Female sex robots, feel free to replace us if you want to


>The Guardian: Indeed, considering the types of men who would buy sex-bots, it doesn’t seem too much of a loss for womankind; if anything, it borders on a boon. A case of: “Great, replace us, go ahead!”

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>haha only losers would buy them!
>every market that has tested them has posted extremely high popularity, reaching far beyond "just losers"
Honestly, I wont buy one because I have a girl. But these roasties are lying when they pretend they aren't concerned. Its going to kill things like "cam models" "the friend zone/plan b" and other various prostitution which women have grown very accustomed to having as a financial and emotional security net.

They are nervous, whether they admit it or not. Some admit it, some dont.

Oh we will.
And when you come crawlin back well, you will be number 2 not number 1. Thats reserved for my new waifu.

Probably won't buy the first early models, but cute robutts are going to increase in functionality by the 12th(most likely 100th) or so model.


>roasties say while getting increasingly more nervous


Oh yeah robot waifu suck me. Ooohh AHHHHHH AHHHHHH woof woof do it now doggystyle. Ooohh mmmm lick lick snort snort your tight little pussy make me squeak like a mouse ooohh little pussy tight pussy little dick tight pussy meow squeak.

>happy 29th birthday to me
>hmm I see that men don't give a crap about what I have to say anymore; time to settle down
>all the good guys my age are taken
>all the not-so-good guys my age have sexbots
>gotta join a harem

Thank you for your permission,
Barbara Ellen!

Is she pooping?

>W-we don't eve care, go ahead and replace us!
I'm not going to do it because I want a nice tradwife but fucking hell this is funny.
>The comments
Top zozzle these broads reeeeeally hate men feelsgoodman


Made for bbc

Why buy a robot when there's dogs

>Needing a robot when you can have a far more cheaper doll.
She is supposed to be companionship, she isn't replacing sex.

I'm not buying a sex robot until they make some that actually look like my anime waifu.

Of course the Canadian keeps referencing animals during sex

Women love being in harems of rich chads, it’s been there goal all along


etc etc

>hot sex bots if you choose
>shortage of available men
>get to choose to fuck a sex bot and not have to deal with all the bullshit, or can pick top tier women because now they're desperate

fucking win-win.


4/10 and below males thoroughly BTFO

>They're trying to call our bluff
They're in for a rude awakening.

The journalist sounds butthurt, lol. If it's just a bunch of losers that should kill thelsemves, why women are already talking of banning and are shamming those who want that?

It's the humans that poop.

These roasties are indeed nervous. The days of being a pampered, spoiled, obnoxious child cuz vagine, are soon over.

Oh ja ja ja you want to put your peeper in my wet little robot pussy teeeheee

Careful what you wish for, roasties. Lose your beta orbiters and you not only lose their attention, but all their betabux, as well as the possibility that they might marry you post wall.

That was quick, I wonder how long till acceptance.

Not sure if that would work these days. Women in modern societies have been conditioned to think that they can do literally nothing and end up with the perfect man, whom they get to punish when he so much as looks at another woman. Going from that to a harem would be a culture shock.

If a robot doesn't have the emotion to be a vindictive psycho bitch with crocodile tears to boot. Then sold.


Second from the right is best debate me poorfags

>>The Guardian: Indeed, considering the types of men who would buy sex-bots, it doesn’t seem too much of a loss for womankind; if anything, it borders on a boon. A case of: “Great, replace us, go ahead!”
no sense of how economics work, lack of beta providers to rely on lessens their collective worth among chads as well

When they can make XJ9 models, I'll be sold

When the models get really good I'll probably buy one. They look too fake and too much effort compared to a fleshlight. When they start to move on their own I'll be very interested... in tying them up and having my way with my sex doll.

You like to fuck dogs leaf?


Hol' up so you b sayin' dat dem thots dun have critical thonkin swag?

I don't recall asking anyone for anyone's permission, lel.

Fine bit of projection, OP.


I don't know but depression is gonna be good

I won't buy one until they start making furry waifubots.

Too bad they are expensive


make her pay for dinner

>A fucking leaf


Wait--- women have to be shitting themselves over this. Who are the men that will be removing themselves from the dating pool thanks to having sex robots?

Almost all the men that can afford it. That will include the rich chads.

This means they will only have the POOR men left to pick from.

They are already mad as hell that there are so few successful men to pick from, that most of the high end women have to settle for poor and stupid or just do without, but now that problem is going to intensify?

Women will be rioting in the streets soon, demanding all sex robots to be outlawed. Why? Cause she's going to have to do EVERYTHING just to get a man to pay attention to her. She's going to have to "romance" him, meet him at his door on her knees with a wide mouth--- back up to the car on her knees while sucking him off.

Playing his favorite music in the car.

Take him out to a sporting event (and giving him a blowjob or two while there), then take him out to a strip club where all the dancers are sex bots, and then encourage him to fuck the dancers--- all while paying for it.

Otherwise--- how is she even going to compete against a sexual masturbation aid that doesn't nag him and doesn't try to entrap him and doesn't need to be constantly validated?

You're a vibrator.


All girls want to be a rich Chad's fleshlight

They will remain on the fringe and be shameful until they can clean and cook. At that point they will be in every household. Even married ones.

Finally I have the definition of roastie.

Its a guaranteed fuck without all the bull shit, well worth the cost.

In some cases a woman can cost you more.

>"I'm totally not worried about this thing happening, can't you see just how not worried I am? I am SO not worried I'm going to write entire fucking articles about just how little I care about this thing happening."

Date rape.


Real Dolls, and other manufacturers, already make anime waifu sex dolls. Shouldn't be hard to get the sex robot makers to follow suit.

the fact that they made this article in the first place implies their insecurity.


>“You must maintain energy so that, later, you are able to sexually satisfy me with your unusually large phallus.”

imagine having such a worthless existence that you cannot compete with this
the more i improve myself as a man and human being the more i see how much of a curse having a vagina really is. no woman will ever accomplish anything.

most losers can't even affor quality ones and they are still popular

Asian robots will be the easiest to do right because they both have no souls

Does... does it say Onii-chan?

Odds on this being an AI, that is using complex calculation to figure out how long it will be before the plebs catch on and realise the sword of Damocles hangs overhead!

It's not nice teasing women over these things. Most of them are not feminist scumbags and they are a bit "insecure" about this.

Them muffin nipples dude.

If it didn't have the exaggerated blinking and had some upper body movement it would be pretty convincing.

Yeah but I can fuck an attractive girl for 1/130 of the price

Pic related, an actual prostitute

So essentially, we should start working to make and perfect robotic female companions.

Damn, imagine not just the sex but also the possible combat abilities these things could have..

Robotic SEX and KILLING machine.

Prostitutes will lose their jobs anyway with driverless trucks.



Shut up pedophile sicko

BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents


neither do most women

>W-we didn't want your attention anyway!

When the beta orbiter economy vanishes, roasties are over.


>tfw you realize its a delicate ecosystem

>Nor is it Harmony’s fault that she exists. In fact, perhaps there are other women like me, who (whisper it) almost feel sorry for her.
>In a certain vision of male utopia, instead of real women and their buzzkill notions about equality and self-will
>This may be the core difficulty with sex-bots – not that they replicate sex, but that they represent how some men want to replace and improve upon real women and not just physically. That they appeal to men who are only interested in almost silent, but always compliant, sexually available “women”, for whom self-will is always a microchip away.

Why do these roasties (and liberal arts majors in general) utterly fail to grasp that robots are not people? They have no emotions and no free will. Saying you can 'enslave' a robot is like saying you can enslave a microwave.

Yeah.... Not sure if you've spent much time in public lately, but most women are already in what people are calling "soft harems." Each sexually successful man is regularly sleeping with about 4-6 women while most men get nothing. Often times the girls are aware of each other and it only makes them try harder.

This is why most below average men just stay home playing video games instead of being productive


>Sup Forums
>'i'm going on a date'

Nice try buddy.

some of you may be racist evil digusting people
but you know what, at least you talk to me at least you answer me at least you give me a shred of respect
and for that i thank you

I don't understand sex bots. These are the best parts of sex:

>seeing what a particular girl looks like naked
>the noises/faces you make her do
>being in a dominant position over them
>getting to scratch that instinctual itch to bust a nut in the puss

But none of those can be synthesised by a sex bot, so what's the point? Might as well just have a wank.

literally roasties doing worldwide
>HURR do what you want, I don't care, fuckin loser
>why wont he worship me ;(

>the era of robotic waifus begins
>feminists are astonished
>build a man robot to oppose the advance of the mechanical waifus
>men robots get conscience and get the fuck out

>Joining a harem past the wall
Not so fast there buddy ;)

i really dont see the difference between this and any other sex toy.

women arent just sex toys... they do know that right?


>It's not nice teasing women over these things. Most of them are not feminist scumbags and they are a bit "insecure" about this.

Tough shit. A relationship is not a right. Marriage is not a right. Motherhood is not a right.

perfect, just dont stand in the way of me and robojenny with any legislation

I think the best part of sex is making their ass jiggle when you pound it




>>seeing what a particular girl looks like naked
>>the noises/faces you make her do

That´s more on us because our brains are wired to love all things visual. WIth enough work we could nail those things.

A doll offers the same as a real woman. Pussy. Modern women aren't good for anything. Just think about it.
anyways if only losers are going to buy them, why do they even bother to make articles about them? Seems like the typical shame tactic of roasties because they now that they have literally zero market value except for muh real pussy


>2/10 wouldn't bang lol

what do those bog bouncy boobs feel like? are they close to the real thing?