Why do millennials hate capitalism?


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Just pirate the fucking textbooks, buy used, or get the international version (which is usually much cheaper).

because (((the media))) lied to them their whole life and suggest that it's "hip" and "cool" to be a socialist

Not just the media either. Most Americans can't logically piece together a conclusion from the evidence presented to them, and need to get talking points spoon-fed to them from somebody smart.

Enter thousands of kikes who convince these people that socialism is the way out of their Jewish bondage, and the angry goyim will latch onto a cause that's directly at odds with their own self-interest.

most millennials are more capitalist than socialist
the is bullshit

because muh gommunism is more fashionable and much more romantic.

Because they've never lived under it.

ew but used are dirty. i want a new one

>generic nu male

why do you keep posting this dead fuccboi

What is expensive? Our 20€~50€/book would be otherwise reasonable if the printing companies didn't shit out new editions with mostly cosmetic changes for shekels.

I love reminding socialists that Capitalism is the reason a bag of rice is 40 pence in the UK but considered a luxary good under Communism.

they don't. they just don't realise that what they support is capitalism.

wtf i love dying in a gulag now

> using cringy words like fuccboi

Not responding, bitch, you talk like a fag.

>not real capitalism

Because they were born under capitalism and don't know anything else. Its cool to hate capitalism now in their circles. If they went and lives 1 fucking week in a communist country they would break in two.

They literally don't understand that capitalism made Facebook, the very platform they are bitching about capitalism on. They think that facebook would have been made under a socialist or a communist government.

They (school) require you to login to the quiz/assignment website using a unique pin from the book that's tied to your student email.

the answer to that question about the textbooks, is that people still buy them at those exorbitant prices which are created by the incredibly flawed university system, in which prices are inflated alongside the loan capacity increases by the socialist institution of government induced subprime lending to would be students.

basically, the government foots the bill for niggers and the like going to college, therefore, the textbook companies (and the colleges themselves) continually raise their prices.

ironically, it is socialism that is destroying the college system, i say ironically because all the students seem to think that socialism is the answer.

This is what rustles my jimmies the most. Everyone seems to have a pin attached to the book to log onto a program or app that you may or may not need. Now the book is fucking useless as a resale because the pin is needed for the next schlub.

Both socialism and capitalism are globalist dogshit, which exist only for world domination. Anything more than that is just a happy coincidence.

you can usually buy the pin separately for much cheaper but it's still bullshit that you have to pay a fee to do your fucking work.

Text books are expensive because our government keeps subsidizing colleges through (((federal aid))).
>college is expensive
>give money to students
>schools realize they can increase tuition by 400% b/c gov will just keep giving more money

They must be morons as well. I bought second hand ones, looked after them and old them when I was done.
Today all you need to do is find a PDF.

aye, and the students blame capitalism when in reality it's socialist implements that are bankrupting them and decaying the systems.

Mostly just because it's trendy. As for why it became a thing in the first place it's because certain people are incapable of accepting the reality of human nature. Every single instance of society we have record of is an essentially predatory system. It is very telling that Marxists think we are going to enter a stage of history wherein all oppression is eradicated, basically a pseudo-religious belief.

Millenials are especially disconnected from reality and the formula of capitalism=devil allows them to dream of a reality where there is no devil.

Simple as that. Stop giving handouts and the colleges will realize no one can afford tuition and be forced to lower it

No capital.

That's fucking bullshit. At my uni, every lecturer said that all the content we need is in the lecture slides. But if we wanted further reading, you could buy the text book. I only ever bought one text book in my 4 years there.
I also got a government loan to pay for my degree, that has no interest and I only have to pay back if I start earning above $50k/year. Even then, they only take 2% of my wage to pay it.
Feels good.


You do realize none of the big isms will ever work with large groups of people, right?
Capitalism is great with a like minded or even just benevolent minded decently educated smaller group of people.
Just like communism, socialism, and even fascism.
None of this shit will ever work
The real problem has never been isms but always has been with relatively giant centralized systems full of corrupt self-serving individuals.

it will become what is essentially a free market. when people have to ensure their money is well spent, the businesses must adjust.
it would be nice to see some schools go out of business. AND some damn textbook companies.

That is absolutely a thing in America, you need to do the assignments to pass the class and the assignments are locked behind a paywall.

>Go to www.google.com
>Type in the title of the textbook you need plus filetype:pdf
>It will only return results that are .pdfs
How hard is this? Oh well, I guess retards will just have to keep complaining and paying the full price

>B-but there's a code I need
You can buy those separately for a fraction of the cost of the textbook.
Even bettter, tell the Prof/TA that your code isn't working and they'll just give you access.

Because a better world is possible

he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded

Just doesn't work that way, friend. The textbook companies constantly release new editions. Unless someone is purchasing and making these textbooks available, there are thousands of textbooks unavailable to even the most savvy pirates.

geez just steal it at the college library and put it back after the semester

Because you have to work to get money

College texts are notoriously expensive here in the states. Dunno how it is elsewhere, but certainly part of the college scam that's been shoved down peoples throat.

The dumbest part about the texts is almost all the information in them can be referenced online - for free.

>mfw we used to use the universiti's own copying place to copy long ass textbooks for less than 10th of the price

the only books I bought were the ones i was genuinely interested in

>Just doesn't work that way, friend.
Except it literally does. I did my entire undergrad without buying a single textbook and that was with most courses requiring 1 or 2 books. The new editions are typically only slightly different -- do you not understand their racket?

> Unless someone is purchasing and making these textbooks available
The secret is that disabled people (partially blind, can't carry books, etc) have the school buy the book and transform it into a digital copy for them (this is typically required by law for equal access). There are special machines that do this (but destroy the book in the process). Then that student shares it with their classmates, who share it with their friends and online, and so on...

2008 market crash had a great impact on them. Also the iraq war

>relatively giant centralized systems full of self-serving individuals
you got it m8

They might have good annotations

t. textbook company exec on damage control

I just finished up my degree, I rarely had to pay for textbooks. Occasionally a class will use an odd/obscure one that you can't find, but the vast majority of the time you can grab just about any textbook for any class off the internet. The 'edition' thing is a scam too; usually they just alter a paragraph or two every couple of years or change the layout to justify forcing students to pay for the "most current edition". The only exception is technology textbooks where the information actually does need to be updated, but then again the technology books are generally the easiest ones to pirate since the people who need them can into bittorrent.

Yes, in Canada. US schools aren't Canadian schools.

There are plenty of shit professors who rely strictly on the textbooks, which are formatted differently. Besides, it's not as though people don't know of this availability, they don't do the work due to the subsidized subprime lending. It's a symptom that you have to steal the books, not a solution.

Consider the intellect of the average person you meet and then tell me how likely you think that will be.

Self entitled pieces of shit who expect everything to be handed to them for free.

Obviously he admires whiggers.


You think I'm defending it? I'd rather the entire college system be restructured to afford the greatest possible potential for learning instead of restricted access information. As I said in an earlier post, it's a symptom of a faulty system that people have to literally steal textbooks to survive. It may be convenient on an individual basis but it solves nothing.

>Yes, in Canada. US schools aren't Canadian schools.
Apparently you know nothing about Canadian or American schools. Listen man, if you can't figure out how to do something as simple as pirating a text book you're beyond saving (i.e. this argument is a waste of time).

Meanwhile I've saved probably several thousand dollars by making it my personal policy to never buy a textbook.

Even if you're so stupid that you can't find it online, tons of other people in your class will have and will share if you ask. I guess that would require social skills, though.

And what about European countries and Canadian college which is completely free?

It's not me, man. You're fighting someone on your side over a bullshit point. Look at the bigger picture, and consider that these companies are ruining the college system, instead of individuals able to rely on ingenuity, perhaps we could make it accessible to people who genuinely need the education more than someone like yourself, who would likely be able to get the occupation based on personal study, but merely require the degree to be even considered in the job market.
but no, let's ignore the real problem and discuss how easy it is to bypass a flawed system.

the reality is this scenario probably isn't too far off (sans the white woman they'll be extinct). probably another 50 years or so, saudi arabia already looks like this sans flying cars

the media loves capitalism

I guess I win the argument since you don't seem to be able to address a single point I make -- keep going on about your irrelevant gripes with reality though.

because they have no clue what actual socialism or communism is like, or democratic socialism for that matter, half these people would kill themselves if they had to live in sweden and live like "poor people" in the US live.

>his shits all retarded
no it isnt

Can anyone make a vector drawing thing of the numale in OP's post?

also i think these morons with sociology degrees think they would be leading some communist party here, it would be the same people running the government,just now you won't get a kushy job being a teacher's assistant, you would probably have to take a test, they realize you're stupid and you have to farm beets as your job.

Because (((they))) ruin everyone's lives.

>buying text books
>from the college book store (the ONLY bookstore)

yes, you win the argument. score another one for people ignoring a flawed government system funnelling money into textbook companies theouh stupid unlearned children who don't know any better.

I'm sure you saved millions of dollars because you looked up a few technical books. but for every one like yourself, there are thousands who don't. you refuse to look at a broader issue if only to win an argument. good job, man.

Why do people even buy actual textbooks anymore? I just downloaded online versions and read them on my laptop.

>open mouth

>buying textbooks
top zozzle
libgen.io has pretty much every basic intro text with most specialized stem texts.
however, i suppose if you major in lesbian dance theory, you will prolly be out of luck

>That's fucking bullshit. At my uni, every lecturer said that all the content we need is in the lecture slides.

Most of my classes requires 300+ pages of reading per semester. There's no way you could fit that in lecture slides that the prof would cover in a few hours.

>why is 500 pages of special paper using complex symbols and huge pictures in color and hard back cost so much

It just looks so weird when people do this, I don't understand why. Is it to draw away from the fact they're ugly?

Google doesn't have most new textbooks. Not that this matters since in most classes you need the code which comes with the book in digital form.

You're clearly bullshitting. Every new edition changes the practice assignments at the end of each chapter. Unless your prof doesn't assign them, you need the book to do your assignments. That's assuming the prof doesn't make you do your assignments online.

Because they think that communism will give them all iphones and metropolitan apartments and jobs in the graphic design departments of Apple of Google where they get free gym memberships and are fed prime rib every day while all the hard work is done by morloks and robots. That's what they think communism will bring them. Capitolism tells them straight up that they cannot have anything they aren't willing to earn.

"capitalism" is a very vague term. Fundamentally all it means is the trading of goods and services for agreed-upon amounts. But obviously there's more to it than that, and "hates capitalism" can have widely varying connotations.

For example, some idiot could "hate capitalism" because he doesn't get enough free shit or because he thinks his iphone is too expensive.

But on the other hand, I might hate certain aspects of "capitalism" such as having massive jew-run corporations that are about as powerful as small nations, and use that power for nefarious purposes against the best wishes of the population. Or I might critique capitalism for inherently being amoral and just being "anything is okay so long as it sells". That's how you get shit like pornography, which is a lucrative industry, but it also sells mental poison that is completely destroying normal human relationships and causing addictions and all sorts of other bad downstream effects.

>taxpayer backed student consumer base
they shoudl pick one

Most of the best universities are in america. Almost none, if any at all, are in canada. America is a world leader in tech while canada is mostly forgotten.

One trick I did was I borrowed the textbook from the library and used one of those book scanners to scan all the changed parts (mostly problems at the end of the chapter). It takes like an hour to do if you're efficient, but you save a ton of money.

>be American
>pay 200 USD for a American edition
>pay 20 for international edition (not available in America)

Cubans eat rice all the time.

>Cubans eat

Good joke.

They "update" them every year.

It's unironically because university is so expensive.
For a young person, that's the most money they have ever spent at one point in their life, period.
University also fucking sucks and is generally a miserable experience.
When you drop several hundred thousand dollars at once for something that, at the time, is painful and unpleasant, it's easy to walk right out of a university bookstore with $1000 worth of textbooks in both hands and think "maybe money is fucking bullshit."

Yea, lib gen is great but often times you also need the code, which comes with a digital book. It's great when the prof doesn't make you do stuff online though.

Because if they can't be rich and famous like they've been sold they don't want anybody else to be. Shallow narcissistic fucks.

that's the real problem here. you had to waste time bypassing a bad system that you could have better spent elsewhere, when it could have been simplified. the only ones who suffer from an institutional change are the textbook companies, who, let's be honest, woefully undercut education in the united states. take one look at the public school system and you'll see the massive discredit bad textbooks and bad teachers do to children.

surely it has nothing to do with a college textbooks being a crooked jewish scam and perhaps one of the first moments of redpill. "Wait, this book costs 150 dollars, and publishers began putting content on online paywalls to try to diminish/destroy the used books market?"

The pin is usually just a bit cheaper than the book.

Most whiny social media millennials grew up in middle class households where their parents had disposable income and never told them no or disciplined them. Once they move out of home and the free shit stops flowing, they don't know how to fend for themselves. Bernie Sanders is brilliant for noticing and campaigning on a "free shit for everyone" ticket

They are a scam. Almost all college textbooks are under the control of two companies.


this seems like a wonderful environment for learning, subsidized by a socialist government through and through. surely, it is capitalism's fault, my friends.

To those who suggest just using piracy, let's just apply this strategy to other parts of our education system.

>Oh I know! to cut public school spending, we'll just buy one textbook and make a copy ofmit for every student! It's perfect! It definitely solves the entire problem!

They make you read journal articles as well which are available online for free as a student of the uni.
Some classes you can get a "reader" which is a massive bound book full of all the articles printed off the net for $30-$40.

This was ten years ago for me so it might have changed.

government decides to only pay universities a reasonable amount of money.
the wonders of muh ebil socialism.

>giving a shit about public schooling the second you graduate