt bitch detected.
turn off the vpn
>no frosting on top
Pussy generation, indeed. That's a man's Pop-Tart.
America has a history and culture but we've pretty much lost all of it since the cultural marxist revolution in the 60s. It was good whilst it lasted tho
McDonald's is not culture.
>that server's left arm
What the fuck is that? Humans are not shaped like that. It looks dislocated at best.
>a fucking leaf
We've been through this before and came through it, for America it's only just begining and already worse than Europe, who's to say you'll ever recover, it's unprecedented for you.
Where's the 101% face
fuck off reddit
Good point
I was under the impression that Belgium didn't get to choose their leader.
Hey I hope so, I'm more on your side than random poo stain countries but your white levels are getting worryingly low.
However, it's the type of thing they'd forge to make white Americans feel uncomfortable.
Nice try.
Well memed!
There's more whites in North America than in Europe. Not saying things are golden right now but its nothing like Sweden, Germany, France or like you dad.
That's not the point. it's the percentage, bloody heck. Think about it. you could have 6 gorillion whites but if you have 6 gorillian blacks and mexicans breeding iike rabbits
If blacks become a majority, imagine that world.
Black population hasn't gone up infant its decreasing from all the abortions and gang violence. Blacks are doing a fine job of keeping their population in check. Spics are way more of a threat than Negros are.
When the fuck did I say le you dumb nigger?
Yeah Spanish people are more hard working and clever, they like having loads of kids though. Sure it'll all turn out ok. Things will find their equalibrium.
Is that page from National Lampoon ca. 1977?
Yes. It sounds just like a Sup Forumsack made it a year ago though kek
>No future.
way too fucking bad its true. I wish it wasn't
>If blacks become a majority, imagine that world.
W e manage our blacks well enough - their population percentage has been decreasing over the last 50 yrs. It's the wetbacks, mozlems and gooks who we need to eradicate.
I learned much of my racial slurs from that article.
>their percentage has been decreasing
I really doubt that.
Really hope it's not just hopeful thinking.
It's true. Used to be 14% when I was growing up and now it's like 12.8%. Abortion clinics in black areas, crime deaths and prison keeps them in check.
EU has no future and it will collapse.
But the peoples will live on.
Well, I'm not so sure about the g*rms, bongs and frogs... but they brought it upon themselves.
But the rest of us though will survive.
I was disappointed by their weak grilling of the potato niggers, but the part about the kikes is great.
>I was disappointed by their weak grilling of the potato niggers
That's probably because P.J. O'Rourke was the editor at the time.
If you go to any western European city, it's really fucking sad. Muslims are basically supremacists and look at you like you're a fucking animal. All while they collect gibs.
That said, our demographics may devolve us into something like Brazil. I'm not sure our future is any brighter, but at least Paco won't do any religious cleansing when they gain power and the gibs run out.
Those damn hibernians
Fun fact: the USA is older than most European countries
Spics aren't Spaniards, they are half breeds from Mexico, calling Spaniards spics is like calling British poo in loos.
I'd rather have my foreskin that a poptart Mr Kellogg
Duh, thats why most of these faggots think Trump is doing a good job and not mercilessly shooting their dying political views with a 12 gauge.
>implying either of us have a future unless we both drastically change
We are on the same sinking boat, flinging shit at eachother won't prevent it from sinking
your votes matter for shit. take the law in your hands
Ehhh, most girls prefer a cut penis to an un-cut one. Seriously, its just more aesthetically pleasing to them.
heh. good. when blacks are 0.0 percent we can remove abortion
Abortion of white babies is sad
I agree.
we need too keep having babyies too fight race mixing and demographic replacement
Fuck thots, I want my whole dick back.
what a stupid thing to say to justify the horrid, jewish, unnecessary "procedure" that makes jews indistinguishable by their dicks. also hundreds of botched hospital circs result in penectomies each year. hope it doesn't happen to your son, cuz you want skanks to like his "cut" dick, you fucking cuckold.
You can actually do that, sort of - there's a movement started in the '90s to restore foreskin through stretching and taping. of course, don't let your sons be circumsised, unless youre a fucking jew
Who the fuck cares what whores think you faggot
Most of Europe is smitten with american culture and spends most of their free time consuming American media in one shape or another, meaning tv shows, video games, hollywood cinema, american music, etc.