Dude, Jordan Peterson is so base-

Dude, Jordan Peterson is so base-..

Of course he would never tell that to niggers or spics.

He's a plant, what did you expect?

He's never said anything different. His view on race has always probably been his most normie aspect.


> implying you're a nigger or spic

He is right though, Think about it. How are you going to claim credit for accomplishments that other people did and then say " we are not to blame for what other people have done, simply because we are the same color " whenever it suits you?

Group mentality is the most retarded concept ever, created by the left by the way. So anyone who is " proud of being white" is a plant and ultimately playing into the leftists hand

Thats DOCTOR JORDAN PETERSON to you bucko friendo boyo mateyooo

What's the problem? He's right

If I become my greatest version and dedicate my life to improving myself to help others, why does that make me need to be proud of other white people?

Doesn't it make sense to be proud of those who are worthy of pride, not just some people because of their DNA?

fucking newfags

Im sick of hearing about these nobodies. What has accomplished other than a series of mouth queefs?

>Riding on your races coat tails


White pride is equally retarted as the other forms of pride its just we have socially fucked ourseleves into petty arguements that miss the point. That being said i dont care if you love your white heritage and shit by any means but talking about how proud you are of it when your family's been in burgerland for like 200 years is embarrassing.

Civ cuck whatever lol at least i can say my opinion here and not get censored by le epic downvotes

He is normie in everything.

All his talks are about how you should be a normie, and conform about everything in society, otherwise you're a hopeless loser.

I'm not impressed the dumb cuckservatives like him, but I'm impressed even the more edgy elements liked him before this shit.

T. Kike

Culture and a sense of nation is what binds a people together. Of course you're not literally responsible for their specific actions but as a group (which we are whether you kike rats like it or not) we can achieve things. Did 1 individual German make the third Reich rise? It was a collective racial effort.

Gas yourself you absolute faggot kike.

>having pride
What part of deadly sin didn't you fucks get?

White pride is extra retarted when you consider that different white ethnicites are sufficiently different despite burger media.

Race is a part of who I am, it is an honor and pleasure to reinforce to the world why we are regarded as we are. This takes nothing away from the individual but instead celebrates the totality of who they are by paying respect to their heritage and the addition of their toils to the reckoning of their ancestors before them. Paying anything less on the contrary to Peterson's assertions denies part of who they are in favor of myopic feel goodism and conflict avoidance.

No refutation? No counter-argument? Just throwing out a word because you don't have an opinion for yourself?


You really are as retarded as you sound.

Your opinion is shit you uneducated plebbitor faggot. Racial groups are the main category for unification and cohesion for human beings. Muh individualism it's just culture not only ignores behavioural science but also common sense.

the kikes keep dragging out all these controlled opp in an attempt to keep the culture shifting too far right
right now all the kikes want is to keep things civcucked so they can stay in power.

In b4 "oh no, here come the individualists"

u will grow up and understand
theres no need for me to explain it right now

You should l love your race and be proud of your past, but also want to improve on what has already been established.

He's just trying to get the alt-right to stop supporting him.

>created by the left

No, created by evolution you fuck tard cuck

Fuck off, heeb.
Uniformity creates resonance. Our blood is the trumpet that will destroy you.

This is the "There is only one race, and that is the human race" argument. It's ridiculous sometimes. For as long as their are implicit biases and unconscious thoughts about race and sex, there will always be racism and sexism. It isn't going away.
One thing I would find as an interesting experiment is if someone created 2 artificial intelligent robots. Making them almost exactly the same, except one is blue and the other is red. I'd like to see if they will become racist towards each other.

I understand the importance of DNA but why exactly should I be proud of people just because I share the same DNA as them if they're squandering their potential?

I'll be proud of people who achieve self realization and self-actualization, regardless of race. It may be so that most of these people share my genetics, but I ain't gonna hand out pride for that sole reason. They gotta earn that shit.

I don't know what's wrong with that at all.

200 years or not my ancestors kicked ass in this country and made it into a great place. No reason to not be proud of that.

Face it faggot, he is right and the only reason you are upset is because he told you something you know is right but refuse to believe.

Fuck you. Group guilt, A.k.a. saying that all whites are responsible for slavery, or that all black people are subhuman scum is the most racist thing you can say. And the left loves it, you are playing right into their hands without even realizing it you fucking idiots. It's about the individual, you're not worth shit just because you were born a certain way.

This doesn't apply for shit that you actively adapt or continue to do of course, if you follow Islam, think that it fits into Western society, or try to push any sort of ideology, you are the fucking scum of the earth

oh sorry let me repeat that, all your base are belong to he's right.

The only people who disagree with this are mad lonley NEETs whose last desperate attempt at feeling any self worth is their skin color.

>Your ancestors and others had nothing to do with what you achieved
>Perterson literally founded Havard himself in an earlier live
>your genetic stock also has nothing to do with what you achieve
Wow so enlightening, certainly one of the deepest intellectuals of our time.

So, not all jews should be gassed heinrich?

^ Accomplished nothing. You have nothing to be proud of until you accomplish something. And yes, he is literally saying it to niggers and spics as well because that statement is for all people you complete and utter retard.

When the race created the culture in which create the nurturing and stable environment to raise it's children in such a way that they could achieve greatness...yes, you can be proud of the race. And those achievers should be fucking proud of their fucking race and thankful for the backing they received.

No man is an island. No achievement exists in a vacuum.

Now, if someone achieves something again a force of great resistance within their community/racial milieu...yeah, fuck yeah, be pissed of as fuck with your race. Like say us saving Western Civilization from the destruction of Cultural Marxism/Globalism etc, you're damn right we can be angry at the inherent weaknesses in our race that were exploited in order to nearly destroy us. When whites actively work for the fall of the white rae, that's not jews being jews, that's whites being inherently weak. And we need to confront that shit about ourselves. And crush pathological altruism out of our nature or nurture.

So 99% of Sup Forums?

>Conflating pride with gratitude

Yes he is based. He's a staunch individualist, which is what most of nu/pol/, who support right-wing collectivism, are against.

european values wont survive without genetic europeans

Hey, I love Peterson and I've been here since 2005 bucko /:)


That ID^^

>So 99% of Sup Forums?
Nice strawmen any serious arguments.
Bullshit he is always talking about white people and is only directly addressing them he isn’t brave enough to directly talk about Jews, negroids and mystery meats.

there is literally no relation between you and other people of the same race other than the fact that you just happened to be born with similar genetic characteristics, there is no basis for attributing achievements of others to one's self based on shared characteristics

just because the people who built western civilization had the same skin color as you doesn't mean you're anything more than a fat NEET shitposting on an anime forum

holy fuck Sup Forums is retarded


kek has spoken

More like Jordan Petersteinbergowitz

Why be proud of humanity as a whole if all you do is share the same DNA as everyone else? Are you not grateful for the amount of technology that humanity has given us?

Yes goy, devour your own

As a racist, I agree.

What? I said I'm proud of those who do something worthy of pride. Not random people that sit around and do jack-shit because we're the same colour.

Seriously look at the formula for these e-celebs
First they come out saying shit we like, being against progressives and the left. they get a following and at the height of their popularity, begin cucking out.
>race doesnt matter
>whites shouldnt look after whites
>be a civcuck, white nations are over.

Every fucking time
That is the formula they are using.
after peterson, the next e-celeb will do the same fucking thing.

Without Civcuckery, (((they))) cant keep power.
If they do NOT speak against or about White Genocide or White people having and keeping their own lands,. THEY ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE

>just because the people who built western civilization had the same skin color as you doesn't mean you're anything more than a fat NEET shitposting on an anime forum
What a useless pleb you are reading the classics puts your consciousness directly in a connection with all the achievements of the great people of the white race in a way other races simply won’t have.

Thats why you never hear "I'm a strong white man"

we wuz philosophers and shit

He's right though. Very few people here are succesful, most are neets while the top 10% of Sup Forums is minimum wage workers and some office wagecucks making 60k a year.

99% of nazis are white trash (pic related).

You don't take pride in the human race?

He's right though. If you're a fat, virgin neckbeard sitting in your moms basement fapping to scat porn you shouldn't be proud of anything. Doesn't matter if you're white.

It's almost logical for NEETs and white trash to be racists and nazis desu. They have no sense of decency or accomplishments, so they cling to their skin color or "herritage".

Meanwhile, successful people don't pay attention and keep on working.

I'm proud of the individuals that have made contributions to our race, they deserve the credit.

he just did, his tweet applies to everyone

This. Also keep in mind the great people were the top 1% of whites not the average normie. The average person was a serf potato farmer slave to a lord or whore and had abismal living standards. I doubt anyone on Sup Forums is a direct relative of Newton or George Washington or any man of worth in history.

What does this have to do with wanting my country to stay white?

Peterson has never ever claimed to be "on your side". It's exactly because of retards trying to co-opt his message and make him into "le alt-right hero" that he's now feeling compelled to distance himself from that ilk.

Then that would be a 'No'.
Have white people contributed more to humanity than black people?

I like peterson although in the culture war so long as the left uses identity politics so too will there be people on the right
Good luck getting either side to back down first though. both have a population of easily influenced followers who will take any bait, if someones dumb enough to make it up someone out there is dumb enough to believe it

Or sexual orientation

Very true.

Like many people, I am dismayed at what I see as anti-white sentiments being wholly accepted by the mainstream. I am building a career and have a young family: this anti-white movement, largely led by guilty white people who already have cushy jobs or are too young/immature to worry about a career, will hurt my family.

So I am aware of what is going on and help white people out whenever possible, but I'm not going to go full retard into white supremacy. I have a career, a family, and I am intelligent and not one to associate with them masses. In short, I have other things going on and I'm not going to jeopardize them to hold a tiki torch at a protest.

Basically, we've got to do what the Jews do: surreptitiously help one another out over other races/tribes and not bring attention to it.

Peterson is the Bernie Sanders of the right. He has enough mainstream appeal for normies but is about half a century late in terms of ideology


>All his talks are about how you should be a normie, and conform about everything in society, otherwise you're a hopeless loser.
[citation needed]

Most people don't accomplish shit. Most people feel like they're doing well if they can pay their bills and support their family. Not everyone has amazing accomplishments they can use for self esteem. What are they supposed to fall back on?

Obviously true, but you are what you are, the world is deterministic, people are just being effected by the climate around them.

So glad i turned out individualistic after so many years with collectivism :^)

IMO I can be proud of something a Swede has done but I really don't have the same sense of pride when it comes to things a Pole, German, Italian, Brit etc. has done

Wait what? Earlier you said the following:
>Are you not grateful for the amount of technology that humanity has given us

You do understand that it wasn't a collective that brought forward all the great inventions of the world? It was a few genius minds and I am very proud of those people and those who have helped bring them around the spread them to the rest of humanity.

You clearly have a hidden agenda behind your argument and you're trying to manipulate our conversation in order to seem right and push it.

And what about all the people who have accomplished something and are proud of their race?

There is no anti white movement other than a few lonely cat lady feminist roasties mad that Chad didn't fuck them. Stop playing the victim and whining.

never said he claimed it, but his message was designed to try and get us listening to him.
or he could just be an opportunistic money grubber trying to cash in on the backlash against progressives.
just noticing a trend in all these e-celebs, start to finish is always the same.
>don't go too far right
>be a civcuck

Those beliefs will have the same outcome as letting globalism win.
and sadly we have too many reddit newfags civcucks on Sup Forums these days as it is.

>we wuz philosophers
No Americans were mostly religious morons pretending to be empirically minded pragmatists. Their only goals were to serve free markets and ((((them)))).



he's 100 percent correct though

Yeah that's the radical left at work. Over the past few months I've been pleasently surprised to see many of my friends start to turn away from the "white privilege" garbage as finally begin to see how stupid it is.

For my part, I just try to ignore all of the identity shit and socialize with people who are pleasant to be around. It's made my life better, and I can tell the tide is turning for other normies as well.

desu JBP is going thru a similar process that Molymeme had to go thru

boomer normie conditioning is fkn stronk, but certainly don't be timid in calling out BS when you see it

look up what pride means
you should be proud of white normies that created and sustained culture and led to your birth

>shitlibs tell us that race is a social construct
>simultaneously they enact laws based on race

>there is no anti-white movement
>but you white people are all privileged bigots and should die

My point is that those geniuses tend to be white and the black race hasn't done much to contribute today. I'm saying we should be proud of what white people have done. Just because you have a couple soldiers die in war without getting any kills, doesn't mean I can't support the whole army.

I am in academia and virtually all government and academic jobs quite clearly state that all visible minorities, people of different sexual orientation, women etc. (i.e. anyone but a white straight man) will have preference.

People fall over each other saying how great it is a white person wasn't nominated for a Grammy. CBC refuses to state the ethnicity of a suspect unless they are white. Any pro-white sentiment is automatically treated as terrible, extreme, and something to be quashed immediately.

>Very few people here are succesful, most are neets while the top 10% of Sup Forums is minimum wage workers and some office wagecucks making 60k a year.
So, for you, success is merely acquiring shekels? For you, acquiring shekels is an accomplishment worthy of pride, but feeling pride for the racial heritage of which you are an active participant and contributor is not? You're a base, money-worshiping materialist.

>race isn't of any genetic importantance
says the psychology expert.

>Peterson has never ever claimed to be "on your side".
No, he just claims to be opposed to post-modernism while actively promoting it.

his programming kicked in, he got too close to the flame and his Canadian Boomer brainwashing took over.

hes just another modern man, compeltely secular in thinking despite all his larping on about Christianity. The Enlightenment ruined Western Civilization forever, prove me wrong.

Very few people say that, but it's understandable why it seems like the tidle wave of anti-white sentiment seems to be here. The MSM plays a big part in promoting the most offensive stories, and those tend to be anti-white or pro-LGBTQWQ*+++- stuff. A lot of normies are tired of this shit, so I think that sentiment will start to disappear.

alt right: *takes credit for the achievements of their ancestors
also alt right: *doesn't want to take credit for slavery

Get off the internet and talk to people irl. Very very few are like this other than fat white female gender studies majors.

you really think its not common? this is a university newspaper