Is this true?

Europe loves to shit Americans for having no "history". Meanwhile Europe ignores its past glory throws away tradition. Poland you are exempt.
>Le 56%

Poptarts were based back then


The burgers do have a history, it just isn't as long europe's. And don't worry too much about Europe's future, the more sandniggers they force on us the more we start voting far right and the more we start rediscovering our nationalism.

>Poland you are exempt.
Ok this board is ran by only shills now 100% for sure.

America's identity is "We have the guns."

>on my attic
butthurt bitch detected.
turn off the vpn


>no frosting on top
Pussy generation, indeed. That's a man's Pop-Tart.

America has a history and culture but we've pretty much lost all of it since the cultural marxist revolution in the 60s. It was good whilst it lasted tho