How will Sup Forums ever recover? All you have are short, quippy remarks while the left has nuanced truths to make you shut up, nazis.
Alt-cucks btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
pls respond
>nuanced truth
Nuance has no relation to truth.
Nuance is about making sure you don't hurt anyone's fee-fee's, but the truth hurts.
You will probably not have a meaningful impact on the world.
You will die.
You might do more harm than good.
You might be wrong about the things most important to you.
True for most people.
The tone policing of the left and political correctness means there can be no room for discussion and debate. And you miss that. That's why you come here, to the fertile breeding ground of political discourse.
Nice bait, remember to sage. It goes in options.
>Effeminate voice
>Makes shitty YouTube videos
Every time...
Wow short, quippy, remarks on the internet who would have thought!
I love this guys videos. He plans on reviewing adventure games for a living when he finishes college.
He's in a really cool open relationship where his gf brings home people and fucks them while he plays video games.
He's also a vegetarian and just an all-round cool guy.
Nothing to say.
Just reporting the motherfucker.
typical nazis, probably didn't even watch the video, comebacks: all short, quippy remarks
go watch the video and get BTFO
but you do the exact same thing?
I am watching it right now, it's great. Haven't heard from this guy in a while. It's very interesting.
make an actual argument against the video or you're just a braindead nazi with no arguments, just racism
Give a brief summary of his arguments and I might actually bother if you can show it's not more of the same tired old shit.
For example, when he speaks about "putting people into boxes" you are telling me the left doesnt associate large groups of people into one extreme EX: nazis
He's projecting.
Also leftists are too stupid to understand memetics and propaganda. Liberals are some of the least rational people I've seen. Not that we are any better. It's usually moderate conservatives that are the most rational.
I am genuinely amazed at how much autistic people can achieve now that we have the internet.
What would be really interesting would be to watch this soiboi try to make a real response video to someone like Millennial Woes. I know he wouldn't, but I'd like to see it.
Why would I watch your video? If you understood you could have made the argument without linking it (or linking it as source). Instead you just had some short quippy remarks.
I come here for arguments, not to be linked to videos from retards. This isn't leddit.
>leftists always argue in bad faith
>expecting me to not call them a cuck and laugh at them
yep that's typical, nazis like you don't care about hearing the other side.
the left invented the most used and funniest meme on twitter, the punched richard spencer meme. also look at comedians, all leftists. it's the right that cant meme
the arguments are laid out in the video. not going to watch it though, are you nazi? yeah that's what I thought. the commenters in the comments section of that video, and his other videos, have at least twice the IQ of the average person here at pol. hahahaha
based JF already totally BTFO this cuck.
>yep that's typical, nazis like you don't care about hearing the other side.
Needle moving swiftly towards "same tired old shit" m8. Here I am asking you for a summary of his arguments. Shouldn't take you 5 minutes seeing as you're familiar enough with them to know that they apparently blow us the fuck out.
Or can't you?
>the punched richard spencer meme
That meme doesn't say anything useful.
We have fashwave which has so many messages
We have Pepe which again has many uses
The chad vs virgin meme tells people not to be faggots
etc... All of our memes tell stories besides punch a nazi.
>yep that's typical, nazis like you don't care about hearing the other side.
Why would we?
What's even funnier than leftists who can't meme is leftists who can't meme who think they can meme.
Could someone do a quick 4-humors personality analysis on these kids?
typical nazi won't watch a 12 minute video because he's scared it'll destroy his retarded belief system HAHAHAHAHA
Yeah, right. I'm a shill because I bring you arguments you dont get in your echo chamber. Stay "woke" retard
that's an alt-right meme you idiot, you're insulting your own memes LOL
>not going to watch it though
Exactly. I try not to encourage spammers.
If you can't even make an argument yourself, you probably don't understand whatever is in that video.
>funniest meme on twitter
>twitter bans anyone right of Chairman Mao
That's like saying you're the MMA champion of the retirement home.
"Nuanced truths", what, like:
>If you're just nice to Muslims, they won't become terrorists
>Rape gangs are just a right wing fantasy!
>Europeans invented colonization and slavery!
And all the other absolute trash your ugly mob keeps shitting out. Fuck off. The Left are done, reality has killed your ideology.
but what if the meme consents?
you don't bring arguments
Oh nice you didn't watch either video, right? he's not responding to the video I linked, stupid nazi.
since when is Sup Forums alt-right?
Art is the language of God
Ian Danskin is a stupid, retarded cuck who would be better off playing in traffic.
I have watched the video and the biggest issue I had with it was that it seems to me that SJWs tend to be the ones to box people into categories for the purpose of dismissing them.
To quote the video, Ian Danskin doesn't have to play, he can just fuck off.
>typical nazi won't watch a 12 minute video because he's scared it'll destroy his retarded belief system HAHAHAHAHA
I won't waste my time on an almost certainly worthless video or give the author (which I suspect is yourself) the clicks he craves for free? Correct.
Summary, or get the fuck out.
I can assure you; neither side has something to offer.
It's not. But since Sup Forums allows "hate-speech," the left despises it and it lives on borrowed time.
It'll be fun watching this leftist try to bait people to get to watch his video.
Tell us a little about yourself OP.
1. Why do you come here?
2. When did you first thought this place was politically relevant?
3. What's your age (roughly)?
I watched all these videos.
They have a lot of projection, especially this one, but are all horrible advice, so if my enemies want to listen, I guess I won’t complain.
Keep doing what you’re doing kid.
>I have watched the video and the biggest issue I had with it was that it seems to me that SJWs tend to be the ones to box people into categories for the purpose of dismissing them.
Because it works. Tribalism is effective. There's no reason not to use it given a certain context.
you're doing exactly what the video says you'll do. looks like I win.
>attention span shorter than 12 minutes
lol nazis really do have sub-100 IQs
1. I came here to get you autists to go comment and downvote
2. For way longer than I've been around
3. mid-twenties
You are an atrocious salesman m8.
would've worked on me lol
It really is an interesting video. Not if you take it at face value, but if you use it as a case study examining the mind of a typical leftist. To see the mental gymnastics and how their brains work.
I thought the most striking part was when he said "liberals merely want to compromise, and conservatives are big meanies for not wanting to compromise at all!". And in a sense, they're right. Because "compromise" always means "we want to fuck you over, and you don't want to get fucked over, so how about we compromise and only fuck you over a little bit". And then they come back in a few years and do the same thing again. And over and over. That's how "compromise" works. And the Left loves to compromise because it just means incrementally getting what they want over time.
That's also why they get so fucking butthurt when someone REFUSES to cuck. Their entire argumentation strategy relies on their opponent cucking by calling them racist/sexist/nazi/whatever. And if their opponent doesn't do that, they lose their shit.
leme guess... it's 15 minutes of him calling us racists and mysoginists, right?
>alt right doesn’t argue good so don’t argue with them ever theyre all wrong
Oh noooo my ideas ahhhhh.....
You realize the poster you're replying to is trolling, right? That's b8, m8.
That's his attempt at getting me watch his video. He's failing hard.
he was saying we avoid arguing be being disingenuous and using rhetorical means of skewing a debate
not really, he talks about arguing tactics, and basically says that the alt-right is doing what, in reality, the left does.
I don't think that's the soyboy from the video. I think it's just an user trying to get a discussion on it started. You know, like how people will post some video from CNN while saying "drumpf BTFO!". Obviously not serious.
That said, there's little to even debate on the matter. Ideological liberal refuses to actually examine any of our issues or points and just dismisses everything as "muh racism/sexism/nazi/blahblahblah" and then goes on to talk about how high his moral high ground is. Nothing more to it.
>Nuanced truth
Or in other words mindfucking yourself into doublethink so that you can go on continuing to be a leftist.
>nuanced truths
OP self BTFOd the truth is never nuanced. Nuance is just word play to get around the truth.
>not really, he talks about arguing tactics, and basically says that the alt-right is doing what, in reality, the left does.
That's what the left ALWAYS says, though.
Please don't stop what you're doing, whether you're double bluff rightwing or just regular leftwing. Because people like you brought me where I am politically.
And we need more minds and bodies to win this war.
That's why lefty memes are never funny. Because trying to counter intuitively explain how up is down and left is right isn't fucking funny. Our memes are funny because they cut right through all the bullshit to the honest truths that are right before our eyes.
Kill yourself.
Why would I click any link attached to such an ugly pic OP. Wuts with this scrubs “beard” and sideburns. Bloody hell
that was painful to watch, he starts talking about putting people in boxes which is exactly what the progressive left has been doing the last two decades. Does he know about the privilege Olympics, intersectionality? Intersectionality is literally the theory of putting people in boxes.
The guy is a male feminist it really explains a lot.
Feminism (like all ideologies) deserves unlimited and harsh criticism, even to the point of ostracism if the ideology is harmful to society.
This faggot also had Orwell in the last picture, I doubt you could consider Orwell left or right.
>muh gaymuhgayt
fuck off, shill your shit on /leftypol/
straw man desu
Op hasn't watched Hitler's speeches translated into English
>You've just got quick wits but the left has nonced the truth
Thanks for the confirmation.
And this guy is right to have nuanced truth means partial truth, subtle shades and hints of truth.
So it seems the left also has big words that you bugboys use without understanding, unless the OP is a confession.
>was looking forward to cuck's interpretation of the alt right i.e. race realism
>it's just about replying to trolls
These aren't arguments this is describing a base level of debate. They basically just showed that liberals can't handle arguments. There isn't one fucking disputable point of view. I like how he bitches about boxes and then proceeds to put half of the country in one box. This guy is weak and you are stupid if you buy into it.
Leave your echo chamber. Go make your arguments where thousands of lefties will see it. If they're wrong, you might convince a few people to dig deeper. If you're wrong, they might plant a seed in your mind. Discussion is the only way forward, regardless of your beliefs.
>nuanced truths
Which is jewspeak for "lies."
Dude has a disgusting mole on his face. No wonder he has to resort to animating shit.
>implying the left doesn't have people who constantly nitpick and make "short, quippy, and wrong" additions to an argument that are off topic from the main point
>implying there aren't hundreds of videos of lefties protesting who get told off and don't know to respond like the cretin they are
>implying lefties don't put groups into "boxes" and generalize
>everything said by the left is a "detailed explanation detailed explanation"
>the right only offers a "short, quippy, and wrong" response
>the right is constantly faking that they aren't losing
>the left just naturally wins, is always right, they've totally never been proven wrong about anything
>the left craves those moments of owning "an ignorant asshole"
>calls A HUHWHITE MAYAL out on twitter for denying they had privileges, exposes them for the "MASSIVE BIGOT" that they are, and likewise across social media
I don't even consider myself right wing but hahaha maaan this guy is just an ignorant cuck living inside his own little bubble with other ignorant cucks who think they are philosophers with divine knowledge.
also fucking sage
You should really watch more of his videos. This is the worst echo chamber. Every time you speak it just screams back "Faggot."
Like social justice is inherently not exactly justice. It comes from a desire to have lady justice not be blind. An appeal to bias.
And critical theory. It's not the theory to learn to think critically, but the method to criticize everything.
>arguing with himself
>makes excuses about why he is loosing debates
>complains about alt-right boxes, despite the fact the left has just as many or more.
>talks half the video about anita’s campaign. Sargcuck was the only one who cared and he was also right.
There’s literally nothing to this video.
>stop being laconic, nazis.
I've been here for years, bud. You're completely oblivious if you think Sup Forums isn't an echochamber. Regardless, you're not having an impact on anyone, here. It's the people who come here and spread the ideas through social media like youtube, twitter, facebook, reddit, and so on, who are actually doing work. Few people will challenge viewpoints that don't come from shills or outsiders, and those viewpoints themselves are rarely challenged properly. I demonstrated that with this thread, most responses were very basic, many even just namecalling, dismissing me as a shill, etc. You guys need to do a lot of thinking, and also work on not falling for such obvious bait.
That's a dumb video. It's not that I don't listen to women because I'm putting them in some "box". I don't listen to them because they're a woman.
>didn't even acknowledge my greentext
Ok so what viewpoints do you have to challenge? Far as I'm concerned I'm just against neo-marxist bullshit that is set to degenerate and destroy western society and culture. You seem to want people to challenge these viewpoints because you don't even understand them. Also most people are name-calling because no one actually wants to engage in this bullshit with someone who can't see the bigger picture. And yes, I watched the whole video. Anyone with a little sense can understand that the video makes generalizations that apply to both sides, yet it's made by a biased know it all lib, who thinks they're right and probably based the whole premise of his argument off shitposts that triggered him on 4 chan. Top fucking kek
>All you have are short, quippy remarks while the left has nuanced truths to make you shut up, nazis.
But that's the very opposite of reality.
>meme flag
>falls for bait thread
>wonders why no one responds to his autistic rant
Stop talking to me. Go comment your autism on the video. This is a bait thread to get discussion going.
Pretty sad. I would like to discuss how ignorant you are. There is nothing in this video worth arguing about that is the terrible truth. If we were discussing the merit of debate it would be different, but it isn't. Almost to page 10 fuckwit.
I'm a "lefty" and I understand memetics an propoganda.
Box fail
over 2 and a half hours and on page 1 as of right now
you retards cant stop falling for bait, and seems like you don't even know how to sage lol
the eternal brainlet
Hey remember when the video mentioned the creating the illusion that one is not losing? yea me too
>can't accept being baited
You have autism lol
>Adds insight to some of the logical flaws of the video
sure thing pal. :)
Nope. I am trying to keep it up so that people on here can gain faith knowing that you guys don't have a leg to stand on. You haven't refuted shit you haven't cited shit other than this worthless high school level debate clinic.
Racism is factual. Alt Hype already establishes that incontrovertibly, bugman.
that's exactly the wrong thing to take from the video. there's a growing group of people in many countries, funded by kike globalists, that advise NOT to engage people further right than Bill Maher. their weakness is discussion, but many on the right tend to just sit here on their containment board jerking each other off.
this is op btw
The video is attempting to teach debate. It doesn't matter the subject of the debate, he is just telling you how to functionally argue. You on the other hand bring it up here and act like it is a panacea to this alt-right monster you have dreamed up in your head and I can only imagine it didn't turn out like your fantasies dictated. You are a worthless fuck, the guy on the video at least understands propaganda and how to use it.
The ignorant smugness of the stupid.
How does that have anything to do with the post you responded to? Are you just making stuff up now because you feel stupid?
>he is just telling you how to functionally argue
His advice is literally "do not engage the alt-right."
You call that a functional argument. Nice.
There is no nuance to the progressives. They are hemorrhaging people because they are attempting to deconstruct the western world with their wickedness. They are beginning to see that they are not on the "right side of history".
So, how do you know someone is "Alt-Right?"
what myths?
>You fucking racists put everyone into boxes!
>You fucking homophobes put everyone into boxes!
>You fucking islamophobes put everyone into boxes!
>You fucking mysogynists put everyone into boxes!
really interconnected my nerves