Same standards, same barracks, same wages, same evaluations, same opportunities?
Should women be treated equally in the military in all respects?
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They shouldn't even be allowed in the military unless they're sitting at a desk.
I still like the austrian military drab.
Kind of a timeless classic.
I can tell a lefty made this meme
If women were held to the same standards they wouldn't be in the military at all. None of them would pass basic.
A timeless classic that's going to get replaced soon
1 billion in more funding per year, right? Who are you going to invade?
How so?
There are triathlete stars who can make it.
Good... more females in the army please. It will make it easier for the based Visegrad Confederacy to invade and occupy Western Europe in the future.
Why is it sad? Austria is trying to make a “lasting” impression on the young gen. Which soldier can tell a little girl “my grandpa already wore this helmet in ww2”?
Oh come on, no humor in Dutchland?
Yes, send em in with the rest.
They can go first since you know, women first.
Ok, she is going to kill 50 enemies with her glasses alone
But why?
It is one the most recognizable uniform out there!
they got the MONEY now
>They shouldn't even be allowed in the military unless they're sitting at a desk.
Or they're being dropped of by the busload to "entertain" the troops and "raise morale".
you are an asshole
Women are reproductive and maintenance units.
They must be placed anywhere but the military.
A girl with a gun is basicaly a cosplay rape gift to the enemy, where they can rape her, kill her because technically shes an enemy combatant and strip her of the expensive gear she has.
The only fighting role they are fit for is to have a powerful bomb implanted in them that explodes the moment a brown dick enters any of her orifices.
Most services here in the US dont split up the men and women in basic training. Women may be held to a lower standard, but that disqualifies them from some jobs, which is perfectly fine; 95% of the time women can do just as good if not a better job than men at their jobs.
Now this excludes combat roles, women havnt been allowed to serve in combat roles, but last year the rules changed, and now women are not supposed to be excluded from those jobs. It's sparked this debate now about uping the women standards to match the mens, which most services seem to be on board with, although they debate about actually putting women in combat is still hot, but thats a different topic..
He's something though: the Marine Corps, the US's premier fighting force, which fields almost all of the countrys major combat area troops today, has different stanadards. The Marines seperate men and women throughout their training and have sorta worked their standards to exclude women from combat roles, even with the new rules. But now there is talk of passing legislation that would demand men and women be trained together, at the same standards.
I'm hoping to join the Marines soon, I've wanted to since I graduated last year. So I've been reading alot on this topic and lots of others.
In my opinion, if women can get through the same bootcamp, training with the men, living with them, doing sparing and PT with them, all to the same standards, those girls are some bad ass bitches. I wouldn't wanna pick a fight with one that's gone through all that..
Women that can match the mens standards are going to be extremely rare, I bet 1 in 10 women now in the millitary can probably do it, and if they can, they've earned it, I wouldn't have any problem serving in combat with them.
>Who are you going to invade?
Everybody, better prepare your anus.
>It's aimed directly in front of her into the ground
what the hell
>women are stupid
>men and guns are cool
Yep, hallmarks of the liberal ideology
When women must join the military men have failed already.
how is this allowed
well, no hearing protection
>Women are held at equal standards in the army
Nuke my country plz
Female reporter, basically all of them are flat terrified or firearms, females reporters got their jobs for being attractive and "charming" meaning that they've never had to work for fight for or suffer for anything ever in their lives. Then this scary gun comes along and barks as them like no one ever has, slams into their shoulder like tyrone used to and leaves them literally shaking. Then the terrible scary smell of burnt powder hits them and their ears are ringing and this isn't fun or sexy at all and they need to cry to feel better.
A 250lb solid as fuck infantry man in full gear (additional weight) gets wounded on unstable mountain terrain. He is alive, he is an officer, he has vital uncommunicated intel.
Who carries him?
There are how many female tri athletes?
There are how many female weight lifters?
There are how many women?
my private mule
I'm ok with this as long women pass the same standards that males have to pass. Women need to lift as much as average male soldier have to lift. So if male soldier goes down in a battleground, female soldier have to be able to lift him and pull him out of harm's way.
I don't want to see women be given an pussy pass to satisify army's "muh diversity" quota. They should be tested as hard as they test males.
In mountain terrain? And the guy is a 250lb fat fuck? What about pic related?
That chick with the striped shirt is smoking
Only if someone calculates how less effective they are in combat and managed to train them for proportional price, and then figures out who runs the industry back home in the even of an all out war.
Which country is this pic from? The chicks have 56%er goblin faces?
>muzzle sweeping her face all the time
Those are mountain Celtic-Slavic-Hun crossbreeds. Strong as horses, but vulgar as drunk pigs after a siesta.
First they shouldnt even be in the miliary. But yes, of course they should be treated equally,
Women shouldn't be in the military at all.
Why is that? Assuming that female soldiers have been trained to have strength/fitness that is equal or greater than average male soldier.
Because women belong in the home and War is a man's duty.
but then you are wasting the army's true potential in manpower if you dismiss women just like that.
How can women help the country by sitting at home and doing nothing?
The resources that would have to be spent to train a woman to the degree where they "have strength/fitness that is equal or greater than average male soldier" would not be worth it.
Also, soldiers are eventually going to start getting replaced by robots on the battlefields, so there is no need to bring women into the army aswell
>but then you are wasting the army's true potential in manpower if you dismiss women just like that.
There's enough manpower in the male population to fill the ranks of any modern army. Not even a country in total war has 100% conscription, let alone modern country in our current situation.
>How can women help the country by sitting at home and doing nothing?
By nurturing and raising the next generation of men and women for the future of the nation.
Because they cost more money per soldier even on the reduced standards that they have. They also have double the injury rate and perform more slowly than male soldiers.
Also the fact that they are included will lead to lowering standards, it has happened in every military that let's women in
Tl;dr there is literally no reason to have women in the military, they are all cost no reward
we already have those bootcamp that bring lanklet males that some of them are already weaker than average women, and transform them into a fit and strong soldier, is it a waste if we do same thing to women?
You are correct that there may be robots on the battlefields in the future, so strength doesn't matter anymore. Now why not bring women in and control those robots? AFAIK there are women pilots who flew U.S. drones that killed plenty of shitskins.
I'm not suggesting that we should lower the standards. Where is your evidence that supports your statement that women have double the injury rate and perform more slowly than male soldiers?
Do you know how violent and efficent horny male troopers can be?
>true potential in manpower
It's called "manpower" for a reason sweetie. We need women to make more men, not get shot and waste all those years of potential child-rearing.
how did the test go?
The Marines did a study right before the forced integration, double injury rates, slower on most tasks, slower evacuating casualties etc
>In mountain terrain
On mountain terrain, yes.
>And the guy is a 250lb fat fuck
A skinny as fuck 185lb 6' dude is 250lbs in full gear. 6'+ and 250lbs solid is not fat.
>What about pic related?
1. Dude is smaller than her.
2. He has fulcrum'd his weight.
3. Flat surface.
4. Is he jumping?
5. Holding temporarily is not carrying.
6. Not proper procedure/position for carrying injured soldier.
7. Picture is not video is not real life described circumstance.
8. She has no gear on.
9. Perspective: Her shoes is the size of the brick, bricks are generally not very big, 2"x6" at most, which makes him a manlet.
where is that study? link it here
>chicks with bracelets in uniform
Nice discipline...
No, no, no, no, and no.
No women in the military.
if they can do the same work yes
Unironically send them into waves of machine gun fire and record it. Send it back home and they might change their minds. For now it’s relatively peaceful no big wars going on, so they feel like “hey look at me girl power tee hee I can be just like the boys see”. But put some Kevlar on em, hand a rifle and send them in waves into a heated Digital Age battle (which btw hasn’t even happened on a massive scale yet) where both sides have updated 2014+ modern equipment and they’ll be begging to leave and coward away in fear. Or just scream for help from men like their biological instinct has programmed them to do. It’s all fun and games until
Shit gets real.
It's just an article stating that there's a study but I can't find the link to the actual study itself. I want to know how the study is conducted, how did this study interpret the results. All I saw was just a transcript of two women which is not a reliable study.
>first female navy seal will be transgender?
You could set the standard in pull ups high enough that only men or women on steroids could do them.
>Should women be treated equally in the military in all respects?
Yes, I only expect men in the military who, given enough traning, can build a house with their fellow men.
In the same line of thinking, I only expect women in the military who, given enough traning, can build a house with their fellow women.
The men and women where it is known from purely physical characteristics that they are a person so mentally retarded, that the construction of one house is forever beyond their reach, is of course unfit for service.
You could also just raise the amount of pull-ups. Without steroids any womans max should be less then 15 pullups
>women are stupid enough to be impressed by
>men with air soft guns
Perhaps not hallmarks of *leftist ideology, but a plebbit tier fag who didn't notice the orange tip in probably made it
To be entirely honest, I don't know what I would look like after carrying 65kg of equipment for two hours of marching.
>modern women
>entertain and raise morale
nigga you high? PICK ONE AND ONLY ONE
he is carrying her, you done goofed
Bumping with a classic.
We should definitely send the roasties to war, preferably on the front lines. I'd make any excuse to send them to their deaths, fucking roasties.
If you're not sure, then probably like the tiny woman in that video.
>pointing at herself with not only one, but two guns
jesus fucking christ, what is wrong with women?
Here's msm on mentioned marine study:
To be fair, no one in that picture seems to have a sling or holster. Ever go shooting on public land without a table?
i think the new uniform looks interesting
absolutely disgusting. on the bright side, the old uniform should be pretty cheap as soon as its phased out.
Those vests are still ugly and uncomfortable as fuck.
Women should be in the military only in non combatant roles. However, all women should learn how to shoot, since girls with guns are god damn sexy. Although, girls are super cute, when they're kind of scared of the guns. Maybe all girls should be given guns, but none of them should be taught to use them.
>thinking we cant do this
cmon man
it would be easy. this shit has nothing to do with weather or not we can into civilization. [spoilersdontworkonpol]that has to do with competing against existing sports teams ^:)[/spoiler]
Aren't you just a little bit ashamed of saving that horrible image macro?
Holy shit. That's so god damn cute. tfwywn have gf who hates guns, because they're loud, but is willing to use them anyway, since there are niggers to kill.
Who got kickbacks selling this crap to your military? You are not jungle soldiers, brown makes sense in your terrain.
It's because of men like you, men like me have to throw women out of all positions in government just to get civilization back on track. Pull yourself together ffs.